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Game of January 15, 2012 at 23:13, 1 player
1. 231 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aillmt   H4    72    72   maillot
 2. adeoosy  11H    27    99   sayed
 3. aemrrtx  12K    48   147   retax
 4. ?bdiqru   N8    72   219   diquark
 5. eiknruu   8L    42   261   kudu
 6. beiossv   9D    66   327   oviboses
 7. ehintwy   8A    60   387   whey
 8. aginors  15H    94   481   origans
 9. aeeiint  13I    25   506   tinier
10. demoprt  14B    89   595   tromped
11. adeginr   5E    90   685   areading
12. abenotu  13C    35   720   about
13. einootz  12B    44   764   zoon
14. aalnprt   C1    72   836   parlante
15. ceeeilo   1C    33   869   police
16. achnovw   4L    34   903   avow
17. cefghin   4A    39   942   filch
18. eeefgjn   A1    51   993   jeff

Remaining tiles: eeegn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5725 FileAndy1990    0  9:48  -762  231     1.5725 Andy1990    0  9:48  -762  231 

On 1st draw, MAILL(O)T H4 72 --- MAILLOT a woman's one-piece bathing suit [n]
Other moves: MAILL(O)T H2 68, MAILL(O)T H3 68, MAILL(O)T H6 68, MAILL(O)T H8 68, MAILL(O)T H5 66

On 2nd draw, SAYED 11H 27 --- SAY to utter [v] --- SAYED a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary [n]
Other tops: YEADS 11D 27
Other moves: SAMOYED 4F 26, SOMEDAY 4F 26, DAYS 11E 25, DEYS 11E 25, DOYS 11E 25

On 3rd draw, RETAX 12K 48 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: EXAM 12J 46, TAXER 12I 46, AXE 12J 40, RETAX 12I 39, EXAM 12L 38

On 4th draw, DIQUAR(K) N8 72 --- DIQUARK a low energy configuration of two QUARKS [n]
Other moves: QUAD(S) N10 68, QUAIR N10 68, QUAIR(S) N10 68, QUA(Y)D N10 68, QUAI(L) N10 66

On 5th draw, KUDU 8L 42 --- KUDU a large antelope [n]
Other moves: KINE O5 33, KUNE O5 33, KURI O5 33, NUKE O5 33, KEN O7 32

On 6th draw, OVIB(O)SES 9D 66 --- OVIBOS the musk ox [n]
Other moves: VISE 15L 50, BISE 15L 44, BOSS 15L 44, BEVOR 13J 34, BOSSIER 13H 31

On 7th draw, WHEY 8A 60 --- WHEY the watery part of milk [n]
Other moves: THEW 8A 51, THEY 8A 51, WINY 8A 51, WITH 8A 51, TINY 8A 42

On 8th draw, ORIGANS 15H 94 --- ORIGAN marjoram [n]
Other tops: IGNAROS 15H 94
Other moves: ORANGISH B1 78, ORGANISM 4A 74, ROAMINGS 4E 72, ORGANISE C1 70, SOARING 13F 68

On 9th draw, TINIER 13I 25 --- TINY very small [adj]
Other moves: NEAR 13K 19, INTIMAE 4D 18, MATINEE 4H 18, MINIATE 4H 18, VENITE E9 18

On 10th draw, TROMPED 14B 89 --- TROMP to tramp [v]
Other moves: IMPORTED 6H 71, YOMPED D8 28, TROMPE G2 27, METOPE C3 26, TROMPE C3 26
MODEM 4H 20 Andy1990

On 11th draw, AREADING 5E 90 --- AREAD to declare [v]
GAED 15A 33 Andy1990

On 12th draw, ABOUT 13C 35 --- ABOUT approximately [adv]
Other moves: OUTBEAM 4B 30, TAUBE 13A 28, BEANO 13A 26, BEANO 4J 26, BEAUT 4J 26
ABOUT 4A 18 Andy1990

On 13th draw, ZOON 12B 44 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other tops: ZOOT 12B 44
Other moves: ZIT 15A 41, OOZE 4C 39, TOZE 4C 39, RIOTIZE F5 38, ZIN 10B 38
ZO 15A 35 Andy1990

On 14th draw, PARLANTE C1 72 --- PARLANTE sung in a manner suggestive of speech [adj]
Other moves: PLANTA 4A 26, ALAP 4L 24, ATAP 4L 24, PAAL 4J 24, PLANT 4A 22
PATIN J2 15 Andy1990

On 15th draw, POLICE 1C 33 --- POLICE to make clean or orderly [v]
Other moves: CEPE 1A 27, COPE 1A 27, ELPEE 1A 24, CEP 1A 21, COP 1A 21
COPE 1A 27 Andy1990

On 16th draw, AVOW 4L 34 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: WHANG L1 32, CHAW 10A 29, CHAW 2A 29, CHOW 10A 29, ANOW 4L 28
WHANG L1 32 Andy1990

On 17th draw, FILCH 4A 39 --- FILCH to pilfer [v]
Other moves: CHEW O1 36, NIEF 6G 33, FET 10F 31, FIT 10F 31, FE 6J 28
CHEW O1 36 Andy1990

On 18th draw, JEFF A1 51 --- JEFF to ruthlessly downsize an organisation [v]
Other moves: FETE 10F 35, FEEN 6J 34, FEE 6J 33, NIEF 6G 33, JEEING J2 32
JIG J4 15 Andy1990

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