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Game of January 11, 2012 at 20:09, 3 players
1. 588 pts raggedy01
2. 446 pts scrab21
3. 289 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehlnru   H4    26    26   hauler
 2. efgmnor   5B    78   104   forgeman
 3. deilrtv   4A    36   140   vide
 4. acenrst   8H    83   223   encastre
 5. dfimosu   K5    52   275   fumados
 6. adjlost  J10    57   332   jotas
 7. ?aaeirz   M2    86   418   zaratite
 8. deegiov   N1    39   457   doge
 9. aehnttx  13E    73   530   xanthate
10. eeinops  10B    77   607   peonies
11. abeiiny   L1    49   656   baye
12. ?aiiinu  M11    42   698   nisi
13. cdegipu  14B    44   742   cupid
14. abnortv   O7    64   806   bevatron
15. aeikoty  15F    37   843   okay
16. egilltw   6C    26   869   weil
17. eoqrtuw   D8    48   917   quote
18. giilorw   C2    24   941   widow

Remaining tiles: gillor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6143 Fileraggedy01   7 17:21  -353  588     1.6143 raggedy01   7 17:21  -353  588 
  2.6375 Filescrab21     1 15:40  -495  446     2.6375 scrab21     1 15:40  -495  446 
  3.5254 Filecailah      1  9:33  -652  289            Group: novice
                                             1.5254 cailah      1  9:33  -652  289 

On 1st draw, HAULER H4 26 --- HAULER one that hauls [n]
Other tops: HALERU H4 26
Other moves: HALER H4 24, HALERU H3 20, HALERU H7 20, HALERU H8 20, HAULER H3 20
HALER H4 24 cailah

On 2nd draw, FORGEMAN 5B 78 --- FORGEMAN an iron worker [n]
Other moves: FORGEMEN 8D 68, FORGEMEN 8B 65, FORAMEN 5E 48, MEGARON 5E 40, MONGER G3 28
FORGEMAN 5B 78 raggedy01
FORM I3 24 cailah

On 3rd draw, VIDE 4A 36 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: VILE 4A 33, VITE 4A 33, HIVED 4H 26, TRIFLED B2 26, VENTIL I3 26
DIVERT D1 24 raggedy01

On 4th draw, ENCASTRE 8H 83 --- ENCASTRE of a beam, fixed at the ends [adj]
Other tops: ENCASTRE 8A 83
Other moves: CANTERS 10B 77, CARNETS 10B 77, TRANCES 10B 77, NECTARS 10B 73, RECANTS 10B 73
CANTERS 10B 77 raggedy01
TRACES 10C 24 scrab21
CRATES 10C 20 cailah

On 5th draw, FUMADOS K5 52 --- FUMADO a smoked fish [n]
Other moves: UFOS 6A 39, IFS 6A 35, UFO 6A 35, FUM 6D 33, SIF 6D 33
OF 6E 29 scrab21
MOUSED O4 12 cailah
COD J8 10 raggedy01

On 6th draw, JOTAS J10 57 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JATOS J10 57, JOLTS J10 57
Other moves: JATO J10 54, JOLS J10 54, JOLT J10 54, JOTA J10 54, JOTS J10 54
JOLTS J10 57 cailah, scrab21, raggedy01

On 7th draw, ZARA(T)ITE M2 86 --- ZARATITE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ATRAZI(N)E M7 86
Other moves: TRA(P)EZIA M8 84, ARA(B)IZE G9 70, ZARATI(T)E M4 68, ARA(B)IZES 14C 66, ZA(N)IER L1 55
ZEA I13 45 cailah
ZA I13 44 raggedy01
RAZER N8 34 scrab21

On 8th draw, DOGE N1 39 --- DOGE the chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa [n]
Other tops: OGEE N2 39
Other moves: VOE N1 36, DOG N1 35, GOD N1 35, ODE N2 35, DOE N1 32
DOGE N1 39 raggedy01
GOD N1 35 scrab21

On 9th draw, XANTHATE 13E 73 --- XANTHATE a salt of xanthic acid [n]
Other moves: HATE L1 44, AXE O3 40, AX O3 39, EX O3 39, TEXT L10 35
AXE O3 40 scrab21

On 10th draw, PEONIES 10B 77 --- PEONY a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: OPSIN M11 52, EOSINE O1 50, PESO M11 50, PISE M11 50, PISO M11 50
XANTHATES 13E 38 scrab21, cailah
IOS O1 34 raggedy01

On 11th draw, BAYE L1 49 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: BANE L1 40, BANI L1 40, BEANY 11A 38, INBY 11B 38, NABE L1 38
BEANY 11A 38 raggedy01
BAY 12D 30 cailah
YEN 12L 22 scrab21

On 12th draw, NI(S)I M11 42 --- NISI not yet final [adj]
Other tops: ANI(S) O1 42, I(S)NA M12 42
Other moves: AI(S) M11 40, IN(S) M11 40, NA(S) M11 40, NI(S) M11 40, NU(S) M11 40
(S)IN M13 40 scrab21
AN O1 28 cailah
(M)AN 12D 15 raggedy01

On 13th draw, CUPID 14B 44 --- CUPID a naked, winged representation of the Roman god of love [n]
Other moves: DUPE 3B 34, PUDGE 12A 33, DUP 3B 32, GUP 3B 32, CIDE 14D 29
CUPID 14B 44 raggedy01
DIG 14D 25 scrab21
PIECED O6 11 cailah

On 14th draw, BEVATRON O7 64 --- BEVATRON a proton accelerator [n]
Other moves: AN O1 28, ON O1 28, NABOB 1H 27, BORNA 11A 26, BANT 11D 24
ORB 15F 19 scrab21, raggedy01

On 15th draw, OKAY 15F 37 --- OKAY to approve [v]
Other tops: OAKY 15F 37
Other moves: KA N10 35, KI N10 35, KO N10 35, KETA L12 32, KETE L12 32
OAKY 15F 37 raggedy01
KO N10 35 scrab21

On 16th draw, WEIL 6C 26 --- WEIL a whirlpool [n]
Other tops: WIEL 9C 26
Other moves: EXIT E12 23, SEW L8 23, WET 11D 23, GEIT 6C 22, GLIFT B2 22
EWE F5 14 scrab21

On 17th draw, QUOTE D8 48 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: OUTHAULERS H1 39, QUO(T)E 6J 35, QUOIF B1 34, OWRE 9F 26, QUEERER D1 26
QUOTE D8 48 raggedy01
QUOTE 9A 26 scrab21

On 18th draw, WIDOW C2 24 --- WIDOW to deprive of a husband [v]
Other moves: SOW L8 23, LOWING I1 22, ROWING I1 22, OWING I2 21, WOS 14H 21
WIDOW C2 24 raggedy01
NO E10 8 scrab21

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