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Game of January 23, 2012 at 14:30, 4 players
1. 611 pts una
2. 447 pts tonikay
3. 364 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bgijoqt   H4    42    42   jigot
 2. ?beiist   8A    80   122   bitsiest
 3. aeinory   4H    34   156   joinery
 4. ?aeelou   M2    68   224   aureolae
 5. adillnr   2H    70   294   landrail
 6. aaeepsv   1D    48   342   vespa
 7. adeinty   D6    74   416   desyatin
 8. alnorsx  14D    39   455   sax
 9. efkoorr   L8    45   500   forker
10. adiottw  13C    38   538   indow
11. aeeenru  M11    22   560   arene
12. ehimotu  15E    47   607   homie
13. acflnot   B5    67   674   califont
14. aegmsuu  N11    38   712   magus
15. bchiort  10A    68   780   cohabitor
16. aeegnqu   O7    52   832   quena
17. degptuz  15L    69   901   zest
18. degpuvw   N4    32   933   yew

Remaining tiles: dgpuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6868 Fileuna         7 16:48  -322  611     1.6868 una         7 16:48  -322  611 
  2.5657 Filetonikay     2 19:53  -486  447     2.6443 rn.roselle  0  2:27  -861   72 
  3.5774 Filejimbo       2 10:51  -569  364            Group: novice
  4.6443 Filern.roselle  0  2:27  -861   72     1.5657 tonikay     2 19:53  -486  447 
                                             2.5774 jimbo       2 10:51  -569  364 

On 1st draw, JIGOT H4 42 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: JIGOT H8 28, JIGOT H5 26, JIGOT H6 26, JIGOT H7 26, JIB H6 24
JIGOT H4 42 una
BIGOT H4 22 tonikay
QI H8 22 jimbo

On 2nd draw, BITSIE(S)T 8A 80 --- BITSY small and attractive [adj]
Other tops: BI(T)TIEST 8A 80
Other moves: BIT(S)IEST 8A 77, BIT(T)IEST 8A 77, BITSIE(R) 9E 74, BIT(T)IES 9B 74, BI(T)TIES 9B 74
JIBES 4H 28 jimbo, una
B(O)T I3 17 tonikay

On 3rd draw, JOINERY 4H 34 --- JOINERY the trade of a joiner [n]
Other moves: JOINER 4H 26, YONI I3 25, NOY I5 24, RAYON I1 23, ONIE I4 22
JOINERY 4H 34 jimbo, una
YA I3 18 tonikay

On 4th draw, (A)UREOLAE M2 68 --- AUREOLA a halo [n]
Other tops: AUREOL(A)E M2 68
Other moves: AUREOLE(D) M2 66, AUREOLE(S) M2 66, AU(R)EOLES D1 66, ALE(H)OUSE D2 64, EULO(G)IAE E3 64
LO(S)E 9F 22 una
(S)ALE 5J 15 tonikay
LA(D)Y N1 12 jimbo

On 5th draw, LANDR(A)IL 2H 70 --- LANDRAIL a bird with a rasping cry [n]
Other moves: DINAR N6 25, ALDRIN L7 24, DRAIL L8 23, DRAIN L8 23, DRILL L8 23
DARN 8L 21 una
DRAIN 8K 21 jimbo
RAID N6 18 tonikay

On 6th draw, VESPA 1D 48 --- VESPA a common wasp [n]
Other moves: VEEP 1F 37, PAVE 8L 36, PAVS 8L 36, PEASE 1D 36, PAVES L8 35
VESPA 1D 48 una
PAVE 8L 36 jimbo
PAVE 1E 33 tonikay

On 7th draw, DESYATIN D6 74 --- DESYATIN a Russian measurement of land [n]
Other moves: YENTA L8 35, DAINTY 5F 34, YATE N6 34, YITE N6 34, YAD N6 33
YATE 8L 33 jimbo, una
TANE 8L 15 tonikay

On 8th draw, SAX 14D 39 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other tops: AXONS C11 39, SOX 14D 39, XOANA 8K 39
Other moves: AXON C11 37, OX I6 37, SAXE 5J 37, LANX 8L 36, AXE 5K 33
SOX 14D 39 una
OXO 6M 26 jimbo
LAX C10 23 tonikay

On 9th draw, FORKER L8 45 --- FORKER one that forks [n]
Other tops: FAKE 8L 45
Other moves: KORERO L8 43, KARO 8L 39, FORKER N9 35, FRORE L8 35, ROOFIER E4 35
FAKE 8L 45 una, jimbo, tonikay

On 10th draw, INDOW 13C 38 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: WAD N6 37, WAT N6 35, WIT N6 35, WOT N6 35, YAW N4 32
DITTO 15E 30 jimbo, una
DOW N6 29 tonikay

On 11th draw, ARENE M11 22 --- ARENE an aromatic hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: FAAN 8L 21, FANE 8L 21, FARE 8L 21, FAUN 8L 21, FAUR 8L 21
FARE 8L 21 una
NA 12F 17 tonikay

On 12th draw, HOMIE 15E 47 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other moves: MOUTH 15E 46, HOME 15E 44, MOTH 15E 43, THEME 15K 42, HEME 15L 39
MOUTH 15E 46 una
HOME 15E 44 jimbo
FAME 8L 27 tonikay

On 13th draw, CALIFONT B5 67 --- CALIFONT (New Zealand) a gas water heater [n]
Other moves: FAN N6 35, FAT N6 35, FON N6 35, FANO N11 34, OAF K10 34
FAN N6 35 tonikay
FEAT 15L 33 jimbo
FEAL 15L 33 una

On 14th draw, MAGUS N11 38 --- MAGUS a magician [n]
Other tops: EGMAS N11 38, MAGES N11 38, SAGUM N11 38
Other moves: MAGS N6 35, EGMA N11 34, MAGE N11 34, MEGA N11 34, USAGE N10 34
MAGS N6 35 tonikay
MEGS 15L 30 una
MEGA 15L 30 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, COHABITOR 10A 68 --- COHABITOR
Other moves: TROCHI O6 43, CHEST 15K 42, HOB N6 39, BOH N6 35, HIT N6 35
CHEST 15K 42 rn.roselle
HOB N6 39 tonikay
HEST 15L 33 una

On 16th draw, QUENA O7 52 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: SQUEG F1 35, AGENE O7 28, GENUA O7 28, NUGAE O7 28, QUA E4 27
QUENA O7 52 una
QUA E4 27 tonikay

On 17th draw, ZEST 15L 69 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: POZ 6L 34, ZEE F6 32, PEST 15L 27, YEP N4 26, EGEST 15K 24
AZO I2 22 una

On 18th draw, YEW N4 32 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: YEP N4 26, DUP(S) G5 22, GUP(S) G5 22, PE 1N 22, PEW 14H 22
YEW N4 32 tonikay, una

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