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Game of January 13, 2012 at 05:39, 3 players
1. 136 pts jimbo
2. 131 pts Gypsylady
3. 81 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahottuv   H8    24    24   tuath
 2. ?enprsw  13H    87   111   spawner
 3. ?efginu  11D    94   205   refuting
 4. aefllqs   O8    42   247   fellas
 5. adimrrt  14I    23   270   am
 6. aabdlop   D5    80   350   lapboard
 7. addeiny   8A    39   389   daybed
 8. ceiortw   4D   106   495   cowrite
 9. aegghns  15H    48   543   gnash
10. abekrrx  14L    39   582   axe
11. beiortv   B8    80   662   abortive
12. deeiknt  15A    42   704   deek
13. eilnott   6A    62   766   tonalite
14. aeiinoz   N5    48   814   azione
15. ceooruu   K4    29   843   roucou
16. egijoqr   O1    45   888   rejig
17. einorvy   2J    34   922   venire
18. iimoqsy   L2    47   969   nosy

Remaining tiles: iimq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5890 Filejimbo       0  8:02  -833  136     1.6863 Gypsylady   0  7:58  -838  131 
  2.6863 FileGypsylady   0  7:58  -838  131     2.6660 charmz      0  4:05  -888   81 
  3.6660 Filecharmz      0  4:05  -888   81            Group: novice
                                             1.5890 jimbo       0  8:02  -833  136 

On 1st draw, TUATH H8 24 --- TUATH a people (Irish history) [n]
Other moves: TAHOU H4 18, TAHOU H8 18, TUATH H4 18, TAHOU H5 16, TAHOU H6 16

On 2nd draw, SP(A)WNER 13H 87 --- SPAWNER one that spawns [n]
Other tops: ENWR(A)PS 13B 87
Other moves: PREW(Y)NS 13B 83, P(A)WNERS 13B 83, PRESH(O)WN 12D 80, ENWR(A)PS I4 75, PRAWNE(R)S 10F 70

On 3rd draw, (R)EFUTING 11D 94 --- REFUTE to prove to be false or erroneous [v]
Other tops: FEUT(R)ING 11E 94, F(A)NTIGUE 11E 94
Other moves: GUNFIRE(S) N8 76, UNGIFTE(D) 11C 72, FEAGUIN(G) 10F 71, FEA(G)UING 10F 71, FEU(D)ING I4 69

On 4th draw, FELLAS O8 42 --- FELLA a man or boy [n]
Other moves: FLARES N10 34, FEARS N10 32, FLARE N10 32, EQUALS 9F 26, LASQUE 9D 26

On 5th draw, AM 14I 23 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other moves: DIRAM G5 21, DIRAM I5 21, MAID N6 21, RIMA 10E 21, RIMA N7 21

On 6th draw, LAPBOA(R)D D5 80 --- LAPBOARD a flat board used as a table or desk [n]
Other moves: APODAL 15F 37, APODAL 15D 35, APODAL 15J 34, LABDA 15F 34, PODAL 15G 34

On 7th draw, DAYBED 8A 39 --- DAYBED a couch that can be converted into a bed [n]
Other tops: DYAD 15H 39
Other moves: DANDY 15E 38, NEDDY 15E 38, DAINED 15D 36, DENAY 15G 36, ADDY 15F 35

On 8th draw, COWRITE 4D 106 --- COWRITE to collaborate in writing [v]
Other moves: COWRITE 15F 98, COWRITE N2 83, COWRITE N4 83, COWRITE I2 66, COWIER 4D 54

On 9th draw, GNASH 15H 48 --- GNASH to grind the teeth together [v]
Other moves: SHAG 15H 36, GNASH 15E 35, HAGGS 15E 35, SANGH 15E 35, GNASH 13A 34
HANGS 15E 32 jimbo

On 10th draw, AXE 14L 39 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: BARKER K2 37, BARKER 3H 35, BRAKE K3 35, BREAK K3 35, BARK K2 33
XI H3 9 jimbo

On 11th draw, ABORTIVE B8 80 --- ABORTIVE failing to succeed [adj]
Other moves: ABORTIVE 6D 73, OVERBITE J2 71, VIBIER H1 33, VERB K2 31, OVERT K1 29

On 12th draw, DEEK 15A 42 --- DEEK look at that [interj]
Other moves: TEEK 15A 39, KEENED 15A 36, KENTED 15A 36, KENTED 3H 35, KETENE 15A 33
KEENED 15A 36 jimbo

On 13th draw, TONALITE 6A 62 --- TONALITE a coarse rock [n]
Other moves: LOONIE E3 22, TOONIE E3 22, ATONAL 10D 21, LIONET 3H 21, LITTEN 3H 21
TOILET 3J 14 jimbo

On 14th draw, AZIONE N5 48 --- AZIONE a musical composition [n]
Other moves: IONIZE H1 45, ZA 15N 45, ZO 15N 45, ZEIN N6 40, ZOEA N6 40
ZO 15N 45 Gypsylady
ZA 15N 45 jimbo

On 15th draw, ROUCOU K4 29 --- ROUCOU a yellowish red dye [n]
Other moves: COURE K1 27, COOER O1 26, COURE O1 26, CERO K2 25, CORE K2 25
COW F2 14 Gypsylady

On 16th draw, REJIG O1 45 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: ROJI H1 33, J*W F2 29, JOW F2 29, JIG I7 28, JOE 3E 28
JOE 3E 28 charmz
JUG 9G 21 Gypsylady

On 17th draw, VENIRE 2J 34 --- VENIRE a type of judicial writ [n]
Other moves: INVERT A1 30, RENY J3 30, VIRENT A1 30, ENVOY M1 29, IVORY M1 29
ENVY M2 27 charmz
IVY M3 25 Gypsylady

On 18th draw, NOSY L2 47 --- NOSY a prying person [n] --- NOSY unduly curious [adj]
Other moves: SIM L4 44, SOM L4 44, NYS L2 40, NISI L2 38, NIS L2 34
MY 15N 26 charmz, Gypsylady

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