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Game of January 16, 2012 at 19:18, 5 players
1. 631 pts mylover81
2. 452 pts ste11a
3. 219 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeimrt   H8    76    76   readmit
 2. ?ckooov   9F    75   151   overcook
 3. aenstuy  11A    74   225   unstayed
 4. agilmno   J4    67   292   gnomical
 5. ehlrstu  15F   116   408   hustler
 6. aeiortv   4F    82   490   ravigote
 7. aabceno   8A    41   531   beacon
 8. adillps   B2    84   615   illapsed
 9. ?iinqrt  D11    46   661   tranq
10. eiistyz   N2    63   724   zesty
11. aegipru   H1    30   754   garvie
12. beiinot   O1    28   782   bon
13. defioru   M3    34   816   deif
14. deinprt  13H    74   890   intrepid
15. aagiuwx  N10    46   936   wuxia
16. aefghio  12L    40   976   fox
17. aeegiij   O7    38  1014   ajee
18. eeghiuw   A1    43  1057   whee

Remaining tiles: giiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7289 Filemylover81   3 16:03  -426  631     1.7289 mylover81   3 16:03  -426  631 
  2.7286 Fileste11a      4  8:50  -605  452     2.7286 ste11a      4  8:50  -605  452 
  3.3582 Filelezaryne    0 20:15  -838  219            Group: intermediate
  4.6540 Filedannyboy    0  5:19  -895  162     1.6540 dannyboy    0  5:19  -895  162 
  5.4210 Fileluna1841    0  8:18  -918  139            Group: not rated
                                             1.3582 lezaryne    0 20:15  -838  219 
                                             2.4210 luna1841    0  8:18  -918  139 

On 1st draw, READMIT H8 76 --- ADMIT to allow to enter [v] --- READMIT to admit again [v]
Other moves: READMIT H2 72, READMIT H3 72, READMIT H4 72, READMIT H6 72, READMIT H7 72
MARTED H4 24 dannyboy
MIRED H4 22 mylover81
TRADE H4 14 lezaryne

On 2nd draw, OVE(R)COOK 9F 75 --- OVERCOOK to cook too long [v]
Other moves: OV(E)RCOOK 8E 71, COOK(S) 15D 69, (S)OCKO 15H 63, (S)OCK 15H 57, (S)OOK 15H 51
COOK(S) 15D 69 mylover81, dannyboy
COKE 9E 15 lezaryne

On 3rd draw, UNSTAYED 11A 74 --- UNSTAYED not secured with ropes or wires [adj]
Other tops: UNSTEADY 11B 74
Other moves: SUETY 15H 69, YATES 15D 69, YEANS 15D 69, YUANS 15D 69, STAYNE 15H 63
YEANS 15D 69 mylover81
ANTSY 10B 31 dannyboy
STAYED 11C 20 lezaryne

On 4th draw, GNOMICAL J4 67 --- GNOMICAL resembling or containing aphorisms [adj]
Other moves: LINGAM 8A 37, GONIUM A7 36, LIGNUM A7 36, OILMAN 8A 35, ALGUM A8 33
MANG 10L 19 mylover81

On 5th draw, HUSTLER 15F 116 --- HUSTLER one that hustles [n]
Other tops: HURTLES 15B 116
Other moves: LUTHERNS 5D 94, SHUTTLER D7 80, HURTLES N3 79, HUSTLER N7 79, SHUTTLER D8 76
HURTS 15D 69 mylover81
HUSTLE A10 30 dannyboy
HURTS D8 24 lezaryne

On 6th draw, RAVIGOTE 4F 82 --- RAVIGOTE a spiced vinegar sauce [n]
Other moves: ROTATIVE D7 74, TRAVOISE C5 63, VIATORES C4 63, VOTARIES C4 63, OUVERT A10 39
VIRTUE A7 30 ste11a
TAVER 14K 20 mylover81
VAUT A9 8 dannyboy
KAT M9 7 lezaryne

On 7th draw, BEACON 8A 41 --- BEACON to shine like a light on high [v]
Other moves: CUBANE A10 39, ABEAM 12D 33, COBAEA 14A 31, ABOVE H1 30, BANCO 14B 29
ABOVE H1 30 ste11a
BANCO 3K 28 mylover81
ONCE B10 8 lezaryne

On 8th draw, ILLAPSED B2 84 --- ILLAPSE to glide in [v]
Other moves: SPADILLE B1 76, SPADILLO 6C 65, KLIPDAS M9 39, SALPID N9 39, SPALD N9 31
SPALL N9 30 mylover81
PLAIDS 14A 29 ste11a
PLAIDS C6 11 lezaryne

On 9th draw, TR(A)NQ D11 46 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QUINI(C) A10 45, QUINI(E) A10 45, QUINI(N) A10 45, QUINT(A) A10 45, QUINT(E) A10 45
QU(A)INT A10 42 ste11a
Q(U)IET M1 26 mylover81
KIR M9 7 lezaryne

On 10th draw, ZESTY N2 63 --- ZESTY marked by zest [adj]
Other moves: YUTZES A10 57, ZITS N6 50, SIZY N4 49, ZOIST L8 48, SEZ C11 46
ZESTY N2 63 ste11a
SEZ C11 46 mylover81
YES M13 23 lezaryne

On 11th draw, GARVIE H1 30 --- GARVIE a sprat [n]
Other tops: PARVE H1 30
Other moves: GAPER 3K 29, PAR O1 28, GAPE 3K 27, GRAVE H1 27, PERV H1 27
PAR O1 28 mylover81, ste11a
APE A1 21 luna1841
PAGER 5A 16 lezaryne

On 12th draw, BON O1 28 --- BON good [adj]
Other tops: BOT O1 28
Other moves: BEEN M3 27, BEIN M3 27, BONNIE 14A 27, OBIIT O6 26, BENTO 14B 25
BON O1 28 mylover81, ste11a
OBIT O6 23 luna1841
BEING 1D 11 lezaryne

On 13th draw, DEIF M3 34 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: DREE M2 31, FOID C2 30, REEF M3 30, REIF M3 30, FONDU 14B 29
DREE M2 31 mylover81
IDEE M1 29 ste11a
FIRED 13G 14 luna1841
FORGED 1E 11 lezaryne

On 14th draw, INTREPID 13H 74 --- INTREPID fearless [adj]
Other moves: PUDENT A10 33, UPEND A11 33, PUNDIT A10 30, PUNTED A10 30, PUTRID A10 30
TURNIP A10 27 ste11a
POINT L8 20 mylover81
DATER 5A 12 lezaryne
PINGED 1E 10 luna1841

On 15th draw, WUXIA N10 46 --- WUXIA (Chinese) a genre of Chinese fiction involving the adventures of sword-wielding heroes [n]
Other moves: WAX 10L 40, AX A1 36, AW 10E 33, DUX O13 33, AX 10M 31
AX A1 36 mylover81, ste11a
W(A)X 13C 24 luna1841
AXE L11 20 lezaryne

On 16th draw, FOX 12L 40 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: HOX 12L 40
Other moves: IDEA O12 30, FANGO 14B 29, FIGO O7 29, HAAFS C7 29, HINGE 14B 29
FOX 12L 40 ste11a
HOX 12L 40 mylover81
PHAGE 6B 13 luna1841
AGE 5D 10 lezaryne

On 17th draw, AJEE O7 38 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JA C13 36, JEE O8 35, JIRGA F2 31, JA A1 29, AJEE 6E 27
AJEE O7 38 mylover81
AJEE 6E 27 ste11a
J(A)G 13C 20 luna1841
AGE 5D 10 lezaryne

On 18th draw, WHEE A1 43 --- WHEE used to express delight [interj]
Other moves: GHEE A1 37, WHINGE 14A 37, HENGE 14B 29, HINGE 14B 29, WENGE 14B 29
WHEE A1 43 ste11a
W(A)GE 13C 14 luna1841
HE 5E 12 mylover81

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