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Game of January 25, 2012 at 07:08, 3 players
1. 393 pts mylover81
2. 318 pts jimbo
3. 256 pts dabbler

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eehopu   H2    78    78   euphroe
 2. acclnuy   G3    34   112   yuca
 3. eeiloru   5G    24   136   cheerio
 4. ?efggho   4L    38   174   hoof
 5. aeegnrz   O4    51   225   feaze
 6. illqstu   8C    68   293   quillets
 7. bcimops   9K    32   325   combs
 8. adeiorw   3J    34   359   deaw
 9. egnortt   E3    68   427   ottering
10. eilotvv   L8    32   459   votive
11. aeefint   6J    28   487   fe
12. bennotu   2B    28   515   bento
13. aainnns   1A    38   553   nanas
14. adinrrt   C8    34   587   qindar
15. adimnop  13E    69   656   dopamine
16. adgjruw  H12    60   716   jaga
17. aikllrt   3A    33   749   tak
18. dilorsw  14C    48   797   slow
19. degirxy  D11    39   836   ex
20. dgiiiry   K9    20   856   cig
21. dilrruy   N9    30   886   buirdly

Remaining tiles: iirr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7301 Filemylover81   5 13:05  -493  393     1.7301 mylover81   5 13:05  -493  393 
  2.5888 Filejimbo       1 17:13  -568  318            Group: intermediate
  3.6569 Filedabbler     1 11:09  -630  256     1.6569 dabbler     1 11:09  -630  256 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5888 jimbo       1 17:13  -568  318 

On 1st draw, EUPH(R)OE H2 78 --- EUPHROE a wooden block used to adjust a shipboard awning [n]
Other moves: EUPH(R)OE H3 74, EUPH(R)OE H4 74, EUPH(R)OE H6 74, EUPH(R)OE H7 74, EUPH(R)OE H5 72
HOPE H8 18 jimbo

On 2nd draw, YUCA G3 34 --- YUCA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: CHANCY 5G 32, YUCCH 5D 30, CAY G5 29, CANY G5 26, CLUNCH 5C 26
LAUNCH 5C 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, CHEERIO 5G 24 --- CHEERIO a greeting [n]
Other tops: OILER F4 24
Other moves: CHEERO 5G 22, CHOLER 5G 22, CHOREE 5G 22, ECHOER 5F 22, ELICHE 5D 22
REEL I7 11 jimbo

On 4th draw, HO(O)F 4L 38 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other tops: HO(U)F 4L 38, HO(W)F 4L 38
Other moves: H(O)OF 4L 37, FEH(M) 4J 36, FEH(S) 4J 36, FOGGE(D) 4J 36, FOGGE(R) 4J 36
(S)HOG N5 27 jimbo

On 5th draw, FEAZE O4 51 --- FEAZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: ZARF O1 48, GRENZ F6 46, ZAG F2 45, ZAG 3K 40, ZA F2 37
ZOO M3 24 jimbo

On 6th draw, QUILLETS 8C 68 --- QUILLET a trivial distinction [n]
Other moves: QIS 9M 40, QUILLS 9C 38, QUILTS 9C 38, SQUILL 9H 38, QUIETS J2 37
QIS 9M 40 jimbo

On 7th draw, COMBS 9K 32 --- COMB to arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument) [v]
Other tops: COMPS 9K 32
Other moves: POEM I3 31, COOMBS M3 30, MICOS 9K 30, IMPS 9L 29, COOMB M3 28
COMBS 9K 32 jimbo

On 8th draw, DEAW 3J 34 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other tops: DRAW 3J 34, WALED F6 34, WILED F6 34
Other moves: WELDOR F6 33, WILDER F6 33, DAW 3K 32, WALDO F6 32, WALIER F6 32
WO 3M 23 jimbo

On 9th draw, OTTERING E3 68 --- OTTER to fish with a board of baited lines [v]
Other moves: GENITOR E5 32, BETTONG N9 24, BETTOR N9 20, BOTNET N9 20, BRETON N9 20
CONGER K9 18 mylover81
BOTT N9 8 jimbo

On 10th draw, VOTIVE L8 32 --- VOTIVE a small squat candle [n] --- VOTIVE performed in fulfillment of a vow [adj]
Other moves: VOLTE 2B 30, VOLTI 2B 30, VOLVE L8 30, VILE D1 28, VITE D1 28
VOTE D1 28 mylover81
MOTIVE M9 22 jimbo

On 11th draw, FE 6J 28 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: BENEFIT N9 28, FANE D1 28, FATE D1 28, FENI D1 28, FETA D1 28, FETE D1 28, FINE D1 28
Other moves: NAIF D3 27, NEIF D3 27, NIEF D3 27, FAINT 2A 26, FEINT 2A 26
FE 6J 28 mylover81
FEINT 13K 16 jimbo

On 12th draw, BENTO 2B 28 --- BENTO a Japanese meal packed in a box [n]
Other moves: BONE D1 24, BUTE D1 24, CUB K9 24, BENT 2B 22, BOET 2B 22
BONE D1 24 mylover81
QUOTE C8 15 jimbo

On 13th draw, NANAS 1A 38 --- NANA a grandmother [n]
Other moves: ANNAS 11A 32, NAANS 11A 32, NANAS 11A 32, AIAS 11B 30, AINS 11B 30
NAANS 11A 32 dabbler
SAIN 11E 30 mylover81
QIS C8 13 jimbo

On 14th draw, QINDAR C8 34 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QINTAR C8 32, RADIO 3A 28, RATIO 3A 24, DINNA 9B 23, ANTIAR D1 22
RAD 3A 21 mylover81
TRAINED 13G 20 dabbler
TRAINER 13G 18 jimbo

On 15th draw, DOPAMINE 13E 69 --- DOPAMINE a form of dopa used to stimulate the heart [n]
Other moves: DAIMON B9 38, IMPONED 13G 32, MAP 3A 29, MOP 3A 29, DAP 3A 27
MAP 3A 29 mylover81
MOPED 13I 26 dabbler

On 16th draw, JAGA H12 60 --- JAGA a watchman (Indonesia) [n] --- JAGA to guard [v]
Other moves: JAG 12H 43, JAW 3A 43, JUD 12H 43, JUG 12H 43, JURAT 4A 40
JAGA H12 60 mylover81
JAG 12H 43 dabbler

On 17th draw, TAK 3A 33 --- TAK to take [v]
Other moves: KRAIT 4A 28, IKAT B11 27, TALAK 12B 27, KAAL 12A 26, ARAK 12C 25
TAK 3A 33 mylover81
KART B12 24 dabbler

On 18th draw, SLOW 14C 48 --- SLOW moving with little speed [adj] --- SLOW to lessen the speed of [v]
Other moves: SOW M13 40, TWIRLS A3 39, SLID 14C 36, SOD M13 36, SIR M13 34
SLOW 14C 48 mylover81
DOW 14D 31 dabbler
WOS 14A 29 jimbo

On 19th draw, EX D11 39 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: TIGERY A3 33, DIXY J12 31, DIXY 11K 30, DIXI J12 28, DIXIE 11I 26
EX D11 39 dabbler, mylover81

On 20th draw, CIG K9 20 --- CIG a cigarette [n]
Other tops: CID K9 20, GID 14H 20, RIDGY 11K 20
Other moves: DEAWY 3J 16, GYRI 10E 16, GYRI 11I 16, WOODY M3 16, YIRD 11K 16
BY N9 15 mylover81, dabbler

On 21th draw, BUIRDLY N9 30 --- BUIRDLY large and well made [adj]
Other moves: BLUIDY N9 28, BLURRY N9 26, VOTIVELY L8 21, GID 14H 20, JUD 12H 18
BLURRY N9 26 dabbler
GID 14H 20 mylover81

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