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Game of January 13, 2012 at 03:23, 2 players
1. 303 pts iwhist
2. 294 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimrsuv   H4    28    28   murvas
 2. ?achors   4A    84   112   caschrom
 3. ?aehlno   A4    86   198   chalones
 4. beenrtt   8G    61   259   battener
 5. beiknot  11A    76   335   steinbok
 6. aenortz   D6    86   421   notarize
 7. ddeertu  14D    82   503   detrude
 8. eeegoos   O8    57   560   soogee
 9. eiopsty  15I    94   654   isotype
10. aacfruy  12H    43   697   yarfa
11. dejmnov   M3    38   735   enmoved
12. afijlqw  N10    62   797   jaw
13. aiiilpu   L3    26   823   paul
14. aceiilu  B10    24   847   atelic
15. dfiiilu   C7    29   876   dif
16. gilnqux   B6    55   931   xi
17. ggiilnq   C2    24   955   qis
18. giilnuw   N2    23   978   iwi

Remaining tiles: ggilnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6704 Fileiwhist      0  8:25  -675  303     1.6704 iwhist      0  8:25  -675  303 
  2.4984 FileBiddy       0 20:02  -684  294            Group: not rated
                                             1.4984 Biddy       0 20:02  -684  294 

On 1st draw, MURVAS H4 28 --- MURVA a bowstring hemp [n]
Other moves: MAVIS H4 26, MIRVS H4 26, MURVA H4 26, MURVAS H3 24, MURVAS H7 24
MAIRS H4 20 iwhist

On 2nd draw, CAS(C)HROM 4A 84 --- CASCHROM a type of spade [n]
Other moves: MACH(Z)ORS 4H 80, MO(N)ARCHS 4H 80, CAM(P)HORS 4F 78, SHAMROC(K) 4E 78, (C)ASCHROM 4A 78
A(N)CHORS 8H 12 Biddy

On 3rd draw, CHALONE(S) A4 86 --- CHALONE a hormone [n]
Other moves: HALA(Z)ONE B1 74, EULA(C)HON 5G 72, HALO(G)EN I9 72, HALO(G)EN G8 69, ANE(T)HOL G9 67
LEACH A1 30 Biddy

On 4th draw, BATTENER 8G 61 --- BATTENER one that battens [n]
Other moves: BURETTE 5G 22, BETTER B8 21, BUNTER 5G 20, BURNET 5G 20, BUTENE 5G 20
BETTER 6C 10 Biddy

On 5th draw, (S)TEINBOK 11A 76 --- STEINBOK an African antelope [n]
Other moves: STEINBOK C4 68, BETOKEN M3 38, BETOKEN M7 34, BETHINK E1 32, REITBOK N8 30
KNOB L7 10 Biddy

On 6th draw, NOTARIZE D6 86 --- NOTARIZE to certify through a notary [v]
Other moves: KRANZ H11 57, ERSATZ C2 50, ZANIER D8 50, ZOEAE C9 48, OZAENA B2 45
ZA 3B 37 iwhist
KNOT H11 9 Biddy

On 7th draw, DETRUDE 14D 82 --- DETRUDE to thrust out [v]
Other moves: RETUNDED L4 70, REDED 14B 41, TEDDER 14A 39, TEDDER 14B 39, UDDER 14B 37
DEED 14A 31 iwhist
T*RD 14A 29 Biddy

On 8th draw, SOOGEE O8 57 --- SOOGEE to clean ships with a special cleaning agent [v]
Other moves: OGEES O4 54, GEESE O5 51, GOOSE O5 51, EGOS O5 48, GEES O5 48
GOOSE O5 51 iwhist

On 9th draw, ISOTYPE 15I 94 --- ISOTYPE a type of diagram [n]
Other moves: ISOTYPE 12F 89, PEYOTIST J4 73, PEYOTIST J1 67, PESTY 15H 59, PIETY 15H 59
POTSY 15H 59 Biddy
YOS B6 31 iwhist

On 10th draw, YARFA 12H 43 --- YARFA a peat-bog [n]
Other moves: YUFT B8 38, YAAR N10 35, RAFT B8 32, YAR N10 32, YAR B6 31
YAR B6 31 iwhist
CURRY F2 24 Biddy

On 11th draw, ENMOVED M3 38 --- ENMOVE to affect emotionally [v]
Other moves: JEE C9 37, JOE C9 37, MENUDO 5E 36, VENOMED M3 36, DAEMON B3 34
JO 3B 31 iwhist
MOVED M5 17 Biddy

On 12th draw, JAW N10 62 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JA N10 53, WAFT B8 38, JA C7 36, JIFF K10 34, QAT J6 32
JA 3B 31 iwhist
JAIL B3 22 Biddy

On 13th draw, PAUL L3 26 --- PAUL an obsolete papal coin [n]
Other tops: PIAL L3 26
Other moves: UP N5 24, PRIAL 10C 23, LIPA L1 22, PIA L3 22, PILAU N1 22
UP N5 24 iwhist
PUMA 5K 16 Biddy

On 14th draw, ATELIC B10 24 --- ATELIC pertaining to a type of verb form [adj]
Other moves: CAVIE 7F 22, LACE N1 22, LICE N1 22, LUCE N1 22, EAU 14L 21
CAY M13 16 iwhist

On 15th draw, DIF C7 29 --- DIF short for difference [n]
Other moves: DIF B6 25, IF 11K 25, DIFF K10 22, DUFF K10 22, FLIED 13A 21
FLIT J5 9 Biddy

On 16th draw, XI B6 55 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU B6 55
Other moves: QUAIL B2 41, QUAI B2 31, XI 13L 27, XU 13L 27, LOX 6L 26
QUILT J4 16 Biddy

On 17th draw, QIS C2 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS 9F 18, GIG N1 16, IGG N1 16, IN 11K 16, GHI E3 14
QI 14A 11 Biddy

On 18th draw, IWI N2 23 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: UG N5 20, WIG N1 20, WIRING F2 20, GNU N3 18, NU 14M 17
WIRING F2 20 Biddy

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