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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of January 14, 2012 at 00:11

Word find
Word played
1 EHILORW WHILE H4 30 -2 30 1/1 HOWLER H4 32 32 1/1
2 AEGILOT GETA G3 19 -5 49 1/1 TOGAE G3 24 56 1/1
3 BEKNOPR BROKEN F7 27 -20 76 1/1 NEK F4 47 103 1/1
4 AENNOSW AWES 10E 28 -1 104 1/1 SOWNE 10H 29 132 1/1
5 DEIORRT DOER 11I 24 -37 128 1/1 TORRIDER 9A 61 193 1/1
6 ?AAFLNT F(E)AT 11I 27 -56 155 1/1 FL(O)ATANT A5 83 276 1/1
7 ADJLNTU JAUNT K7 24 -5 179 1/1 JUNTA B1 29 305 1/1
8 DDEINRT DOD B8 19 -53 198 1/1 DENDRITE L3 72 377 1/1
9 AEFIOVZ ZOEA M2 36 -6 234 1/1 FRIZE D8 42 419 1/1
10 ALRSTUY ARTY E11 38 -7 272 1/1 SAURY 13A 45 464 1/1
11 EGILNOQ ONY E11 36   308 1/1       500 1/1
12 AEEHIPT OH B9 26 -11 334 1/1 HEAP C2 37 537 1/1
13 ?CIMOOS MOOS 11I 36 -48 370 1/1 OSMO(T)IC M9 84 621 1/1
14 ADEERSU RACED 15K 27 -6 397 1/1 REDUCES 15I 33 654 1/1
15 AABIMVY MAY 14H 31 -51 428 1/1 JAMBIYA 1B 82 736 1/1
16 ABEEILP BEEP 14G 26 -7 454 1/2 BLEEP 14F 33 769 1/2
17 ACGGILV VAIL M1 22 -11 476 1/2 VIRGA C7 33 802 1/2
18 CGILTUV GLIT M1 18 -2 494 1/2 CUIT M1 20 822 1/2
19 GIILOVX COX 1M 36   530 1/2       858 1/2

Total: 530/858 or -328 for 61.77%
Rank: 7084

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