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Game sheet of strykyster (file), Game of January 17, 2012 at 08:17

Word find
Word played
1 AEFGIMV FIVE H5 20 -6 20 2/2 MAVIE H4 26 26 2/2
2 ADILOSX SAX I3 24 -6 44 3/3 AXIOMS 4D 30 56 2/3
3 ?BINRRR BIN 5D 34 -2 78 2/3 R(O)BIN 5B 36 92 1/3
4 ?EEOPUY YIP 7G 15 -21 93 3/3 PEERY B2 36 128 2/3
5 CEGINST             GENETICS 8G 62 190 3/3
6 ADELLRU             ALLURED A6 85 275 3/3
7 ABERTWY             BATTERY K5 48 323 3/3
8 EGILRSZ             ZEE J6 65 388 3/4
9 DEIILOS             IDOLISE 9C 79 467 3/4
10 CEENNOP             PINECONE C8 74 541 3/4
11 ?AAGJOU             JAG(R)A L1 44 585 4/4
12 ADGKORT             JARK 1L 45 630 4/4
13 DINOTWW             WINDOW 14A 42 672 4/4
14 DEMOQSU             SQUAME 2I 82 754 4/4
15 AEFLNRT             FETAL 15E 34 788 4/4
16 ADGHNTU             THUD D11 34 822 4/4
17 AGINOTU             AUTOING 14I 72 894 4/4
18 DFIORTV             FORD A1 41 935 4/4
19 HINORTV             HI E11 30 965 4/4

Total: 93/965 or -872 for 9.637%
Rank: -

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