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Game of January 14, 2012 at 03:18, 3 players
1. 387 pts Biddy
2. 125 pts charmz
3. 84 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehipsy   H8    34    34   heapy
 2. afimnrt  12C    28    62   ramify
 3. ailmnrs   I4    71   133   marlins
 4. aanpstv   H1    40   173   pavan
 5. addnoot  11E    27   200   atop
 6. dennstu   2H    72   272   astunned
 7. aciinrt   K2    70   342   uranitic
 8. ?fggjlu   4K    44   386   aflaj
 9. ceikoty   O4    66   452   jockey
10. degloos  10L    33   485   degs
11. aegiotz   C9    48   533   zaire
12. beeloqt  10B    32   565   qat
13. ?belorw   M7    82   647   rebellow
14. beioruu   1L    31   678   euoi
15. eilrstx  15H    55   733   ixtles
16. eghiorr   4A    88   821   hierogram
17. denouvw   A4    36   857   hoved
18. abdinot   3C    27   884   bota
19. deginuw   5C    35   919   dew
20. eginouu   6E    26   945   niger

Remaining tiles: ouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4966 FileBiddy       3 19:25  -558  387     1.7315 kellybelly  2  3:34  -861   84 
  2.6664 Filecharmz      1  3:10  -820  125            Group: intermediate
  3.7315 Filekellybelly  2  3:34  -861   84     1.6664 charmz      1  3:10  -820  125 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4966 Biddy       3 19:25  -558  387 

On 1st draw, HEAPY H8 34 --- HEAPY resembling a heap (a group of things piled one on another) [adj]
Other tops: HEAPY H4 34, HYPES H4 34
Other moves: YEAHS H4 30, APISH H8 28, HEAPS H4 28, HYPES H8 28, YIPES H4 28
PHASE H4 26 Biddy

On 2nd draw, RAMIFY 12C 28 --- RAMIFY to divide into branches [v]
Other tops: INFAMY 12C 28, RAFT G7 28, RAFT I7 28, RIFT I7 28
Other moves: FITNA I7 27, AFT G8 26, AFT I8 26, FARM G7 26, FARM I7 26
INFAMY 12C 28 Biddy

On 3rd draw, MARLINS I4 71 --- MARLIN a marine game fish [n]
Other moves: MARLINS G2 66, MARLINES 9B 63, MINERALS 9E 62, MISLEARN 9D 62, ALMS 11C 30
MINERALS 9E 12 Biddy

On 4th draw, PAVAN H1 40 --- PAVAN a slow, stately dance [n]
Other moves: SAPAN H1 31, NAPAS 11B 30, PAVANS J10 30, TAPAS 11B 30, PAVAN J10 29
PAVAN H1 40 Biddy

On 5th draw, ATOP 11E 27 --- ATOP being on or at the top [adj]
Other moves: DADO 11B 25, DODO 11B 25, DAD 11D 24, DOD 11D 24, DOONA 11A 24

On 6th draw, ASTUNNED 2H 72 --- ASTUN to astonish [v]
Other moves: DUET 13D 24, DUNT 13D 24, DUST 13D 24, UNDERNS 6E 23, SUET 13D 22
AMENDS 4H 18 Biddy

On 7th draw, URANITIC K2 70 --- URANITE a mineral [adj] --- URANITIC pertaining to uranite [adj]
Other moves: CLARINI 7H 26, NARIC G4 24, ACT 13E 23, CLART 7H 23, CLINT 7H 23
CATNIP 1C 11 Biddy

On 8th draw, AFL(A)J 4K 44 --- FALAJ water channel [n]
Other moves: F(I)GJAM 4D 36, GULF 13D 36, GU(L)F 13D 34, G(U)LF 13D 34, J(A)GG 10B 34
JUGGL(E)R C6 18 Biddy

On 9th draw, JOCKEY O4 66 --- JOCKEY to maneuver for an advantage [v]
Other moves: JOKEY O4 57, ICKY G6 40, YOCK G6 39, COKY G6 38, KYTE J10 38
JOCKEY O4 66 Biddy

On 10th draw, DEGS 10L 33 --- DEG to water plants (Yorkshire dialect), DEGGED, DEGGING, DEGS [v]
Other tops: DOGS 10L 33, GEDS 10L 33, GODS 10L 33
Other moves: ELDS 10L 32, LEGS 10L 32, LODS 10L 32, LOGS 10L 32, OLDS 10L 32
LODGERS C7 24 Biddy

On 11th draw, ZAIRE C9 48 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: GAZIER 6D 47, ZAG G7 37, ZETA 13B 37, ZATI 11K 34, AGRIZE C10 32

On 12th draw, QAT 10B 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: OBE 1M 30, BE 1N 25, BO 1N 25, BEER 6F 23, BEETLE M9 22
TE 1N 17 Biddy

On 13th draw, REBE(L)LOW M7 82 --- REBELLOW to bellow in return [v]
Other tops: REBEL(L)OW M7 82
Other moves: O(V)ERBLEW M8 74, BOWELE(D) M7 36, BOWERE(D) M7 36, OWE 1M 34, BLOW(I)ER 6C 30
OBE 1M 30 Biddy

On 14th draw, EUOI 1L 31 --- EUOI expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other tops: EURO 1L 31, IURE 1L 31
Other moves: OBE 1M 30, OBI 1M 30, OBE N12 26, BE 1N 25, BI 1N 25
OBE 1M 30 charmz, Biddy

On 15th draw, IXTLES 15H 55 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other moves: SEX 15M 43, SIX 15M 43, SILEX 12K 40, ILEX 12L 38, EXIST 13C 37
SIX 15M 43 charmz
TRIES 15I 19 Biddy

On 16th draw, HIEROGRAM 4A 88 --- HIEROGRAM
Other moves: HERIOT J10 33, HEIR J10 29, HERO J10 29, HIRE J10 29, HOER J10 29
RIGHT J11 17 Biddy
HOE L13 16 charmz

On 17th draw, HOVED A4 36 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HOVEN A4 33, OWED 3B 33, UNWIVED B1 32, DEW 5C 29, DOWNER 6D 29
HOVED A4 36 charmz
WOT D8 21 Biddy

On 18th draw, BOTA 3C 27 --- BOTA a leather bottle [n]
Other tops: BONA 3C 27, DOAB 3B 27
Other moves: *B* N12 26, BAD 3C 25, BOD 3C 25, DAB G7 25, DOAB G6 25
BOTA 3C 27 kellybelly

On 19th draw, DEW 5C 35 --- DEW to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v]
Other moves: NEW 5C 32, WIDE 14F 28, DEG 5C 27, GED 5C 27, WE 5E 26
DEW 5C 35 kellybelly

On 20th draw, NIGER 6E 26 --- NIGER a Negro [n]
Other moves: GOE 14H 22, GOER 6F 20, ONE N12 20, INGO 14F 19, RAMIFYING 12C 18
GOE 14H 22 kellybelly
TOWING E3 10 Biddy

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