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Game of January 28, 2012 at 19:23, 5 players
1. 455 pts tonikay
2. 444 pts mazscot
3. 94 pts susie_dent

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimnot   H3    74    74   amniote
 2. aeglrtt   6E    65   139   aglitter
 3. ?cehouv  10B    89   228   vouches
 4. adeglyz   A8    81   309   glazy
 5. acdeens   L6    74   383   reascend
 6. aeorswx   8K    45   428   waxes
 7. bdiilno  K11    25   453   boil
 8. aegijno   G3    42   495   jail
 9. abdgotu   I1    29   524   tabu
10. ?aaddqr  13I    48   572   qaids
11. ailmnsu   1B    89   661   simulant
12. diknopy   5A    38   699   pinky
13. eegioor  14G    22   721   oriel
14. aefnors  15E    47   768   orfes
15. dinoprv   N2    82   850   provined
16. aeefort   O1    48   898   reef
17. aegnorw   C7    34   932   wagoner
18. dehiotu  11E    36   968   hid
19. deiottu   M1    28   996   toed

Remaining tiles: iotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5626 Filetonikay     2 23:56  -541  455     1.7736 PIThompson  0  1:54  -964   32 
  2.5842 Filemazscot     3 19:01  -552  444            Group: novice
  3.  -  Filesusie_dent  0  7:30  -902   94     1.5626 tonikay     2 23:56  -541  455 
  4.7736 FilePIThompson  0  1:54  -964   32     2.5842 mazscot     3 19:01  -552  444 
  5.  -  Filejanjb       0  6:15  -965   31            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  susie_dent  0  7:30  -902   94 
                                             2.  -  janjb       0  6:15  -965   31 

On 1st draw, AMNIOTE H3 74 --- AMNIOTE a vertebrate that develops an amnion during the embryonic stage [n]
Other moves: AMNIOTE H2 70, AMNIOTE H4 70, AMNIOTE H6 70, AMNIOTE H7 70, AMNIOTE H8 70
MEANT H4 20 tonikay, mazscot

On 2nd draw, AGLITTER 6E 65 --- AGLITTER glittering [adj]
Other moves: TRANGLE 5E 32, TRENTAL 5E 28, AGLET G5 21, AGER G6 20, GEAT I3 20
GATE G7 18 tonikay

On 3rd draw, VOUCHE(S) 10B 89 --- VOUCH to give one's personal assurance or guarantee [v]
Other moves: AVOUCHE(D) 3H 88, AVOUCHE(R) 3H 88, AVOUCHE(S) 3H 88, OVE(R)MUCH 4D 84, OVER(M)UCH L3 82
VOUCHE(S) 10B 89 mazscot
HOVE(S) 5K 32 tonikay

On 4th draw, GLAZY A8 81 --- GLAZY covered with a smooth, glossy coating [adj]
Other moves: DEGLAZE K5 72, GLAZED A8 69, ZYGAL A7 69, ZYGA A7 66, GLAZE A8 63
GAZE G1 49 tonikay

On 5th draw, REASCEND L6 74 --- ASCEND to go or move upward [v] --- REASCEND to ascend again [v]
Other moves: CADENCES E5 52, CADENCE E5 48, DECANES K5 40, DECEASE K5 40, ANAMNIOTE(S) H1 33
RECANED L6 26 mazscot
SCAD 5B 20 tonikay

On 6th draw, WAXES 8K 45 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WAXER 8K 45
Other moves: WAXES 14H 43, RAXES 14H 40, SAXE I1 40, AXE I2 39, AXES 14I 39
WAXER 8K 45 mazscot
WEXES 11K 30 tonikay
ROSES 9J 6 janjb

On 7th draw, BOIL K11 25 --- BOIL to vaporize liquid [v]
Other moves: BOUDIN D8 24, BIO K11 23, BOI K11 23, OBELI 9F 23, ANOBIID 3H 22
BOIL K11 25 mazscot
SILO 9L 19 tonikay
BUILD D9 16 janjb

On 8th draw, JAIL G3 42 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: GAJO G1 41, JONG J10 41, JA 5E 39, JOIN J10 39, JA G3 38
JAG E5 22 mazscot
JOG C9 19 tonikay

On 9th draw, TABU I1 29 --- TABU to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other tops: TUBA I1 29
Other moves: OBA I2 28, BA I3 27, GAMBADO 4F 26, TOGA I1 25, ABED 9F 24
TUBA I1 29 tonikay
JABOT 3G 17 mazscot

On 10th draw, QAID(S) 13I 48 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: Q(U)ADRAT 1C 48
Other moves: QOR(M)A C9 46, QA(N)AT 1E 39, Q(U)ART 1E 39, A(N)AMNIOTE(S) H1 37, QAT 1G 36
Q(U)ART 1E 39 tonikay
QUAD(S) D9 28 mazscot

On 11th draw, SIMULANT 1B 89 --- SIMULANT one that simulates [n]
Other moves: ALUMINS 15E 84, ALUMINES N2 74, LAMINOUS C5 64, MANIACS E5 44, ANAMNIOTE(S) H1 41
MILLS 14H 36 mazscot
JAILS G3 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, PINKY 5A 38 --- PINKY a small narrow-sterned ship [n] --- PINKY slightly pink [adj]
Other moves: DINKY 5A 36, KINDY 5A 36, POKY 5B 36, INKY 5B 32, PICKY E8 32
SIN 9L 16 tonikay
KINDS O4 15 susie_dent

On 13th draw, ORIEL 14G 22 --- ORIEL a type of projecting window [n]
Other tops: GIRL 14H 22, VOE B10 22
Other moves: RIEL 14H 21, GORI 14F 20, CIERGE E10 18, EXO M7 18, GOOIER C9 18
VOE B10 22 tonikay
OGRE B12 15 mazscot
RING C3 10 susie_dent

On 14th draw, ORFES 15E 47 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other moves: FANES 15E 44, FARES 15E 44, FARSE 15D 44, FORES 15E 44, FROES 15E 44
SAFER 15K 34 susie_dent
VOES B10 23 tonikay
FANNER C3 20 mazscot

On 15th draw, PROVINED N2 82 --- PROVINE to propagate by layering [v]
Other moves: PROVIDE N2 30, POIND 13C 29, PROVINE N2 28, PEDROS 9G 26, NIDOR 2A 25
PROVIDE N2 30 mazscot
EON 7L 16 susie_dent
SIN 9L 16 tonikay

On 16th draw, REEF O1 48 --- REEF to reduce the area of a sail [v]
Other moves: FEER O1 33, EF 6A 30, OF 6A 30, FA 6B 28, FE 6B 28
FAE O1 24 tonikay
FOE O1 24 mazscot
OVA B9 19 susie_dent

On 17th draw, WAGONER C7 34 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: WENGES 9G 29, AWEE 9F 26, EWER 9F 26, OWER 9F 26, RENOWN C3 26
AW M3 25 tonikay

On 18th draw, HID 11E 36 --- HIDE to conceal [v]
Other tops: HOD 11E 36
Other moves: HOED M1 34, HET 11E 33, HIE 11E 33, HIT 11E 33, HOE 11E 33
HOUT 2B 32 PIThompson
HIDE 2A 27 mazscot
DOE M1 19 tonikay
TOPE 2L 6 janjb

On 19th draw, TOED M1 28 --- TOE to touch with the toe (one of the terminal members of the foot) [v]
Other moves: OUD M2 26, EDIT 12C 24, EXO M7 21, TIDE 2A 21, DITE 2A 20
DOTE 2A 20 mazscot
OD M3 19 tonikay
GO F6 3 janjb

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