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Game of January 24, 2012 at 15:46, 1 player
1. 288 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?finopp   H4    84    84   fopping
 2. ?adhksv   8D    73   157   khedivas
 3. aaefstw  10C    67   224   waftages
 4. aceimrv   D1    94   318   maverick
 5. adeillr  11I    71   389   dialler
 6. ceghnor   2A    40   429   creagh
 7. eegimtu   O7    33   462   gumtree
 8. adgilno   K1    70   532   loadings
 9. anostuy   L1    40   572   astony
10. aeinoot   3C    30   602   avion
11. adeejst   1H    81   683   dealates
12. beiruux  L11    40   723   lurex
13. eelnouz   J1    67   790   azo
14. beinorr  15J    45   835   boxier
15. enrttuw  10M    29   864   ewt
16. einoqtu  13I    48   912   quirt
17. eilortu   A2    30   942   cortile
18. binnouy  11B    41   983   bony

Remaining tiles: ijnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3662 Filelezaryne    0 18:00  -695  288     1.3662 lezaryne    0 18:00  -695  288 

On 1st draw, FOPPIN(G) H4 84 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FOPPIN(G) H2 82, FOPPIN(G) H3 78, FOPPIN(G) H7 78, FOPPIN(G) H8 78, FOPPIN(G) H5 76
POIN(T) H4 18 lezaryne

On 2nd draw, KH(E)DIVAS 8D 73 --- KHEDIVA the wife of a khedive [n]
Other moves: KHOD(J)AS 5F 28, SHAK(U)DO 5B 28, VODKAS 5G 28, KHAD(I) I2 27, KH(E)DA I2 27
K(I)D G3 19 lezaryne

On 3rd draw, WAFTA(G)ES 10C 67 --- WAFTAGE the act of wafting [n]
Other moves: FATWAHS E3 32, FATWAH E3 30, WHEFTS E7 30, WHEFT E7 28, TWEAKS D4 26
FATWAS 4H 24 lezaryne

On 4th draw, MAVERICK D1 94 --- MAVERICK an unbranded range animal [n]
Other moves: VERA 11B 31, MAIR 11D 30, REAM 11D 30, CHAFER E7 28, VARECH E3 28
WAVER C10 22 lezaryne

On 5th draw, DIALLER 11I 71 --- DIALLER one that dials [n]
Other moves: DALLIERS K1 68, DIALLERS K1 68, PALLIDER 6H 65, PILLARED 6H 65, RELAID 11B 36
DEAL 2B 10 lezaryne

On 6th draw, CREAGH 2A 40 --- CREAGH a foray [n]
Other tops: CHEGOE N9 40
Other moves: CHEERO N9 38, ORACHE 2B 38, CHORE 11A 37, CHEMO 1A 36, HENCE N10 36
FORGE 4H 18 lezaryne

On 7th draw, GUMTREE O7 33 --- GUMTREE a tree that yields gum [n]
Other moves: TEME 11B 31, EMIGRE O7 30, MEET 11D 30, TEEM 11D 30, EME 11C 29
MEET N10 12 lezaryne

On 8th draw, LOADINGS K1 70 --- LOADING a burden [n]
Other moves: CODLING A2 39, AVOID 3C 34, COALING A2 33, AVION 3C 30, GAID 11D 30
LOADING 5G 18 lezaryne

On 9th draw, ASTONY L1 40 --- ASTONY to amaze or shock [v]
Other moves: ATONY 11A 39, AUNTLY 1G 39, STONY 11A 39, MASTY 1D 38, MUSTY 1D 38

On 10th draw, AVION 3C 30 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: ACONITE A1 30, COONTIE A2 30, ENVOI 3B 30
Other moves: ACETIN A1 27, ACTION A1 27, ATONE 11A 27, OCTANE A1 27, TONE M3 27
WAIT C10 14 lezaryne

On 11th draw, DEALATES 1H 81 --- DEALATE an insect divested of its wings [n]
Other moves: JEATS 3I 40, JETE 11B 39, JADES 14K 37, TAJ 1F 36, JEATS 14K 35
WASTED C10 20 lezaryne

On 12th draw, LUREX L11 40 --- LUREX a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: XI 2N 38, FIXURE E10 32, XI 12K 31, FIXER E10 30, EXURB 5A 28
WEB C10 8 lezaryne

On 13th draw, AZO J1 67 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZONE 11B 43, FUZEE E10 34, ZEP 6F 34, ZEIN 6B 33, ZO J5 33
ZONE 14I 15 lezaryne

On 14th draw, BOXIER 15J 45 --- BOXY resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: ROBE 11B 31, BEIN 11D 30, CORNIER A2 30, BENI I3 29, BONE 11B 29
BOATER 3I 22 lezaryne

On 15th draw, EWT 10M 29 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: WE 11D 25, ETWEE N11 23, ECRU A1 21, WEFT 4F 21, HEFT E8 20
WENT C10 14 lezaryne

On 16th draw, QUIRT 13I 48 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other tops: QUERN 13I 48, QUIRE 13I 48
Other moves: QUOTE 11A 45, QUINO 14F 42, QUIET 6B 36, QUINE 6B 36, QUINO 6B 36
QUIT 6B 33 lezaryne

On 17th draw, CORTILE A2 30 --- CORTILE an enclosed courtyard [n]
Other tops: CLOTURE A2 30, CLOUTER A2 30, COULTER A2 30, CULTIER A2 30
Other moves: LORE 11B 25, LOTE 11B 25, ROLE 11B 25, ROTE 11B 25, TOLE 11B 25
WIRE C10 14 lezaryne

On 18th draw, BONY 11B 41 --- BONY full of bones [adj]
Other moves: YOB 11E 38, ONY 11C 35, BY 11D 34, YIN 11E 32, YON 11E 32
NY B8 7 lezaryne

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