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Game of January 25, 2012 at 17:09, 1 player
1. 14 pts breadbun

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fioorru   H4    24    24   furor
 2. ?cfimsu   7D    71    95   misfocus
 3. deelttu   8A    29   124   luted
 4. ?eiikln   A8    98   222   limekiln
 5. aeegnot   K5    32   254   onstage
 6. adehprv   8K    36   290   thrae
 7. aaenopr   N7    74   364   paranoea
 8. aeeinps  15L    38   402   pase
 9. cdeeory   B6    40   442   crudy
10. abegorx  O10    43   485   box
11. adeiino  M10    33   518   done
12. aeilmsw   9D    31   549   mewls
13. aaeinty  14A    34   583   litany
14. ehiistv   L1    32   615   hives
15. aeitvwz  15F    56   671   avize
16. adeioot   1H    27   698   death
17. aeiqttu   2F    45   743   quiet
18. ilnoort   3C    26   769   nooit
19. abgglow   4A    36   805   blow

Remaining tiles: aggijr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebreadbun    0  1:36  -791   14     1.  -  breadbun    0  1:36  -791   14 

On 1st draw, FUROR H4 24 --- FUROR an uproar [n]
Other moves: FUROR H8 18, FUROR H5 16, FUROR H6 16, FUROR H7 16, FOUR H5 14
FOUR H8 14 breadbun

On 2nd draw, MI(S)FOCUS 7D 71 --- MISFOCUS to focus badly [v]
Other tops: MISFOCU(S) 7D 71
Other moves: (O)FFSCUM 4F 32, (O)FFSCUM 4G 32, CUFFI(N)S 4F 28, MUFFIS(H) 4F 28, MUFFI(N)S 4F 28

On 3rd draw, LUTED 8A 29 --- LUTE to play a lute (a stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: DELE 8A 23, DULE 8A 23, LUDE 8A 23, FETTLED 4H 22, METTLED D7 22

On 4th draw, LI(M)EKILN A8 98 --- LIMEKILN a furnace in which shells are burned to produce lime [n]
Other moves: (D)ISLIKEN K5 94, LINELIK(E) A8 86, LIN(E)LIKE A8 86, LI(O)NLIKE A8 86, FLINKI(T)E 4H 80

On 5th draw, ONSTAGE K5 32 --- ONSTAGE being on a part of the stage visible to the audience [adj]
Other moves: GOATEE 8J 29, TENGE 9D 26, TANGO 8K 23, TENGE 8K 23, TOGAE 8K 23

On 6th draw, THRAE 8K 36 --- THRAE away [adv]
Other moves: HAVER L1 32, THRAVE C8 32, PAVED L1 31, HARPED J9 30, HEPAR L1 30

On 7th draw, PARANOEA N7 74 --- PARANOEA a mental disorder [n]
Other tops: PARANOEA N1 74
Other moves: PARANOEA N5 64, OPERA 6B 23, ANOA B12 22, APNEA 6A 22, APNOEA L1 22

On 8th draw, PASE 15L 38 --- PASE a movement of a matador's cape [n]
Other tops: PAIN O12 38, PAIS O12 38, PANE O12 38, PANS O12 38, PASE O12 38, PEAN O12 38, PEAS O12 38, PEEN O12 38, PEES O12 38, PEIN O12 38, PENE O12 38, PENI O12 38, PENS O12 38, PISE 15L 38
Other moves: PAISE 15K 35, PEASE 15K 35, PEISE 15K 35, RAPINE M8 33, REPINE M8 33

On 9th draw, CRUDY B6 40 --- CRUDY (Shakespeare) crude [adj]
Other moves: COREY L1 31, COYED L1 31, DECOY L1 31, DECRY L1 31, CYDER L1 30

On 10th draw, BOX O10 43 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other tops: BORAX L1 43
Other moves: GOX O10 41, AXE O11 39, RAX O10 39, REX O10 39, AX O11 36

On 11th draw, DONE M10 33 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other tops: DONA M10 33
Other moves: RADON M8 29, REDON M8 29, HAINED L8 27, NADA M12 27, DON M10 23

On 12th draw, MEWLS 9D 31 --- MEWL to whimper [v]
Other moves: WALISE L1 30, WAMES L1 30, WEALS 9D 30, WEILS 9D 30, LEAMS 9D 28

On 13th draw, LITANY 14A 34 --- LITANY a ceremonial form of prayer [n]
Other tops: LENITY 14A 34
Other moves: KYANITE 12A 28, NAY B13 23, TAY B13 23, KYAT 12A 22, KYNE 12A 22

On 14th draw, HIVES L1 32 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HISTIE L1 30, EISH 15F 26, ETHS 15F 26, KITHES 12A 26, SHIVE L1 26

On 15th draw, AVIZE 15F 56 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: HAZE 1L 48, AVIZE J11 39, AVIZE 2J 38, WAIVE 2J 38, AVIZE 13F 36

On 16th draw, DEATH 1H 27 --- DEATH the end of life [n]
Other tops: DHOTI 1K 27, DOETH 1H 27
Other moves: HADE 1L 24, HAED 1L 24, HEAD 1L 24, HEID 1L 24, HIDE 1L 24

On 17th draw, QUIET 2F 45 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other tops: QUATE 2F 45, QUITE 2F 45
Other moves: QUAT 2F 38, QUIT 2F 38, QUIET(S) F2 36, QUITE(S) F2 36, QUA 2F 35

On 18th draw, NOOIT 3C 26 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other moves: KILOTON 12A 22, KROONI 12A 20, MEMOIR D7 20, LOIN 3D 19, LOIR 3D 19

On 19th draw, BLOW 4A 36 --- BLOW to damn [v] --- BLOW to drive or impel by a current of air [v]
Other tops: BLAW 4A 36
Other moves: GLOW 4A 32, ALOW 4A 28, BOW 4B 28, GLOB 4A 28, BLAW D12 26

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