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Game of January 20, 2012 at 03:02, 1 player
1. 428 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailortv   H4    26    26   viator
 2. aaikrsv   3H    32    58   askari
 3. ?adqtwx   4J    42   100   axed
 4. ?ceinno  10B    76   176   conines
 5. afnpruy   2K    39   215   fury
 6. ehmnoqt  11C    31   246   hoten
 7. aeenoss   9H    60   306   reseason
 8. adeisuw   8K    49   355   waide
 9. abgmnot   1L    48   403   mang
10. eelrsvw  12G    35   438   swerve
11. ablmoor  12A    38   476   boom
12. agiltyz   N8    39   515   dozily
13. aeeglot  H12    24   539   wage
14. adehjpr   5C    34   573   jehadi
15. deloprt   F1    65   638   portaled
16. bfnoruu  M13    32   670   fub
17. eeilrtu   1D    30   700   reptile
18. iilpttu  A12    24   724   blip
19. iinottu  15K    24   748   oubit
20. cginqtu   C8    40   788   quohog

Remaining tiles: cint

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5443 Filepaulineasb  1 19:05  -360  428     1.5443 paulineasb  1 19:05  -360  428 

On 1st draw, VIATOR H4 26 --- VIATOR a traveller [n]
Other moves: VALOR H4 24, VIOLA H4 24, VIRAL H4 24, VITAL H4 24, VOILA H4 24
VALOR H4 24 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, ASKARI 3H 32 --- ASKARI an African soldier [n]
Other moves: KAVAS 3G 31, KAVA 3G 30, KAVAS 10D 30, KIVAS 10D 30, KVAS 10E 29
ARKS 10E 20 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, AX(E)D 4J 42 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: TAX(E)D 2K 37, AX(E) 4J 35, QAT 2M 35, (S)AX 10H 35, WAX(E)D I6 34
QAT(S) K2 24 paulineasb

On 4th draw, CONINE(S) 10B 76 --- CONINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: CONI(C)INE 5C 75, CO(T)ININE 5C 75, NICO(T)INE 5C 75, O(S)CININE 5C 75, (C)ONICINE 5C 75
AXE K3 20 paulineasb

On 5th draw, FURY 2K 39 --- FURY violent anger [n]
Other moves: PURIFY 5E 38, PUNY 2K 36, FURAN 2K 35, AURIFY 5E 34, PANFRY D8 34
FRAY 6F 18 paulineasb

On 6th draw, HOTEN 11C 31 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: HOME 9C 30, MOHR 9E 28, MONETH C9 28, MONETH D8 28, MOTEN 11C 28
ME 1N 19 paulineasb

On 7th draw, RESEASON 9H 60 --- RESEASON to season again [v] --- SEASON to heighten or improve the flavor of by adding savory ingredients [v]
Other moves: FAXES K2 30, SANE 1L 29, SANS 1L 29, SONSE 12B 28, AEONS 12A 27
FAXES K2 30 paulineasb

On 8th draw, WAIDE 8K 49 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: UNSAWED O8 45, INDEWS O8 42, SUNDEW O7 42, WADES 12D 42, SWAD 12C 41
FAXED K2 32 paulineasb

On 9th draw, MANG 1L 48 --- MANG to speak [v]
Other moves: MANO 1L 45, GAMB 12A 40, NGOMA 12A 37, TOMB 12A 36, BOMA 12B 35
BAM 7M 27 paulineasb

On 10th draw, SWERVE 12G 35 --- SWERVE to turn aside suddenly from a straight course [v]
Other moves: REVIEW 5E 34, WEEVILS 5D 33, WE 10N 31, FAXES K2 30, SERVILE 5D 27
FAXES K2 30 paulineasb

On 11th draw, BOOM 12A 38 --- BOOM to make a deep, resonant sound [v]
Other moves: LAMB 12A 36, BOMA 12B 35, WOMB H12 33, BROMO M11 31, BROOM M11 31
BROOM 8E 13 paulineasb

On 12th draw, DOZILY N8 39 --- DOZILY in a dozy manner [adv]
Other moves: DOZY N8 37, TZIGANE F5 37, AZIDO N5 35, LAZY 13L 34, RIZA J12 33
ZAG 6G 13 paulineasb

On 13th draw, WAGE H12 24 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: EGALITE 5D 23, ABELE A11 21, ABLET A11 21, BEGO A12 21, BLAG A12 21
WEEL H12 21 paulineasb

On 14th draw, JEHADI 5C 34 --- JEHADI one who takes part in a jehad [n]
Other moves: RAPHIDE 5D 33, FAXED K2 32, HADJI 5D 32, HE 10J 32, HADJ 6G 31
AH O13 10 paulineasb

On 15th draw, PORTALED F1 65 --- PORTAL a door, gate, or entrance [adj] --- PORTALED having a portal [adj]
Other tops: PROLATED F1 65
Other moves: POLED 6B 41, PORED 6B 41, POTED 6B 41, PROLED 6A 38, POLER 6B 35
BLED A12 21 paulineasb

On 16th draw, FUB M13 32 --- FUB to cheat [v]
Other tops: FOB M13 32
Other moves: FON M13 28, FOR M13 28, FOU M13 28, FRO M13 28, FUN M13 28
PROF 1F 27 paulineasb

On 17th draw, REPTILE 1D 30 --- REPTILE any of a class of cold-blooded, air-breathing vertebrates [n]
Other moves: REPUTE 1D 27, TREBLE 15J 27, TRIPLE 1C 27, EEJIT C3 26, ELUTED 8A 24
BILE A12 18 paulineasb

On 18th draw, BLIP A12 24 --- BLIP to remove sound from a recording [v]
Other moves: PENS G9 23, PRESEASON 9G 23, PUT 4D 23, LETUP D4 20, BITT A12 18
BLIP A12 24 paulineasb

On 19th draw, OUBIT 15K 24 --- OUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: OBIT 15L 21, TENON O7 18, INTUIT 14A 16, ION 6B 16, NOT 6B 16
BIT 15M 15 paulineasb

On 20th draw, QUOHOG C8 40 --- QUOHOG an edible clam [n]
Other moves: ACQUIT 6H 37, QI 14J 33, QUEINT D3 32, COHOG C9 28, QUINE 15D 24
QIS M7 22 paulineasb

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