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Game of January 25, 2012 at 03:13, 1 player
1. 40 pts Snook

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egjnopu   H4    44    44   jupon
 2. ?aaerss   4C    78   122   swarajes
 3. eeglmot   3I    29   151   motel
 4. diiortt   4L    20   171   ditt
 5. ?deglrw   I7    79   250   wergeld
 6. aaaemno   2H    30   280   nema
 7. cenoqrs   1D    45   325   crones
 8. aailowy   G7    34   359   yowl
 9. adikrst   1K    45   404   skart
10. abeeinv  12C    82   486   enviable
11. aaegiot  13G    33   519   godetia
12. efghotu  12L    34   553   heft
13. adehnqr   O4    42   595   tranq
14. efiirvy   E8    90   685   revivify
15. abdeinp  15D    42   727   pyned
16. abeiilx   2E    52   779   ex
17. bdgiilo   C7    26   805   obliged
18. aciiouz   N6    64   869   za
19. achioou  B10    29   898   ha
20. ciioouu   8A    21   919   cob

Remaining tiles: iiiouuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5289 FileSnook       0  3:01  -879   40     1.5289 Snook       0  3:01  -879   40 

On 1st draw, JUPON H4 44 --- JUPON a tunic [n]
Other moves: JUPON H8 30, JUPON H5 28, JUPON H6 28, JUPON H7 28, JUPE H5 26

On 2nd draw, S(W)ARAJES 4C 78 --- SWARAJ self-government in British India [n]
Other tops: ASSUA(G)ER 5E 78, S(V)ARAJES 4C 78, (C)AESURAS 5D 78, (N)ARASES I3 78
Other moves: A(R)RASES I1 76, SARA(P)ES I3 76, (N)ARASES I1 76, AR(R)ASES I1 75, SARA(P)ES I1 75

On 3rd draw, MOTEL 3I 29 --- MOTEL a roadside hotel [n]
Other tops: METOL 3I 29
Other moves: OMELET G6 25, OMELET I6 25, TEME 5C 25, TOME 5C 25, EMOTE I6 24

On 4th draw, DITT 4L 20 --- DITT a poem [n]
Other tops: DIRT 4L 20, DIT 2J 20, DOIT 4L 20, DORT 4L 20
Other moves: IDIOT 3A 19, IDIOT 5A 19, DISTORT C2 18, DI 2J 17, DOITIT G7 17

On 5th draw, WERG(E)LD I7 79 --- WERGELD a price paid for the taking of a man's life in Anglo-Saxon law [n]
Other tops: WERG(E)LD G7 79, WERG(I)LD G7 79, WERG(I)LD I7 79
Other moves: GR(O)WLED 2D 78, W(E)RGELD G7 78, W(E)RGELD I7 78, WRA(N)GLED E2 74, GLOWER(E)D 7F 69

On 6th draw, NEMA 2H 30 --- NEMA a kind of worm [n]
Other moves: MAN 2J 28, MEN 2J 28, OMEN G6 28, EM 2I 26, ATAMAN O3 24
MEAT O1 18 Snook

On 7th draw, CRONES 1D 45 --- CRONE a withered old woman [n]
Other moves: CORSE 1D 36, COSE 1G 36, CRONE 1D 36, NOSER 1G 36, ESTOC N2 34
CRONES 14D 22 Snook

On 8th draw, YOWL G7 34 --- YOWL to utter a loud, long, mournful cry [v]
Other tops: YAWL G7 34
Other moves: WALTY O1 33, WAY G7 33, YAW G7 33, YOW G7 33, WALY G7 31

On 9th draw, SKART 1K 45 --- SKART a cormorant [n]
Other tops: SKIRT 1K 45
Other moves: KADIS 1K 40, KAIDS 1K 40, KARST 1K 37, KARTS 1K 37, KATIS 1K 37

On 10th draw, ENVIABLE 12C 82 --- ENVIABLE causing envy [adj]
Other moves: NAEVE H11 34, NAEVI H11 34, NAIVE H11 34, NEIVE H11 34, EAVE H12 30

On 11th draw, GODETIA 13G 33 --- GODETIA a showy annual herb [n]
Other moves: ABATE H11 25, BEGO H12 24, BIGA H12 24, BIOG H12 24, ADAGIO 13H 22

On 12th draw, HEFT 12L 34 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: THEFT O4 33, THOFT O4 33, THIEF L11 30, FEH 14F 29, FEH 3E 29

On 13th draw, TRANQ O4 42 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other tops: RAHED 2B 42
Other moves: DEARTH O8 30, HATRED O10 30, RAHED 5A 30, THREAD O4 30, AHED 2C 28

On 14th draw, REVIVIFY E8 90 --- REVIVIFY to give new life to [v]
Other moves: BOYF H12 36, VIVIFY E10 36, YBORE H11 34, RYFE 13A 32, FY 13C 31

On 15th draw, PYNED 15D 42 --- PYNE to pine [v]
Other moves: BANDY 15A 39, BEADY 15A 39, BENDY 15A 39, PANDY 15A 39, BEANY 15A 33

On 16th draw, EX 2E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: LAXER 8A 39, LAX 13A 38, LEX 13A 38, EX 5D 37, AX 13B 36

On 17th draw, OBLIGED C7 26 --- OBLIGE to put in one's debt by a favor or service [v]
Other moves: BIOG 5B 23, BI N6 22, BILED C9 22, BILGED C8 22, BO N6 22

On 18th draw, ZA N6 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZO N6 64
Other moves: CAZ 11K 46, CUZ 14L 39, ZOA B6 38, AZO 11L 35, AZO B5 34

On 19th draw, HA B10 29 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other moves: AH B9 28, TACH O12 27, TICH O12 27, HIC M7 25, HOC M7 25

On 20th draw, COB 8A 21 --- COB a corncob [n] --- COB to strike [v]
Other tops: CUB 8A 21
Other moves: TOCO O12 18, COO B6 17, COO M7 17, FOU 14E 17, UFO 14D 16

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