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Game sheet of tonikay (file), Game of January 13, 2012 at 02:39

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEOTUW W(H)ET H5 12 -58 12 1/1 OUTWEE(D) H8 70 70 1/1
2 ADEMSST             DEMASTS 15B 119 189 2/2
3 ?ADILMS             MEDALIS(T) 13G 80 269 2/2
4 AFINORS             FARINOSE C8 74 343 2/2
5 BDEEIRU             DEBRUISE M7 66 409 2/2
6 BEILNTV             EVENT 8K 36 445 2/2
7 INOOQRX             XI 14J 52 497 2/2
8 ACEGIOU             CAFE 8A 30 527 2/2
9 ACEEHIP             CHEAPIE I2 71 598 2/2
10 AIKORTY             KARYOTIN N1 87 685 2/2
11 ABEGNOY             YAE O1 49 734 2/2
12 AHNOOTW             WHOA J1 40 774 3/3
13 AEGLRTU             REGULATE D1 70 844 4/4
14 EIIJOOP             OPIOID B10 38 882 4/4
15 DEFLNOT             TENFOLD G2 67 949 4/4
16 BGGILOR             BIOG M2 33 982 4/4
17 GLNQRUZ             ZING 12A 48 1030 4/4
18 JLNNNRU             JUT 10F 26 1056 5/5

Total: 12/1056 or -1044 for 1.136%
Rank: -

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