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Game of January 19, 2012 at 01:50, 1 player
1. 16 pts scrablehed

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeirsv   H4    28    28   braves
 2. ?aeeprx  10E    43    71   pretax
 3. ?eijmmv   9H    43   114   sjoe
 4. eeinosv   5E    94   208   eversion
 5. agiorst   M2    80   288   agistor
 6. deelotu   8J    35   323   loured
 7. deehlrt   D1    39   362   heder
 8. adoqsuw   2J    70   432   quoad
 9. dilotwy   1D    45   477   howdy
10. aenrttw   4J    31   508   twaite
11. ahlostt   6J    32   540   loath
12. aafiors   6B    27   567   fiar
13. acefmnt   C2    31   598   fem
14. abiloor  11A    22   620   baloo
15. eilsttu  12E    63   683   lutites
16. cegiipr  A11    36   719   bicep
17. aginnru   N8    24   743   engrain
18. ackntyz  10B    64   807   za
19. iimnnty  14A    38   845   enmity
20. cgiiknu   C9    34   879   kalium

Remaining tiles: cginn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5863 Filescrablehed  0  1:07  -863   16     1.5863 scrablehed  0  1:07  -863   16 

On 1st draw, BRAVES H4 28 --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: BREVIS H4 28, VERBS H4 28, VIBES H4 28
Other moves: BRAVE H4 26, BRAVI H4 26, VARIES H4 26, BRAVES H3 24, BRAVES H7 24

On 2nd draw, PRE(T)AX 10E 43 --- PRETAX existing before provision for taxes [adj]
Other moves: RE(T)AX 10F 40, (T)AXER 10H 38, (T)AX 10H 36, (T)EX 10H 36, PEAR(L)ER 5E 32

On 3rd draw, SJ(O)E 9H 43 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: J(I)MMIE 11A 42, JIMM(I)E 11A 40, JIVE 11B 36, JEMMI(E)R 5B 34, J(A)MMIER 5B 34

On 4th draw, EVERSION 5E 94 --- EVERSION the act of everting [n]
Other moves: EVERSION F7 63, VENOSE 8J 44, NEIVES 8J 41, EVENS 8K 38, OVENS 8K 38

On 5th draw, AGISTOR M2 80 --- AGISTOR person in charge of agisted cattle [n]
Other moves: ORGANIST L1 72, GATORS 8J 36, GRATIS 8J 36, GRIOTS 8J 36, GROATS 8J 36

On 6th draw, LOURED 8J 35 --- LOUR to lower [v]
Other moves: DOREE 8K 24, DUETTO 6J 24, DUETT 6J 23, LEED 11D 23, OUTLED 11J 23

On 7th draw, HEDER D1 39 --- HEDER a Jewish school [n]
Other moves: HERALD 2J 36, THREAD 2I 36, DERTH D3 31, ETHER D1 31, THEED 11C 31

On 8th draw, QUOAD 2J 70 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: SQUAD 6A 48, QUAD 6B 47, QUA 6B 42, SHADOW 1C 39, SQ**W 2J 38

On 9th draw, HOWDY 1D 45 --- HOWDY to greet with the words "how do you do" [v]
Other moves: WIDELY 2A 42, WITHY 1A 42, DOWDILY 3A 38, TWIDDLY 3A 38, HYOID 1D 36

On 10th draw, TWAITE 4J 31 --- TWAITE a British species of shad [n]
Other moves: TWAIN 4J 27, WAITE 4K 27, WEAN 6B 27, WEAR 6B 27, NAW C2 25

On 11th draw, LOATH 6J 32 --- LOATH unwilling [adj]
Other moves: SHOAL 6A 28, SHOAT 6A 28, HAST 6B 27, HOAS 6B 27, HOST 6B 27

On 12th draw, FIAR 6B 27 --- FIAR the holder of a type of absolute ownership of land under Scottish law [n]
Other tops: FAAS 6B 27, FRAS 6B 27
Other moves: FAA C2 25, FAR C2 25, FIR C2 25, FOR C2 25, OAF C2 25

On 13th draw, FEM C2 31 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: AMENE 2B 27, CTENE 2B 27, CAFE 11B 26, FACE 11B 26, FAME 11B 26

On 14th draw, BALOO 11A 22 --- BALOO a bear [n]
Other tops: BIPOLAR E8 22, LIBRA 11A 22, OBOLI 11A 22
Other moves: ABRI 11B 20, BIRO 11B 20, BOLA 11B 20, BOLO 11B 20, BORA 11B 20

On 15th draw, LUTITES 12E 63 --- LUTITE any rock derived from clay or mud. Also PELITE [n]
Other tops: TITULES 12E 63
Other moves: SUBTILE A9 30, BELTS A11 24, BESIT A11 24, BESTI A11 24, BILES A11 24

On 16th draw, BICEP A11 36 --- BICEP an arm muscle [n]
Other moves: PACIER B10 32, CAGIER B10 30, CAPER B10 30, CARPI B10 30, PACER B10 30

On 17th draw, ENGRAIN N8 24 --- ENGRAIN to fix deeply [v]
Other moves: EANING 14A 22, EARING 14A 22, ENRING 14A 22, ERNING 14A 22, EARNING 14A 20

On 18th draw, ZA 10B 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: CACKY 13A 41, ICKY H12 39, ZA M12 37, AZAN B9 35, KA 10B 34

On 19th draw, ENMITY 14A 38 --- ENMITY hostility [n]
Other moves: MALTY C9 26, MY 1K 24, MI B14 20, MINI 13F 20, NY 1K 20

On 20th draw, KALIUM C9 34 --- KALIUM potassium [n]
Other moves: KIN M13 28, KI M13 26, UNCI 15F 23, KININ 14J 19, EIK J12 17
NICKING 14I 16 scrablehed

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