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Game of January 27, 2012 at 10:49, 1 player
1. 49 pts nkcwezana

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeegnt   H7    70    70   teenage
 2. ehimprs  11E   110   180   seraphim
 3. ?adjlnt  12A    40   220   jaunt
 4. ?aabdst   M9    90   310   bastard
 5. afnorsy  A10    48   358   yojans
 6. ioortuy   N7    32   390   troy
 7. efhiort   E4    80   470   frothiest
 8. deillrt   I2    66   536   trilled
 9. delnoov   L8    39   575   dolmen
10. aeeioqs  15K    48   623   qadis
11. aeimoop   O1    94   717   ipomoea
12. efinrrw   D1    38   755   wife
13. cdeenuv   8A    42   797   dunch
14. ceoruwx   F5    55   852   exo
15. aeinruz  15A   104   956   suzerain
16. abgiouw   H1    36   992   biog
17. agikruw  14D    37  1029   auk
18. ceilruv   C3    36  1065   eruvin

Remaining tiles: cglvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filenkcwezana   0  4:26 -1016   49     1.  -  nkcwezana   0  4:26 -1016   49 

On 1st draw, TEENAGE H7 70 --- TEENAGE pertaining to teenagers [adj]
Other moves: TEENAGE H2 68, TEENAGE H3 68, TEENAGE H4 68, TEENAGE H6 68, TEENAGE H8 68

On 2nd draw, SERAPHIM 11E 110 --- SERAPHIM a winged celestial being [n]
Other moves: EMPERISH 8H 98, EMPERISH 13H 86, SAMPHIRE 11G 80, NEPHRISM 10H 73, EMPERISH 13E 69

On 3rd draw, JA(U)NT 12A 40 --- JAUNT to go on a pleasure trip [v]
Other moves: JAD(E) 14F 37, J(U)D 14F 36, JAN(G)LED 13C 34, JA(R)L 14F 34, JA(U)NTED 13C 34

On 4th draw, BASTA(R)D M9 90 --- BASTARD a child who's parents are not married to each other [n]
Other moves: DATAB(A)SE 8A 83, D(A)TABASE 8A 83, BASTA(R)D 14B 82, DATAB(U)S 14H 82, DAT(A)BASE 8A 80

On 5th draw, YOJANS A10 48 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other moves: FANOS 10F 44, FORAY N6 44, FORAYS G9 43, FORAY G9 42, JASY A12 42

On 6th draw, TROY N7 32 --- TROY a system of weights [n]
Other moves: TOY N8 31, OY N9 30, YOU(R)T 14J 30, YON 10F 29, OARY B11 28

On 7th draw, FROTHIEST E4 80 --- FROTHY foamy [adj]
Other moves: FORTIETH 7B 70, FORTIETH 7E 66, FROTHED 15G 45, FORME L8 43, HORME L8 43

On 8th draw, TRILLED I2 66 --- TRILL to sing or play with a vibrating effect [v]
Other tops: TRILLED G2 66
Other moves: TRIED O5 32, DERTH 8A 30, DRILLED 15G 30, RIDDLE 15J 30, TIDDLE 15J 30

On 9th draw, DOLMEN L8 39 --- DOLMEN a prehistoric monument [n]
Other moves: LOOED O5 32, VOLE D1 32, DOVE D1 30, NODDLE 15J 30, NOODLED 15G 30
NOVEL 14A 16 nkcwezana

On 10th draw, QADIS 15K 48 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QI H1 35, QI D3 32, SEQ(U)OIA C9 32, SAIQ(U)E C8 30, Q(U)AIS C11 26
Q(U)A C11 22 nkcwezana

On 11th draw, IPOMOEA O1 94 --- IPOMOEA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: IPOMOEA M1 77, IPOMOEA K2 75, IPOMOEA B4 72, IPOMOEA G1 67, OOMPH 8A 45
PHI 8D 11 nkcwezana

On 12th draw, WIFE D1 38 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FIE F6 34, FENI D1 32, FINE D1 32, FIRE D1 32, WINE D1 32

On 13th draw, DUNCH 8A 42 --- DUNCH a push [n] --- DUNCH to nudge [v]
Other moves: CUED H1 36, EDUCE C3 35, EVINCE 2B 34, EVINCED 4G 34, ENDUE C3 30

On 14th draw, EXO F5 55 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX F5 52, OXER C1 52, POX I11 40, CHOUX J10 39, CRUX 14G 38

On 15th draw, SUZERAIN 15A 104 --- SUZERAIN a feudal lord [n]
Other moves: AZURINE M1 88, AZURINE K2 85, WANZE 1D 51, WAREZ 1D 51, WAZIR 1D 51

On 16th draw, BIOG H1 36 --- BIOG a biography [n]
Other moves: BOW N1 33, WAB 14D 31, *B* C1 29, OBI C1 29, BOG N1 27

On 17th draw, AUK 14D 37 --- AUK a diving seabird [n]
Other moves: KIR C2 36, KUIA N1 36, KA 14F 34, ARK G1 31, REWAN 10D 31

On 18th draw, ERUVIN C3 36 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: ERUV C3 30, VIEW 1A 30, CRUIVE M2 28, ERIC C3 28, CLEW 1A 27

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