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Game sheet of breadbun (file), Game of January 23, 2012 at 02:23

Word find
Word played
1 ?BEFIOT             FOIB(L)E H4 28 28  
2 AEEIPYZ             FEAZE 4H 34 62  
3 ADEHLST             DALETHS M4 85 147  
4 ?EEJNOY             (R)EJONEO 5E 78 225  
5 FLMNOSU SOM 10H 22 -59 22 1/1 MUFLONS 10B 81 306 1/1
6 AEEIORT             ETAERIO N9 77 383 1/1
7 AEILNTU LINT O6 18 -52 40 1/1 AUNTLIER 13G 70 453 1/1
8 ADIMRRY             MARDY O5 42 495 1/1
9 ACNOTTW             WOON 15L 33 528 1/1
10 BGIORST BIGOTS 14B 24 -6 64 1/1 BUGS H12 30 558 1/1
11 AHILRTV             THAR 3I 32 590 1/1
12 DEISTUV             DEEV 12L 32 622 1/1
13 GIIOPPR             GIPPO 4A 25 647 1/1
14 ACEIRRT             ERRATICS 15A 83 730 1/1
15 ADKNOSU             DOUKS 3B 41 771 1/1
16 AAIRTVY             GRAVY A4 36 807 1/1
17 ACEINNX             AX 6E 57 864 1/1
18 CEGILQU             QUITE J10 36 900 1/1
19 GINNOTW             TOWN(L)ING 8D 62 962 1/1

Total: 64/962 or -898 for 6.652%
Rank: -

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