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Game of January 28, 2012 at 04:58, 3 players
1. 578 pts Zweep
2. 490 pts kellybelly
3. 471 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeilly   H8    24    24   alley
 2. aeeimst  13H    79   103   steamie
 3. aghnrru   M8    63   166   hurraing
 4. ?adiiot  15F    77   243   iodating
 5. ?iostxy  10B    85   328   xylitols
 6. ceiqrss  14F    64   392   qi
 7. abdeopr   F5    65   457   probated
 8. adegmot  14J    40   497   amend
 9. abdklor   8L    48   545   khor
10. aeflnrw  O12    52   597   wren
11. binostu   D6    70   667   botulins
12. acghlou   C7    33   700   hugy
13. adinort   B2    79   779   diatron
14. aeeilst   5E    90   869   epilates
15. aeennow   A1    32   901   wean
16. eefinpu   H1    27   928   penile
17. cefgjov   L1    28   956   voces
18. cfgjlou   J2    27   983   jolt
19. cffguvz  11K    32  1015   zurf

Remaining tiles: cfgv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6514 FileZweep       3 22:15  -437  578     1.7345 kellybelly  3 11:30  -525  490 
  2.7345 Filekellybelly  3 11:30  -525  490            Group: intermediate
  3.5486 Filefatcat      2 19:41  -544  471     1.6514 Zweep       3 22:15  -437  578 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5486 fatcat      2 19:41  -544  471 

On 1st draw, ALLEY H8 24 --- ALLEY a narrow passageway [n]
Other moves: ALEYE H4 18, ALEYE H8 18, ALLEY H4 18, ALEYE H5 16, ALEYE H6 16
ALLEY H8 24 Zweep
LILY H8 14 fatcat

On 2nd draw, STEAMIE 13H 79 --- STEAMIE a public laundry [n]
Other moves: MEALIEST 10E 64, METALISE 10D 64, STEAMIE G2 63, STEAMIE I2 63, MEALIEST 9E 62
MATIES 13C 27 Zweep
STEAMY 12C 22 fatcat

On 3rd draw, HURRAING M8 63 --- HURRA to cheer [v]
Other moves: GURRAH O10 43, HANG 12L 38, HURRA O11 37, HARN 12L 34, HUGER N10 34
HUGER N10 34 Zweep
RUG O13 22 fatcat

On 4th draw, IODATI(N)G 15F 77 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: DA(K)OITI N2 73, DA(K)OITI I3 66, IODI(N)ATE 11A 66, DA(K)OITI I2 61, IODI(N)ATE J6 60
IDIOT(S) O8 30 Zweep
HAD 8M 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, XY(L)ITOLS 10B 85 --- XYLITOL an alcohol [n]
Other moves: XY(L)ITOLS 9B 73, XYSTI O11 67, XYST(I) O11 64, XYST(S) O11 64, XYS(T)I O11 64
OXY 14E 59 kellybelly
SIX 14D 51 Zweep
OX 14E 50 fatcat

On 6th draw, QI 14F 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: RICHES 8J 42, ICHES 8K 39, CRIS O12 37, CRISES O10 37, CRISES O8 37
QI 14F 64 kellybelly, Zweep, fatcat

On 7th draw, PROBATED F5 65 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other moves: BEDROP O10 49, PROB O12 43, BARHOP 8J 42, EPHOD 8K 42, BRAD O12 40
PROD O12 40 kellybelly
PARED O11 37 Zweep
PROBATED F5 15 fatcat

On 8th draw, AMEND 14J 40 --- AMEND to correct [v]
Other moves: METHOD 8J 39, MOTHED 8J 39, OGHAM 8K 39, AMENT 14J 36, MAAED 12K 34
METHOD 8J 39 fatcat, Zweep
MOTHED 8J 39 kellybelly

On 9th draw, KHOR 8L 48 --- KHOR a ravine [n]
Other moves: KOALA 12K 44, DHAK 8L 42, KAAL 12K 40, ABHOR 8K 39, BOK 9A 37
BOK 9A 37 kellybelly
HOB 8M 24 Zweep
YARD C10 16 fatcat

On 10th draw, WREN O12 52 --- WREN a small songbird [n]
Other moves: AREW O12 43, REF O13 37, REW O13 37, FAWNED 12A 34, FLAWED 12A 34
REF 9A 31 kellybelly
WORE G9 31 Zweep
YEARN C10 16 fatcat

On 11th draw, BOTU(L)INS D6 70 --- BOTULIN a nerve poison [n]
Other moves: SPINOUT 5E 36, NOB 9A 27, SOB 9A 27, OB 9B 26, BINIT E9 25
NOB 9A 27 kellybelly
OBIT E8 24 Zweep
SNIP 5C 12 fatcat

On 12th draw, HUGY C7 33 --- HUGY large [adj]
Other moves: CHOU E3 31, HALO G7 30, CHALK L4 28, GAUCHO C1 28, CHAT 8A 27
CHAT 8A 27 fatcat, Zweep
HOLT 8A 21 kellybelly

On 13th draw, DIATRON B2 79 --- DIATRON a circuitry design that uses diodes [n]
Other moves: INTRADOS I3 68, DIATRON I2 62, NIDOR E2 25, ADROIT B2 24, INDART B2 24
DRINK L4 20 fatcat, Zweep
DOST 13B 10 kellybelly

On 14th draw, EPILATES 5E 90 --- EPILATE to remove hair from [v]
Other moves: REALTIES 6F 60, ATELIERS O2 59, APLITES 5E 36, EPILATE 5E 36, EPISTLE 5E 36
LATE A1 23 Zweep, kellybelly
PLEASE 5F 16 fatcat

On 15th draw, WEAN A1 32 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: AWEEL H1 27, NEWEL H1 27, ANEW 4L 26, ANOW 4L 26, ENEW 4L 26
WEAN A1 32 kellybelly, Zweep
WEANS L1 24 fatcat

On 16th draw, PENILE H1 27 --- PENILE pertaining to a penis [adj] --- PENIS the male organ used for copulation [adj]
Other tops: FENI 4I 27, FINE 4I 27, NIFE 4I 27, UNPILE H1 27
Other moves: ENUF 4L 26, PENIE 4I 26, FEENS L1 24, FENIS L1 24, FINES L1 24
UNPILE H1 27 fatcat
FINE 4I 27 kellybelly
FINE 4K 23 Zweep

On 17th draw, VOCES L1 28 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: COVES L1 26, JEE 2F 26, JOE 2F 26, VEGOS L1 26, FOGIE G2 24
COVES L1 26 kellybelly
JOE 2F 26 Zweep
JOGS 13A 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, JOLT J2 27 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other moves: JOCO 2K 26, JOE 2F 26, JUCO 3J 26, FUGIO G2 24, GJUS 13A 24
JOE 2F 26 Zweep, kellybelly
JOGS 13A 24 fatcat

On 19th draw, ZURF 11K 32 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: CUZ 3L 28, CUFF 3L 24, ZURF 10K 24, CUFFO N4 21, NAFF 4A 20
CUZ 3L 28 kellybelly
OFF 2L 18 fatcat
GUVS 13A 16 Zweep

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