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Game of January 26, 2012 at 08:09, 3 players
1. 332 pts babsbedi
2. 264 pts Dairdare
3. 114 pts quirky

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ademors   H8    76    76   radomes
 2. ?gilors  11E    82   158   rosoglio
 3. agimnpr  13H    82   240   emparing
 4. ?bcdeeo   8A    95   335   bedcover
 5. ehirtuw  O10    42   377   weight
 6. aadelor   A3    63   440   adorable
 7. aeikoxy  B10    50   490   xi
 8. acefint  14B    36   526   fiances
 9. adgilou   G1    62   588   dialogue
10. aeeensw   1A    45   633   seaweed
11. efiorty  15A    49   682   ryfe
12. abeeiot  N10    35   717   atone
13. aikotuy  13C    48   765   kyu
14. insttuz   O8    45   810   unweight
15. ahnortv   2E    31   841   rhino
16. ijnoqtu  10F    53   894   jud
17. eiilptv   3I    27   921   pilei
18. inosttv   5E    94  1015   stotinov
19. abnttvz   3A    26  1041   azan

Remaining tiles: bqttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6556 Filebabsbedi    1 10:18  -709  332     1.6556 babsbedi    1 10:18  -709  332 
  2.  -  FileDairdare    0 20:32  -777  264     2.6513 quirky      0  5:14  -927  114 
  3.6513 Filequirky      0  5:14  -927  114            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Dairdare    0 20:32  -777  264 

On 1st draw, RADOMES H8 76 --- RADOME a domelike device used to shelter a radar antenna [n]
Other moves: RADOMES H2 74, RADOMES H3 72, RADOMES H4 72, RADOMES H6 72, RADOMES H7 72
SMORE H6 14 Dairdare

On 2nd draw, R(O)SOGLIO 11E 82 --- ROSOGLIO a sweet cordial [n]
Other tops: GIROSOL(S) 11E 82, GIRO(S)OLS 11E 82, ROSOGLI(O) 11E 82
Other moves: GIROS(O)L I9 78, GIR(A)SOL I9 78, GIR(O)SOL I9 78, MORLI(N)GS 12H 72, O(B)LIGERS 13C 72
LEGS 13G 8 Dairdare

On 3rd draw, EMPARING 13H 82 --- EMPARE to become worse [v]
Other moves: RAMPINGS 14A 80, GRIPMAN G3 73, GRIPMEN 13C 32, PERMING 13G 32, APISM G8 30
MAD 10F 23 babsbedi
PROG L9 14 Dairdare

On 4th draw, BEDCO(V)ER 8A 95 --- BEDCOVER a cover for a bed [n]
Other moves: BEC(K)ONED N8 86, RECO(M)BED 8H 86, BEDCO(V)ER E4 74, BE(A)CONED N8 74, BEACO(N)ED 9F 68
BO(G)GED O10 27 babsbedi
OGEE O12 18 Dairdare

On 5th draw, WEIGHT O10 42 --- WEIGHT to add weight (heaviness) to [v]
Other tops: WRIGHT O10 42, WRITHES 14B 42
Other moves: WHINER N10 40, WIGHT O11 39, WHINE N10 38, THREW 10B 35, WHITER 12A 35
THREW 10B 35 babsbedi
WHITED C3 28 Dairdare

On 6th draw, ADORABLE A3 63 --- ADORABLE worthy of being adored [adj]
Other moves: SOARED 14H 26, DONA N11 25, DONE N11 25, ANOA N12 22, LOADED 10C 22
DOH 14M 21 babsbedi
LEADER B7 11 Dairdare

On 7th draw, XI B10 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: YOKED 10D 42, OXEYES G6 40, OAKED 10D 39, AKED 10E 38, KEX 12D 38
XI B10 50 babsbedi

On 8th draw, FIANCES 14B 36 --- FIANCE a man engaged to be married [n]
Other tops: INFECTS 14B 36
Other moves: N*NC* N11 34, FAINE B2 31, FANE N11 31, ANCE N12 30, FANATIC 9G 29
FAINT C11 21 babsbedi
ONCE 5A 6 Dairdare

On 9th draw, DIALOGUE G1 62 --- DIALOGUE to carry on a conversation [v]
Other moves: GADI 15A 32, GAOL 15A 28, DONA N11 25, IGLU 13B 25, GILD 13A 24
GADI 15A 32 babsbedi
GALLOP J8 11 Dairdare

On 10th draw, SEAWEED 1A 45 --- SEAWEED a plant growing in the sea [n]
Other moves: WANDS 1D 39, WEEDS 1D 39, WENDS 1D 39, SWAG I8 37, DEEWANS 1G 36
WENDS 1D 39 babsbedi
WEEDS 1D 39 Dairdare

On 11th draw, RYFE 15A 49 --- RYFE rife [adj]
Other moves: FIERY 2F 40, FOOTIER 5E 40, EYOT 15A 37, REFT 15A 37, RYOT 15A 37
FE 15A 20 babsbedi

On 12th draw, ATONE N10 35 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: BANE N11 28, BONA N11 28, BONE N11 28, ABET 2B 27, BEGEM I9 27
TABID 10D 27 babsbedi
BAIL 4D 12 Dairdare

On 13th draw, KYU 13C 48 --- KYU a novice grade in judo [n]
Other moves: KY 13C 44, YAK 10D 37, YOK 10D 37, YUK 10D 37, KID 10F 35
YAK 10D 37 babsbedi
LOT 4G 4 Dairdare

On 14th draw, UNWEIGHT O8 45 --- UNWEIGHT to reduce the weight of [v]
Other moves: ST H1 44, SEAWEEDS 1A 36, SAZ 9G 35, Z(O)S F10 31, ZINS M7 30
WINS D1 14 Dairdare

On 15th draw, RHINO 2E 31 --- RHINO a rhinoceros [n]
Other tops: AHINT 2E 31, HIANT 2F 31
Other moves: THIN 2E 30, THIO 2E 30, THIR 2E 30, THON 2B 30, AHI 2E 29
THIN 2E 30 quirky
WART D1 14 Dairdare

On 16th draw, JUD 10F 53 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: QUINOL J6 37, QUILT 4D 30, QUIN M7 30, QUIT M7 30, JIN N6 28
QUILT 4D 30 Dairdare
QUOIN 5E 28 quirky

On 17th draw, PILEI 3I 27 --- PILEUS the umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom [n]
Other moves: PELVIC D3 26, VITELLI 4C 22, LIPE B3 21, PITIED C3 20, PIVOT 5D 20
VEIL M7 18 quirky
POLITE 5F 16 Dairdare

On 18th draw, STOTINOV 5E 94 --- STOTIN a monetary unit of Slovenia [n]
Other moves: SNOG I8 34, OVIST I5 26, STINT 4I 25, TOITS 4I 25, OPTIONS I2 23
VIES L1 22 quirky
BEDCO(V)ERS 8A 13 Dairdare

On 19th draw, AZAN 3A 26 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other tops: AZAN C1 26
Other moves: ADZ C7 24, ZA 4D 24, AZAN 9H 23, AB 12E 19, BANT 2L 18
BANT M7 16 quirky
ZIN M2 12 Dairdare

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