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Game of January 24, 2012 at 11:12, 1 player
1. 57 pts love4life

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiinuw   H8    26    26   indew
 2. ?abeeux   8C    67    93   beauxite
 3. ?ginqrt   F7    73   166   quirting
 4. aenrsst   K5    95   261   sarsnet
 5. aadenps   6A    36   297   apneas
 6. iimnrty   5G    63   360   ministry
 7. adlnoot   4C    27   387   onload
 8. afillry   A4    51   438   frailly
 9. aeklosu  14D    65   503   kagoules
10. abiiotw  15A    42   545   bowat
11. acerrtv   H1    30   575   verdit
12. eefghou  15H    37   612   hoe
13. ccdehio   3C    33   645   hoed
14. cefipuz   J4    66   711   fiz
15. aeggmou   2B    41   752   omega
16. acgiopu  D11    26   778   pucka
17. deijotu  13J    36   814   jedi
18. acegiov   L1    26   840   civet
19. agiortu   N2    26   866   grayout

Remaining tiles: ii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filelove4life   0  7:23  -809   57     1.  -  love4life   0  7:23  -809   57 

On 1st draw, INDEW H8 26 --- INDEW to provide with [v]
Other tops: WIDEN H4 26, WINED H4 26
Other moves: DWINE H4 22, UNWED H8 22, WINED H8 22, DWINE H8 20, INDEW H4 20

On 2nd draw, BEAUXI(T)E 8C 67 --- BEAUXITE an ore of aluminium [n]
Other moves: BE(T)AXED 10B 38, BEE(S)WAX 12D 36, B(R)UXED 10C 31, EXED(R)A 10E 31, (C)AUDEX 10E 31
BEE 11G 5 love4life

On 3rd draw, QU(I)RTING F7 73 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other tops: QUIRT(I)NG F7 73
Other moves: T(O)RQUING F4 71, INDEWING H8 39, INDEWI(N)G H8 36, INDEW(I)NG H8 36, Q(U)EINT J6 36

On 4th draw, SARSNET K5 95 --- SARSNET thin tissue of fine silk [n]
Other moves: SARSNET 6F 81, SARSNET K8 81, TRANSES 6B 81, TRANSES K2 81, TRANSES K4 81

On 5th draw, APNEAS 6A 36 --- APNEA temporary cessation of respiration [n]
Other tops: PAEANS J6 36, PANDS 6B 36, PENDS 6B 36
Other moves: PANES 6B 35, PEANS 6B 35, SPANED 13H 34, PAEAN J6 33, PANDAS 6A 33
GAPED 14F 13 love4life

On 6th draw, MINISTRY 5G 63 --- MINISTRY the act of ministering [n]
Other moves: AMINITY A6 48, MINTY J10 36, AMITY A6 30, ATIMY A6 30, MANTY A5 30

On 7th draw, ONLOAD 4C 27 --- ONLOAD to load a vehicle or container [v]
Other tops: DOONA 5A 27
Other moves: TONDI H1 24, DALTON J10 22, DOON 7A 22, ALAND A4 21, ANODAL A6 21
GOD 14F 5 love4life

On 8th draw, FRAILLY A4 51 --- FRAIL fragile [adv] --- FRAILLY in a frail manner [adv]
Other moves: FLARY A4 45, FAIRY J10 42, FILLY J10 42, FAIRLY L10 39, FAIRLY J10 37
FAIL A5 21 love4life

On 9th draw, KAGOULES 14D 65 --- KAGOULE a light anorak [n]
Other moves: SKOAL 15F 46, SLAKE 15F 46, KOELS 3C 44, SAKE 15F 43, SKEO 15F 43
YOKE N5 13 love4life

On 10th draw, BOWAT 15A 42 --- BOWAT a lantern [n]
Other moves: OBIIT 15A 33, TIBIA 15A 33, OBIIT 15K 32, WAB J10 31, WAITE J10 31

On 11th draw, VERDIT H1 30 --- VERDIT a judicial decision [n]
Other moves: TAVER 15K 29, TRAVE 15K 29, CARDIE H1 27, CREDIT H1 27, CARVY N1 26

On 12th draw, HOE 15H 37 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: FOHN 13C 33, EH 15G 32, FEH J10 32, HO 15H 32, OH 15G 32

On 13th draw, HOED 3C 33 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other tops: HIED 3C 33
Other moves: CHORIC M2 32, RHODIC 3H 32, HIC J10 31, CHOIRED M1 30, CHOREIC M2 30

On 14th draw, FIZ J4 66 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: FUZE 2A 50, PIZE 2A 48, FEZ 2A 45, FIZ 2A 45, CUZ 2A 43

On 15th draw, OMEGA 2B 41 --- OMEGA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: MEGA 2C 30, MUGGEE J10 28, AGOGE 2A 27, GAME 2A 25, MUGGA 13J 25

On 16th draw, PUCKA D11 26 --- PUCKA durable [adj]
Other moves: PAC J10 25, PIC J10 25, CAPOT L1 24, CAPUT L1 24, COAPT L1 24

On 17th draw, JEDI 13J 36 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JUDO 13J 36
Other moves: JUTE 13J 34, JERID M3 30, JUDY N2 30, JURIED M3 30, JO 1A 29

On 18th draw, CIVET L1 26 --- CIVET a catlike mammal [n]
Other tops: COVET L1 26, COVEY N1 26, VAREC M3 26
Other moves: CAVY N2 24, VIRAGO M3 24, CAGEY N1 22, CAGOT L1 22, CARVE M3 22

On 19th draw, GRAYOUT N2 26 --- GRAYOUT a temporary blurring of vision [n]
Other moves: GUITAR 2J 22, ACTOR 1K 21, AGIO 12L 21, ATUA E8 21, CRAG 1L 21

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