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Game of January 13, 2012 at 23:23, 1 player
1. 24 pts Gypsylady

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeepru   H3    72    72   epurate
 2. acdittu   2H    24    96   ducat
 3. aaensty   4H    84   180   peasanty
 4. agimnpw   K4   114   294   swamping
 5. adeflqs   O1    39   333   flayed
 6. begjors   J6    54   387   jo
 7. ahlrrtu   8K    33   420   prahu
 8. ?iilnoo  11D    66   486   folioing
 9. aceemqs   5D    36   522   masque
10. beertuw   4A    36   558   bewet
11. beiklrt   A1    42   600   kibble
12. adenooy  12D    31   631   yead
13. efghior   G7    36   667   feh
14. einortv   M4    67   734   nervation
15. doorrst  13I    42   776   doors
16. ilnortt   3A    22   798   bro
17. iinosvz   7A    39   837   sozin
18. egirtuv   M3    28   865   enervations
19. giinttx  14H    54   919   tix
20. cginrtu  15E    31   950   cutin

Remaining tiles: ggilrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6875 FileGypsylady   0  1:56  -926   24     1.6875 Gypsylady   0  1:56  -926   24 

On 1st draw, EPURA(T)E H3 72 --- EPURATE to purify [v]
Other tops: PU(G)AREE H4 72, P(L)EURAE H4 72
Other moves: EPURA(T)E H2 68, EPURA(T)E H4 68, EPURA(T)E H6 68, EPURA(T)E H8 68, PU(G)AREE H3 68

On 2nd draw, DUCAT 2H 24 --- DUCAT any of several gold coins formerly used in Europe [n]
Other tops: DICTA 10H 24, DICTA 2H 24, DUCAT 10H 24
Other moves: ACID 10E 23, ACID 2E 23, CADI 10F 23, CADI 2F 23, DICT 10H 23

On 3rd draw, PEASANTY 4H 84 --- PEASANTY in the style of a peasant [adj]
Other moves: CYANATES J2 65, YATES 1K 35, YEANS 1K 35, YEAST 1K 35, YENTA 1K 35

On 4th draw, SWAMPING K4 114 --- SWAMP to inundate [v]
Other moves: YAWPING O4 48, YMPING O4 42, YAWING O4 39, PANIM 1K 37, MAWING G7 36

On 5th draw, FLAYED O1 39 --- FLAY to strip off skin or hide [v]
Other moves: FADES 1K 38, DELFS 1K 36, FALSE 1K 35, FEALS 1K 35, DEFY O1 33

On 6th draw, JO J6 54 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JERBOAS 6F 34, JERBOA 6F 33, JOBES 10D 31, PROBE 8K 30, PROBS 8K 30

On 7th draw, PRAHU 8K 33 --- PRAHU a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: TAHR I7 29, HURRA G7 26, HARL G7 25, HART G7 25, HURL G7 25
HAT G7 24 Gypsylady

On 8th draw, (F)OLIOING 11D 66 --- FOLIO to number the pages of [v]
Other moves: HOLONI(C) N8 22, OINO(M)EL 3C 18, INHOO(P) N6 17, OOHIN(G) N6 17, LINO(S) 10D 16

On 9th draw, MASQUE 5D 36 --- MASQUE a dramatic entertainment formerly popular in England [n]
Other tops: CASQUE 5D 36, SACQUE 5D 36
Other moves: AMESACE M8 28, CAMES 12A 28, MACES 12A 28, ACMES 12A 24, CAME 12A 24

On 10th draw, BEWET 4A 36 --- BEWET to wet [v]
Other moves: WEBER 12A 32, BERET 4A 30, BURET 4A 30, WERE 4A 30, REWET 4A 28

On 11th draw, KIBBLE A1 42 --- KIBBLE to grind coarsely [v]
Other moves: KIBBE A1 39, INBREAK M3 38, KIBEI G7 38, BILKER A4 36, KEB G7 36

On 12th draw, YEAD 12D 31 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DENAY 12A 29, DOYEN 7A 29, DAY G7 28, DENAY B6 28, DENY 12A 28

On 13th draw, FEH G7 36 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: BROG 3A 32, FOGIE B6 32, FORGE B6 32, FEH B6 30, FOH B6 30

On 14th draw, NERVATION M4 67 --- NERVATION [n]
Other moves: INNOVATE M3 32, TOEIER B2 30, AVENIR M8 26, NEVI 6C 24, ORE 3C 24

On 15th draw, DOORS 13I 42 --- DOOR a movable barrier at an entranceway [n]
Other tops: DORRS 13I 42, DORTS 13I 42
Other moves: ODORS 13I 40, ORDOS 13I 40, ROODS 13I 40, ROTORS 13H 40, TRODS 13I 40

On 16th draw, BRO 3A 22 --- BRO a place of longing [n]
Other tops: ONIE B1 22
Other moves: OR 3C 19, LOTI 6C 18, NORI 6C 18, NOTT 6C 18, RONT 6C 18

On 17th draw, SOZIN 7A 39 --- SOZIN a type of protein [n]
Other moves: VISION 14F 28, ZIN 1K 27, SOV 7A 25, SOZIN 14F 25, VINOS 14F 25

On 18th draw, ENERVATIONS M3 28 --- ENERVATION [n]
Other moves: ERUV L12 26, UNROVE J10 23, GIVER 14F 22, GLAIVE F10 22, IURE 2A 20

On 19th draw, TIX 14H 54 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: NIX 14H 54
Other moves: XI 14J 52, LANX F11 27, OX J13 25, HEX 9G 21, TOXIN B6 20

On 20th draw, CUTIN 15E 31 --- CUTIN a waxy substance found on plants [n]
Other moves: CIG 15G 29, UNRIG 15E 29, CRIT 15F 28, CUIT 15F 28, TRIG 15F 26

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