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Game of January 17, 2012 at 18:14, 1 player
1. 191 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefostu   H4    78    78   featous
 2. deilmnr   5E    36   114   ermelin
 3. abbegis   7A    67   181   gabbiest
 4. ?ehnptu   B4    70   251   unpathed
 5. adlnosz  A11    73   324   azlon
 6. adegity   A1    48   372   edgy
 7. ahmoprs   2A    98   470   dramshop
 8. aadgiot   1G    33   503   goad
 9. deiqtwx   3C    50   553   wited
10. ?ekoorv   8H    92   645   overtook
11. deioqrw  10F    32   677   qis
12. aaainrt   4D    27   704   ria
13. cdeioru   L6    70   774   outcried
14. aeeinot   A6    30   804   ogee
15. acilntv  11D    27   831   vain
16. aeelnsw  13I    28   859   wandle
17. cefilty  N10    44   903   fleecy
18. aijnttu  J10    31   934   tinaja
19. irsttux   4J    46   980   tutrix

Remaining tile: s

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3594 Filelezaryne    0 19:49  -789  191     1.3594 lezaryne    0 19:49  -789  191 

On 1st draw, FEATOUS H4 78 --- FEATOUS shapely [adj]
Other moves: FEATOUS H2 72, FEATOUS H3 72, FEATOUS H6 72, FEATOUS H7 72, FEATOUS H8 72

On 2nd draw, ERMELIN 5E 36 --- ERMELIN ermine [n]
Other moves: LIMNED G3 28, DERM I6 26, MERLIN G3 26, MERLIN I3 26, LIMNED G6 25

On 3rd draw, GABBIEST 7A 67 --- GABBY talkative [adj]
Other moves: BABES L1 34, ABBES L1 30, GIBES L1 30, BABIES 4J 28, ABBS L2 26
BABIES 10C 12 lezaryne

On 4th draw, UNPATHE(D) B4 70 --- UNPATHED not pathed [adj]
Other moves: UNE(A)TH 8A 49, H(A)NGUP A4 45, HUNGE(R) A4 39, PH(A)GE A4 39, ENGU(L)PH A5 36
HUNTE(R) 4J 23 lezaryne

On 5th draw, AZLON A11 73 --- AZLON a textile fiber [n]
Other tops: AZONS A11 73
Other moves: AZON A1 45, LAZO A1 45, OZALIDS J1 41, AZONS L1 40, LAZOS L1 40
IONS J5 6 lezaryne

On 6th draw, EDGY A1 48 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other moves: TEDY A1 45, TIDY A1 45, GAIETY 4J 33, YEA 6F 33, DEITY 6J 30
GATE C2 14 lezaryne

On 7th draw, DRAMSHOP 2A 98 --- DRAMSHOP a bar room [n]
Other moves: OOMPAHS 14A 44, OOMPAH 14A 42, HARMS L1 38, HARPS L1 38, HOMAS L1 38
HOP 4J 23 lezaryne

On 8th draw, GOAD 1G 33 --- GOAD to drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick) [v]
Other moves: ADO 1F 32, AGO 1F 32, DOAT 1G 30, DOG 1G 30, DOIT 1G 30
DIGIT J2 13 lezaryne

On 9th draw, WITED 3C 50 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: TEX 3E 44, TIX 3E 44, EX 3F 41, XI 3C 40, SIX G7 37
WAX C1 26 lezaryne

On 10th draw, OVER(T)OOK 8H 92 --- OVERTAKE to catch up with [v]
Other tops: OVER(B)OOK 8H 92, OVER(C)OOK 8H 92, OVER(L)OOK 8H 92
Other moves: OVER(B)OOK 14A 82, OVER(C)OOK 14A 82, OVER(L)OOK 14A 82, OVER(T)OOK 14A 82, LOOK(O)VER 13A 80

On 11th draw, QIS 10F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: WOODIER M7 32
Other moves: DOWIER 4J 27, BROWED D7 26, OWE B13 26, DOWIER 6J 25, DOWIER C10 25
DIE J1 6 lezaryne

On 12th draw, RIA 4D 27 --- RIA a long, narrow inlet [n]
Other moves: ITA 8A 22, ANTARA 2J 21, ANTIAR 2J 21, RAIN 11D 21, RAIT 11D 21
TRAIN K7 10 lezaryne

On 13th draw, OU(T)CRIED L6 70 --- OUTCRY to cry louder than [v]
Other moves: COORIED M7 28, COURIED M7 28, DORIC 6J 27, DUROC 6J 27, CID 11E 26
COKE O6 10 lezaryne

On 14th draw, OGEE A6 30 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: GAE A7 23, GEE A7 23, GEO A7 23, GIE A7 23, GIO A7 23
NOTED 13H 7 lezaryne

On 15th draw, VAIN 11D 27 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other moves: ANVIL 2J 25, CAIN 11D 25, VIN 11E 25, VICINAL 11I 24, ACTIN 2J 23
LINK O5 8 lezaryne

On 16th draw, WANDLE 13I 28 --- WANDLE supple [adj]
Other tops: AWEEL K11 28, ENSEW M10 28, SWALE K11 28, SWEAL K11 28, SWEEL K11 28
Other moves: AWE B13 26, AWEE K11 26, AWES K11 26, ENSEW 4K 26, SWAN K11 26
WAKE O6 11 lezaryne

On 17th draw, FLEECY N10 44 --- FLEECY woolly [adj]
Other moves: BYLIVE D7 36, FLEY 14G 36, FEY 14H 35, CLIFTY M1 33, FILET N10 32

On 18th draw, TINAJA J10 31 --- TINAJA an earthenware jar [n]
Other moves: JA 1C 30, JAR 10J 26, TAJ J12 26, TAJ 12H 25, OUIJA 14A 24
JUNK O5 15 lezaryne

On 19th draw, TUTRIX 4J 46 --- TUTRIX a female tutor [n]
Other moves: SURTAX 15F 39, XU B14 38, TUTRIX M1 35, XIS 4J 31, SIXTE J4 28
TRY 15L 7 lezaryne

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