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Game of January 12, 2012 at 12:03, 4 players
1. 615 pts PIThompson
2. 538 pts Stranger
3. 535 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abfggr   H4    26    26   frabs
 2. eeilptz   5G    36    62   pretzel
 3. eknrstu   N3    39   101   tusker
 4. ghiloss   O1    37   138   shog
 5. ellnors   O8    80   218   enrolls
 6. aijmopt  14I    40   258   jampots
 7. eeinorr  10H    62   320   ornerier
 8. cehoqrt  15G    45   365   chore
 9. ?abnuyy  11D    29   394   yabby
10. deiotvx  12A    57   451   vitex
11. cdilnos  A10    33   484   covins
12. addeino   1H    83   567   adenoids
13. adennoq  13A    32   599   inane
14. aefgitu   8A    86   685   fatigues
15. eloqtvw   2F    33   718   vowel
16. agimtuw   6H    27   745   amia
17. agiiiuw   9K    21   766   wag
18. adiituu  13L    22   788   udal
19. diiiqtu  12I    40   828   quid

Remaining tiles: iit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7765 FilePIThompson  8 13:33  -213  615     1.7765 PIThompson  8 13:33  -213  615 
  2.7097 FileStranger    2 12:53  -290  538     2.7097 Stranger    2 12:53  -290  538 
  3.6836 Fileuna         3 18:07  -293  535            Group: intermediate
  4.5257 Filecailah      0  6:46  -727  101     1.6836 una         3 18:07  -293  535 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5257 cailah      0  6:46  -727  101 

On 1st draw, FRAB(S) H4 26 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other tops: F*GG(Y) H4 26, F(U)BAR H4 26
Other moves: BAGG(E)R H4 24, BARF(S) H4 24, BRAGG(Y) H4 24, B(E)GGAR H4 24, FRAG(S) H4 24
F*GG(Y) H4 26 PIThompson
BAGG(E)R H4 24 Stranger, una

On 2nd draw, PRETZEL 5G 36 --- PRETZEL a glazed, salted cracker [n]
Other moves: AIZLE 6H 34, ZEAL 6F 33, PRIZE 5G 32, ZEA 6F 32, PIZE G1 30
ZEAL 6F 33 PIThompson, Stranger, una

On 3rd draw, TUSKER N3 39 --- TUSKER an animal with tusks [n]
Other moves: KENTS N1 37, KERNS N1 37, KNURS N1 37, KNUTS N1 37, NERKS N1 37
TUSKER N3 39 una
TREKS N1 37 Stranger, PIThompson

On 4th draw, SHOG O1 37 --- SHOG to move along [v]
Other moves: SHIRS 8K 36, SHORL 8K 36, HORI 8L 33, HORS 8L 33, GHIS O1 32
SHORL 8K 36 Stranger
SHIRS 8K 36 una, PIThompson

On 5th draw, ENROLLS O8 80 --- ENROLL to enter the name of in a register, record, or roll [v]
Other moves: RELLENOS L1 70, ENROLLS M8 68, RELLENOS L4 68, ENROLLS G8 60, NEROLS O7 29
ONERS O6 29 PIThompson, Stranger
LENS O7 20 una

On 6th draw, JAMPOTS 14I 40 --- JAMPOT a jar for jam [n]
Other moves: OJIME L1 30, OPTIMA M8 29, PATIOS 14J 28, PATOIS 14J 28, AMIA 6H 27
JAMPOTS 14I 40 PIThompson, una
P*M M7 23 Stranger

On 7th draw, ORNERIER 10H 62 --- ORNERY stubborn and mean spirited [adj]
Other moves: ONERIER G8 60, RORIE 15H 38, IRONE 15G 30, NORI 15H 27, RONE 15H 27
RORIE 15H 38 PIThompson
IRONE 15G 30 una
RORE 15H 27 Stranger

On 8th draw, CHORE 15G 45 --- CHORE to do small jobs [v]
Other moves: HECTOR 15E 44, QOPH L12 44, QOPH G3 38, ECHO 15F 36, HORE 15H 36
CHORE 15G 45 Stranger, PIThompson
HOTE 15H 36 una

On 9th draw, YAB(B)Y 11D 29 --- YABBY a small freshwater crayfish [n] --- YABBY to fish for yabbies [v]
Other tops: BY(W)AY 11D 29, YA(B)BY 11D 29
Other moves: BAYY(A)N 11C 28, BEANY L4 28, B(A)YYAN 11C 28, YEU(K)Y L4 28, AE(R)Y I4 27
YAP(S) L12 26 Stranger, PIThompson
BUNTY J2 24 una

On 10th draw, VITEX 12A 57 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other moves: DOXIE 12C 50, DETOX 12A 49, VEX 12C 45, VOX 12C 45, EXO 12D 43
VITEX 12A 57 PIThompson
DETOX 12A 49 una
DEX 9K 41 Stranger

On 11th draw, COVINS A10 33 --- COVIN a conspiracy to injure or defraud [n]
Other moves: CIDS 10B 30, CODS 10B 30, COPS L12 30, DSO 10D 29, ICONS 10A 29
COVINS A10 33 PIThompson
COINS B10 26 Stranger
VINO A12 21 una

On 12th draw, ADENOIDS 1H 83 --- ADENOID an enlarged lymphoid growth behind the pharynx [n]
Other moves: ADENOID(S) 8A 80, ADONI(S)ED 8C 61, ANODI(S)ED 8C 60, DOPA L12 28, DOPE L12 28
ANE 13C 26 PIThompson, Stranger
ONE 13C 26 una

On 13th draw, INANE 13A 32 --- INANE empty space [n] --- INANE nonsensical [adj]
Other moves: DOPA L12 28, DOPE L12 28, ANE 13C 26, NAPE L12 26, NOPE L12 26
INANE 13A 32 PIThompson
ONE 13C 26 Stranger, una
DEN 11K 18 cailah

On 14th draw, FATIGUE(S) 8A 86 --- FATIGUE to weary [v]
Other moves: FATIGUE 2B 82, FAUT 2J 34, GIF 2H 34, TEF 2H 32, FAE 2J 31
GIF 2H 34 PIThompson
EF 2I 29 una
FE 2J 28 Stranger
FATE 2F 20 cailah

On 15th draw, VOWEL 2F 33 --- VOWEL a type of speech sound [n] --- VOWEL to use as a speech sound [v]
Other moves: VOLET 2F 27, LOPE L12 26, OLPE L12 26, TOPE L12 26, TWELVE L3 26
OW 13L 24 PIThompson, una
QI M9 21 Stranger
QAT B7 12 cailah

On 16th draw, AMIA 6H 27 --- AMIA a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: MAGI M7 22, WITGAT C3 22, WAG 9K 21, GARUM L8 20, MAL 13M 20
WAG 9K 21 PIThompson
AM 6K 19 Stranger
DEW I1 11 una

On 17th draw, WAG 9K 21 --- WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro [v]
Other moves: WIGGA E5 20, BUG 7H 17, CHOREA 15G 17, PA L14 17, GAL 13M 16
GI 7K 16 PIThompson
ZAG K5 13 Stranger, cailah
WARE 8L 11 una

On 18th draw, UDAL 13L 22 --- UDAL a Scottish estate without feudal superior [n]
Other tops: AD 11J 22
Other moves: ABUT 7G 20, AT 11J 18, UT 11J 18, ADIT 9C 17, BUD 7H 17
AD 11J 22 Stranger, PIThompson, una
AT 11J 18 cailah

On 19th draw, QUID 12I 40 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: DIQUAT B4 36, QUIT 12I 36, QUAD B6 34, QUAI B6 33, QUAT B6 33
QUID 12I 40 PIThompson
DIQUAT B4 36 Stranger
QUAD B6 34 una
DUIT 12I 20 cailah

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