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Game of January 18, 2012 at 07:13, 2 players
1. 403 pts fatcat
2. 149 pts hulusian

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abdegn   H4    76    76   bandage
 2. ?aceopr   8A    83   159   capoeira
 3. aeeisty   9H    64   223   gayeties
 4. aehiosu   H1    48   271   husbandage
 5. aefiotv   E5    52   323   foveate
 6. adfioru   O4    42   365   fiords
 7. ehiprsv   M8    82   447   viperish
 8. aeilott  14G    70   517   totalise
 9. elnootu  15L    29   546   then
10. agiloru  15E    33   579   gloria
11. bemnnor   2H    30   609   unborne
12. ciimost   B2    78   687   comitias
13. aekmnru   N5    37   724   ake
14. addeluw  12A    43   767   waded
15. enquwyz   F2    51   818   queyn
16. allmnou   1K    35   853   louma
17. ginuwxz   C3    40   893   xi
18. gilnruw   4J    28   921   ingulf

Remaining tiles: jrwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5459 Filefatcat      0 21:46  -518  403     1.5459 fatcat      0 21:46  -518  403 
  2.5452 Filehulusian    0  8:06  -772  149     2.5452 hulusian    0  8:06  -772  149 

On 1st draw, BAND(A)GE H4 76 --- BANDAGE to cover a wound with a strip of cloth [v]
Other tops: BANG(L)ED H4 76, BEAD(I)NG H4 76, B(A)NDAGE H4 76, B(O)NDAGE H4 76
Other moves: BAND(A)GE H7 74, BANG(L)ED H6 74, BEAD(I)NG H6 74, B(A)NDAGE H7 74, B(O)NDAGE H7 74
BADGE H4 24 fatcat

On 2nd draw, CAPOE(I)R(A) 8A 83 --- CAPOEIRA a martial art and dance combination [n]
Other moves: CO(M)PARE 11C 81, CO(M)PEAR 11B 81, E(X)OCARP 11C 81, POAC(H)ER 11B 81, PO(L)ACRE 11C 81
PREAC(H) 5E 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, GAYETIES 9H 64 --- GAYETY festive activity [n]
Other moves: AYES I5 30, EYAS I5 30, EYES I5 30, TYES I5 30, YEAS I5 30
YEAST 11E 27 fatcat

On 4th draw, HUSBAND(A)GE H1 48 --- HUSBANDAGE
Other moves: SHEA 8L 40, SHOE 8L 40, HAUSES O4 39, HOISES O4 39, HOUSES O4 39
HOUSE 11E 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, FOVEATE E5 52 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEATE pertaining to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: FOVEAS O4 48, FAVEST O5 36, FAVOSE O5 36, FAVES O5 33, FIVES O5 33
FIVES O5 33 fatcat

On 6th draw, FIORDS O4 42 --- FIORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other tops: FRAUDS O4 42
Other moves: FAURD 12A 41, FIORD 12A 41, FRAUD 12A 41, FORSAID O6 39, OAF F4 32
ADRIFT L4 28 fatcat

On 7th draw, VIPERISH M8 82 --- VIPER a venomous snake [adj] --- VIPERISH like a viper [adj]
Other moves: VIPERISH M4 67, SERIPH N1 60, PERISH N1 58, SHRIEVE K5 52, ASHIVER B8 42
STRIPE L8 18 fatcat

On 8th draw, TOTALISE 14G 70 --- TOTALISE to make complete [v]
Other tops: TOTALISE 3B 70
Other moves: ETIOLATE K2 66, EOLITH 15H 30, TATIE L11 28, TELIA L11 28, ETHAL 15K 27
THAT 15L 24 fatcat

On 9th draw, THEN 15L 29 --- THEN that time [n]
Other tops: LOOTEN 15C 29
Other moves: TOLUENE K5 28, ENOL 15G 24, NOLO 15H 24, LENO 15F 22, LONE 15F 22
THOU 1G 7 fatcat

On 10th draw, GLORIA 15E 33 --- GLORIA a halo [n]
Other moves: GLAIR 15D 32, GULAR 15D 32, GORAL 15F 30, ALGOR 15D 29, GUIRO 15E 28
GLORY J5 11 fatcat

On 11th draw, UNBORNE 2H 30 --- UNBEAR to free from the pressure of a rein [v]
Other moves: BROME D1 29, NEB F4 26, REB F4 26, REM F4 26, BONNE D1 25
BOMBER 4H 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, COMITIAS B2 78 --- COMITIA a public assembly in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: MISTICOS 3A 76, IOTACISM B5 66, MOITS 1K 35, OSMIC 11G 35, SOMITE 11H 33
COMICS A8 15 fatcat

On 13th draw, AKE N5 37 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: KA N6 34, KAM F4 30, MARKER 12H 30, MURKER 12H 30, KAME A3 28
REMAKE K4 24 fatcat

On 14th draw, WADED 12A 43 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other moves: WALED 12A 41, WEALD 12A 41, DAWED 12A 39, WADDLE 12C 39, DAWDLE 12B 37
WADED 12C 35 hulusian
WADDLER 12G 26 fatcat

On 15th draw, QUEYN F2 51 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUEY F2 44, QUEY D3 42, QUEY F3 42, QUEYN J6 39, WYN C3 37
QUEY J6 36 hulusian
QUEEN K7 28 fatcat

On 16th draw, LOUMA 1K 35 --- LOUMA a weekly market in rural areas of developing countries [n]
Other moves: OUMA 1L 30, MANO C3 28, MONA C3 28, POUNDAL C8 25, MAN C3 24
WALL A12 21 fatcat
ALLONYM J4 20 hulusian

On 17th draw, XI C3 40 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU C3 40
Other moves: NIX 13B 37, WINZE 11I 34, WINZE K5 34, WIZEN 11J 34, WIZ 13L 33
WINZE 11I 34 hulusian
WING A12 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, INGULF 4J 28 --- INGULF to swallow up completely [v]
Other moves: WIN 13B 25, GULF 4L 24, WING A12 24, LOWING K1 20, WINGER 11I 20
WING A12 24 fatcat, hulusian

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