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Game of January 20, 2012 at 22:18, 2 players
1. 638 pts susieq8182
2. 508 pts mazscot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?arsttu   H3    64    64   stature
 2. deelmnw   4A    86   150   weldment
 3. behiltu   8E    64   214   thurible
 4. ?adhooy   K8    78   292   ladyhood
 5. acfgors  L12    37   329   afro
 6. cegnosv  J12    40   369   sov
 7. acfiiln   A1    33   402   flawn
 8. agimnps   3H    82   484   spasming
 9. deiortu  10C    68   552   etourdi
10. aainory   M9    45   597   rainy
11. abdeiln   1A    98   695   findable
12. eeijntt   2J    57   752   jee
13. aceeiot   O3    30   782   goetic
14. egikqrs   1L    33   815   reik
15. aenrtvz  15K    45   860   dozen
16. aciiors   6C    68   928   aoristic
17. aeggptx   N9    52   980   ex
18. aegptvw   C9    30  1010   weave
19. ggopqtu   5K    28  1038   quote

Remaining tiles: ggp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7100 Filesusieq8182  4 20:59  -400  638     1.7100 susieq8182  4 20:59  -400  638 
  2.5816 Filemazscot     2 22:42  -530  508            Group: novice
                                             1.5816 mazscot     2 22:42  -530  508 

On 1st draw, STATUR(E) H3 64 --- STATURE the natural height of a human or animal body [n]
Other tops: ASTUT(E)R H2 64, ASTUT(E)R H3 64, ASTUT(E)R H4 64, ASTUT(E)R H6 64, ASTUT(E)R H8 64, STARTU(P) H2 64, STARTU(P) H3 64, STARTU(P) H4 64, STARTU(P) H7 64, STARTU(P) H8 64, STATUR(E) H2 64, STATUR(E) H4 64, STATUR(E) H7 64, STATUR(E) H8 64, STRATU(M) H2 64, STRATU(M) H3 64, STRATU(M) H4 64, STRATU(M) H7 64, STRATU(M) H8 64, STRATU(S) H2 64, STRATU(S) H3 64, STRATU(S) H4 64, STRATU(S) H7 64, STRATU(S) H8 64, TRA(C)TUS H2 64, TRA(C)TUS H3 64, TRA(C)TUS H4 64, TRA(C)TUS H6 64, TRA(C)TUS H7 64, TRA(C)TUS H8 64, TRUA(N)TS H2 64, TRUA(N)TS H3 64, TRUA(N)TS H4 64, TRUA(N)TS H6 64, TRUA(N)TS H7 64, TUR(I)STA H2 64, TUR(I)STA H3 64, TUR(I)STA H4 64, TUR(I)STA H6 64, TUR(I)STA H7 64, TUR(I)STA H8 64, U(P)START H2 64, U(P)START H4 64, U(P)START H6 64, U(P)START H7 64, U(P)START H8 64, (S)TRATUS H2 64, (S)TRATUS H3 64, (S)TRATUS H6 64, (S)TRATUS H7 64, (S)TRATUS H8 64
Other moves: ASTUT(E)R H5 62, ASTUT(E)R H7 62, STARTU(P) H5 62, STARTU(P) H6 62, STATUR(E) H5 62
ASTUT(E)R H4 64 mazscot
STARTU(P) H4 14 susieq8182

On 2nd draw, WELDMENT 4A 86 --- WELDMENT a unit composed of welded pieces [n]
Other moves: WELDMENT 6A 68, MEWLED G7 36, MEWED G7 35, MEWL G7 33, MEW G7 32
WELDMENT 4A 36 susieq8182
MAWED 5G 22 mazscot

On 3rd draw, THURIBLE 8E 64 --- THURIBLE a censer [n]
Other moves: WHILE A4 33, WHITE A4 33, WITHE A4 33, BLITHE C3 30, THEW A1 30
WHILE A4 33 susieq8182
THIMBLE E1 28 mazscot

On 4th draw, LA(D)YHOOD K8 78 --- LADYHOOD the state of being a lady [n]
Other tops: HOO(R)AYED L2 78, LADYHOO(D) K8 78
Other moves: (B)ABYHOOD J6 74, LADYHOO(D) C4 69, LA(D)YHOOD C4 69, BA(B)YHOOD J8 68, HYALO(I)D K5 52
WHYDA(H) A4 45 susieq8182
SHOD(D)Y 3H 32 mazscot

On 5th draw, AFRO L12 37 --- AFRO a thick curly African hairstyle [n]
Other moves: OAFS L11 36, CARGOS M3 34, FORGO 14J 34, FRESCO B2 34, FROWS A1 33
FORDS 15H 30 susieq8182
DRAGS 15K 24 mazscot

On 6th draw, SOV J12 40 --- SOV sovereign [n]
Other moves: COVENS M3 38, WOVENS A4 36, CONGES M3 34, CORVES 14J 34, SOC J12 34
WOVENS A4 36 mazscot
SECONDO 15F 30 susieq8182

On 7th draw, FLAWN A1 33 --- FLAWN a custard [n]
Other moves: FLAW A1 30, CLAW A1 27, ALLICIN C3 26, FILMIC E1 26, ILEAC B2 26
FLAW A1 30 susieq8182, mazscot

On 8th draw, SPASMING 3H 82 --- SPASM to undergo an involuntary muscular contraction [v]
GAMINS M3 34 susieq8182

On 9th draw, ETOURDI 10C 68 --- ETOURDI thoughtless [adj]
Other tops: OUTRIDE 10C 68
Other moves: GOITRED O3 30, GROUTED O3 30, DEGOUT O1 27, DUGITE O1 27, GIRTED O3 27
GROUTED O3 30 susieq8182, mazscot

On 10th draw, RAINY M9 45 --- RAINY marked by rain [adj]
Other tops: IRONY M9 45
Other moves: ANY M11 39, ONY M11 39, NY M12 37, ORGY O1 36, NONARY N1 34
GRAINY O3 33 susieq8182, mazscot

On 11th draw, FINDABLE 1A 98 --- FIND to come upon after a search [adj] --- FINDABLE able to be found [adj]
Other moves: BIDENTAL 6C 65, BEGILD O1 33, BEGLAD O1 33, GABLED O3 33, BEAD 2J 32
GABLED O3 33 susieq8182, mazscot

On 12th draw, JEE 2J 57 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JIG O1 33, JIBE J6 31, EEJIT B4 30, JENNET N1 30, JINNEE N1 30
JEE 2J 57 susieq8182
JIG O1 33 mazscot

On 13th draw, GOETIC O3 30 --- GOETIC pertaining to black magic [adj]
Other moves: ENTICE N2 28, CAGOT O1 27, COGIE O1 27, ANTIC N2 26, ENIAC N2 26
GOATEE O3 24 susieq8182, mazscot

On 14th draw, REIK 1L 33 --- REIK a prank [n]
Other tops: RISK 1L 33
Other moves: SKEG 6A 31, SKIER 6A 31, DOEKS 15K 30, DORKS 15K 30, GLISK C3 30
DORKS 15K 30 susieq8182
KING N1 21 mazscot

On 15th draw, DOZEN 15K 45 --- DOZEN to stun [v] --- DOZEN twelve [n]
Other tops: DOZER 15K 45
Other moves: TEAZE B3 38, ZETA 6F 33, ENTREZ C10 30, NERTZ C9 30, TEAZE C9 30
DOZER 15K 45 susieq8182
EVENT C10 16 mazscot

On 16th draw, AORISTIC 6C 68 --- AORIST a verb tense [adj] --- AORISTIC pertaining to a verb tense [adj]
Other moves: SCORIA 6A 28, CRIOS 11B 24, SCAR 6A 24, CERIAS C9 22, CIAOS 11A 22
SCORIA 6A 28 susieq8182
SCAR 6A 24 mazscot

On 17th draw, EX N9 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: TAX 11C 42, TEX 11C 42, AX 11D 38, EX 11D 38, AXE 7B 37
EX N9 52 susieq8182
TAX D10 20 mazscot

On 18th draw, WEAVE C9 30 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: GAWP 7A 27, EWT 11D 26, PAW 9C 26, PEW 9C 26, TAW 11C 26
WEAVE C9 30 mazscot
TAW 11C 26 susieq8182

On 19th draw, QUOTE 5K 28 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: TOQUE 5K 28
Other moves: PUG N5 19, PO 14N 18, POGGE 5K 18, TIPI I5 18, VUGG 12C 18
QUOTE 5K 28 susieq8182
GOT 7A 8 mazscot

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