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Game of January 24, 2012 at 07:24, 5 players
1. 440 pts jimbo
2. 99 pts annelhynz
3. 41 pts ZEHAVARON

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeglop   H4    74    74   pergola
 2. ?ahiilu  11H    23    97   shiai
 3. abnopsx  10J    39   136   pax
 4. elnortu   L8    28   164   toxine
 5. aeilruv  13G    30   194   vealier
 6. deegrtu   5E    36   230   deterge
 7. ailrrst   F4    62   292   retirals
 8. adnorsy  14I    36   328   yads
 9. ghiinow   8J    36   364   within
10. aeimoor   8A    33   397   roamer
11. begnosz  15D    66   463   bonzes
12. cegjnot   C7    54   517   jaconet
13. emnrtuv  B10    42   559   muter
14. acdeklo  A12    43   602   aked
15. befgino   4A    31   633   finger
16. efoosvy   L1    40   673   yoofs
17. cdeintu   2F    65   738   eduction
18. ablouvw   1L    32   770   yowl
19. abiquuv   3B    42   812   qua

Remaining tiles: biuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5802 Filejimbo       3 18:34  -372  440     1.6410 annelhynz   1  1:45  -713   99 
  2.6410 Fileannelhynz   1  1:45  -713   99            Group: novice
  3.3920 FileZEHAVARON   0  3:16  -771   41     1.5802 jimbo       3 18:34  -372  440 
  4.  -  Filebreadbun    0  1:54  -784   28     2.5934 Velly       0  1:25  -792   20 
  5.5934 FileVelly       0  1:25  -792   20            Group: not rated
                                             1.3920 ZEHAVARON   0  3:16  -771   41 
                                             2.  -  breadbun    0  1:54  -784   28 

On 1st draw, PE(R)GOLA H4 74 --- PERGOLA a shaded shelter or passageway [n]
Other tops: APOGE(A)L H3 74, GALOPE(D) H8 74, (A)POGEAL H3 74
Other moves: GALOPE(D) H4 72, APOGE(A)L H2 70, APOGE(A)L H4 70, APOGE(A)L H6 70, APOGE(A)L H8 70
PAGE(R) H4 20 Velly

On 2nd draw, (S)HIAI 11H 23 --- SHIAI (Japanese) a judo contest [n]
Other tops: HAIL(S) 11D 23, HAUL(S) 11D 23, HILU(S) 11D 23, HUIA(S) 11D 23, HULA(S) 11D 23, (S)HAUL 11H 23
Other moves: AHI(S) 11E 21, HUI(S) 11E 21, LAH(S) 11E 21, (S)HUL 11H 21, HAUL G5 20

On 3rd draw, PAX 10J 39 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: BO(R)AX 6F 35, BOX 10L 32, BOX 12K 32, PAX 10L 32, POX 10L 32

On 4th draw, TOXINE L8 28 --- TOXINE a poisonous substance [n]
Other moves: TOXIN L8 26, EXIT L9 22, NOULE G5 19, ROULE G5 19, ROUTE G5 19
GLUTEN 7H 9 jimbo

On 5th draw, VEALIER 13G 30 --- VEALY immature [adj]
Other moves: EVILER 13H 26, LEAVIER 13G 24, PREVAIL 4H 24, VILER 13I 24, ELUVIA M3 22
REVEL 13K 16 jimbo

On 6th draw, DETERGE 5E 36 --- DETERGE to cleanse [v]
Other tops: GREETED 5E 36
Other moves: GUTTED 8J 24, TRUDGE M3 22, GETTER 8J 21, GUTTER 8J 21, RETTED 8J 21
PUDGE 4H 18 jimbo

On 7th draw, RETIRALS F4 62 --- RETIRAL the giving up of office [n]
Other tops: RETRIALS F4 62
Other moves: RAITS 14H 31, AITS 14I 28, LATS 14I 28, LITS 14I 28, RATS 14I 28
RAILS L1 22 jimbo

On 8th draw, YADS 14I 36 --- YAD a stick with a small pointing hand at the tip, used to follow text in the Torah [n]
Other tops: YARDS L1 36, YODS 14I 36
Other moves: DONARY L1 34, YARNS L1 34, DRAYS L1 32, SYNOD L1 31, DANS 14I 30
YARDS L1 36 jimbo

On 9th draw, WITHIN 8J 36 --- WITHIN an interior place or area [n]
Other moves: WITING 8J 30, HOW M7 28, GHI G7 27, HOING 4K 27, WHIG 4K 27
WITHIN 8J 36 jimbo

On 10th draw, ROAMER 8A 33 --- ROAMER one that roams [n]
Other tops: ROOMER 8A 33, ROOMIE 15D 33
Other moves: AIMER 15F 30, RIEM 15G 29, MAIRE 15E 27, MOER 15G 27, MOIRE 15E 27
AIMER 15F 30 jimbo

On 11th draw, BONZES 15D 66 --- BONZE a Buddhist priest [n]
Other moves: GAZEBOS C7 62, BONZES 15E 60, ZONES L1 58, BONZE 15E 54, ZONES 15F 51
ZONES 15F 51 jimbo

On 12th draw, JACONET C7 54 --- JACONET a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: JO 7C 38, JETON 14A 30, JOINT N6 30, JEON 14B 28, JONG J2 28
JOINT N6 30 jimbo

On 13th draw, MUTER B10 42 --- MUTE characterized by an absence of speech [adj]
Other moves: VERMUTH M2 32, MUTER L1 30, MENU B10 28, MURE B10 28, MUTE B10 28
MENU B10 28 breadbun
VEIN N6 15 jimbo

On 14th draw, AKED A12 43 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: CAKED L1 41, COKED L1 41, ALECK 4K 34, CALKER 4A 33, COLED L1 33
KOA A13 30 jimbo

On 15th draw, FINGER 4A 31 --- FINGER to touch with the fingers (the terminating members of the hand) [v]
Other moves: BEFOG 4K 30, BINGER 4A 27, BONIER 4A 25, FEIGN 4K 25, FOGIE 4K 25
BEING N6 18 jimbo

On 16th draw, YOOFS L1 40 --- YOOF a youth [n]
Other moves: YOOFS A1 33, FEYS L2 30, FOYS L2 30, YOOF A1 30, YOOFS 4K 29
YOOFS L1 40 jimbo
FEYS L2 30 annelhynz

On 17th draw, EDUCTION 2F 65 --- EDUCTION the act of educing [n]
Other moves: CUNDY 1H 33, DICEY 1H 33, DICTY 1H 33, NICETY 1G 33, CUTEY 1H 30
CUNDY 1H 33 jimbo

On 18th draw, YOWL 1L 32 --- YOWL to utter a loud, long, mournful cry [v]
Other tops: YAWL 1L 32
Other moves: WOLF A1 30, OBA 3A 23, BOA 3B 21, LAUF A1 21, LOAF A1 21
YAWL 1L 32 annelhynz
AVOW 1C 19 jimbo

On 19th draw, QUA 3B 42 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI 3B 37, BUNIAS 11A 28, QUAI 1D 28, QUINA C1 28, QUAI B1 26
QI 3B 37 annelhynz, jimbo

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