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Game sheet of leobill (file), Game of January 19, 2012 at 11:51

Word find
Word played
1 ABEIRTU             BARITE H4 22 22  
2 ?AEGNRV             GRAVA(M)EN 5D 94 116  
3 CDNOSUY             DOUCS L1 32 148  
4 ADEFGJR DEAF 1L 24 -24 24 1/2 FJORD 2J 48 196 2/2
5 BEFNOTY             FOYNE 1F 38 234 2/2
6 AEMNQRT             QAT G7 49 283 2/2
7 AADEINX             REX 6H 52 335 2/2
8 ADEHILP             HELIPAD 2A 90 425 2/2
9 ?ACEGOS             SOC(C)AGE O2 103 528 2/2
10 AIMNOOT             AMOTION N8 74 602 2/2
11 AEILNUW             LAUWINE F8 70 672 2/2
12 ANOPSUY             YAUPONS 15H 99 771 2/2
13 ADENRTW             AWED 1A 57 828 2/2
14 EEHIINR             EH 6E 28 856 2/2
15 EGILLTZ             GLITZ 12D 50 906 2/2
16 BIORRST             ORBITS 15A 38 944 2/2
17 EIKLNRT             KEIR 3C 44 988 2/2
18 EILMNRU             ULMIN M11 28 1016 2/2
19 EINORTV             VENTILATOR 8A 92 1108 2/2

Total: 24/1108 or -1084 for 2.166%
Rank: -

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