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Game of January 29, 2012 at 15:50, 3 players
1. 471 pts pandora1._
2. 174 pts milklady99
3. 58 pts cracker17

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceeinou   H4    20    20   cunei
 2. ?abeeip   6A    63    83   plebeian
 3. ?glopry   4H    82   165   copygirl
 4. aeeinss   O1   122   287   sealines
 5. aaahort   A6    39   326   paratha
 6. dejortu   3I    38   364   jo
 7. acdlrtu   2J    43   407   caudle
 8. deefgru   N7    68   475   refuged
 9. adelnot   I8    62   537   taloned
10. beinrtv  H11    36   573   biter
11. defilnw  O12    48   621   find
12. amosttv   1H    31   652   vast
13. eemnort   F5    62   714   timoneer
14. ahinotz   B9   108   822   hoatzin
15. eklmors  11E    52   874   reeboks
16. gilovxy  15A    66   940   onyx
17. iilmovw   5D    26   966   owt
18. gilmouw   4A    32   998   glim
19. iioquvw  15L    24  1022   quid

Remaining tiles: iovw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6445 Filepandora1._  6 18:12  -551  471     1.6445 pandora1._  6 18:12  -551  471 
  2.  -  Filemilklady99  0 13:07  -848  174            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filecracker17   0  2:55  -964   58     1.  -  milklady99  0 13:07  -848  174 
                                             2.  -  cracker17   0  2:55  -964   58 

On 1st draw, CUNEI H4 20 --- CUNEUS part of the cerebral cortex [n]
Other moves: CUNEI H8 16, NIECE H4 16, NIECE H8 16, OUNCE H4 16, OUNCE H8 16
CINE H8 12 milklady99

On 2nd draw, P(L)EBEIAN 6A 63 --- PLEBEIAN a commoner [n]
Other moves: BE(S)PICE 4C 24, EP(H)EBIC 4B 24, PE(D)ICAB 4D 24, EP(H)EBI G6 23, BAP G7 22

On 3rd draw, COPYG(I)RL 4H 82 --- COPYGIRL a girl who runs errands in a newspaper office [n]
Other moves: (H)YPERGOL C3 80, (H)YPERGOL E3 76, (C)OPYGIRL F1 65, (C)OPYGIRL 8C 64, GYPPO(S) A3 51

On 4th draw, SEALINES O1 122 --- SEALINE a coastline [n]
Other moves: AGENESIS L3 60, AGENISES L3 60, SEA(L)INES B3 59, ASPINES A4 30, PANSIES A6 30
PANSIES A6 30 cracker17
SPINES A5 24 milklady99

On 5th draw, PARATHA A6 39 --- PARATHA an Indian cake [n]
Other moves: AROHA 5B 35, TAHA 5C 32, HARO 5C 29, HART 5C 29, HORA 5C 29
HOA 3I 28 cracker17
PATH A6 27 pandora1._
PRAT J4 8 milklady99

On 6th draw, JO 3I 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOBED D4 34, JOYED K2 32, JUPE J2 29, ADJURE 12A 28, JUDO 5G 28
ADJURE 12A 28 milklady99
JURE 5G 26 pandora1._

On 7th draw, CAUDLE 2J 43 --- CAUDLE a warm beverage [n] --- CAUDLE to mix [v]
Other tops: CRADLE 2J 43, CURDLE 2J 43
Other moves: CURATE 2J 41, DARTLE 2J 32, LYCRA K3 30, LYARD K3 28, ADULT 5F 26
CRADLE 2J 43 pandora1._
CADET C3 18 milklady99

On 8th draw, REFUGED N7 68 --- REFUGE to give or take shelter [v]
Other moves: REFUGED E5 48, REFUGEE E5 44, FEED 7C 30, REFUGED C1 28, FED 7C 27
FUDGE E2 20 pandora1._
FUDGE C2 20 milklady99

On 9th draw, TALONED I8 62 --- TALON a claw of a bird of prey [adj] --- TALONED having a talon [adj]
Other tops: TALONED G8 62
Other moves: DELATION F1 61, DELATION 8C 60, NODULE 5E 41, LUTEA 5G 40, DONUT 5E 32
DEAL O12 29 pandora1._
BEND D6 8 milklady99

On 10th draw, BITER H11 36 --- BITER that which bites [n]
Other tops: BENTIER E5 36, BINER H11 36
Other moves: BARYTE K1 32, ABYE K2 30, BARYE K1 30, NEVI O12 30, RIVE O12 30
BINER H11 36 pandora1._
ABET 12A 12 milklady99

On 11th draw, FIND O12 48 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v]
Other tops: FEND O12 48
Other moves: FENI O12 45, FILE O12 45, FINE O12 45, DEFI O12 38, DEIF O12 38
FIND O12 48 pandora1._
FLIER 15D 12 milklady99

On 12th draw, VAST 1H 31 --- VAST a great space [n] --- VAST of great extent or size [adj]
Other tops: ATOMS 5B 31, MAUTS 5F 31
Other moves: ATOMS 1F 29, AVOS 1G 29, MATTS 1F 29, MOATS 1F 29, MOTTS 1F 29
SAV 13A 25 pandora1._
STOVE C2 16 milklady99

On 13th draw, TIMONEER F5 62 --- TIMONEER a helmsman [n]
Other moves: TROMBONE 11D 48, MENTEE 7C 30, MONTRE 7C 30, ENORM 5B 29, MURE 5G 29
MUTE 5G 29 pandora1._
TONED 14E 8 milklady99

On 14th draw, HOATZIN B9 108 --- HOATZIN a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: ZONA E8 45, BOOZING 11H 38, HIZEN C3 36, NAH J12 35, NTH J12 35
ZONE 11C 26 pandora1._

On 15th draw, REEBOKS 11E 52 --- REEBOK a South African Antelope [n]
Other moves: ZERKS 13B 47, SNOKE 15A 42, ZEROS 13B 39, ZEKS 13B 34, ZERK 13B 34
SNORE 15A 18 pandora1._

On 16th draw, ONYX 15A 66 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: XI A14 42, XI 7C 38, INLY 15A 33, ONLY 15A 33, VOXEL C3 32
ONYX 15A 66 pandora1._

On 17th draw, OWT 5D 26 --- OWT anything [n]
Other moves: LIMO C8 25, LIMO 14A 24, MOVIE E2 24, VOWEL C3 24, ZOL 13B 24
ZO 13B 22 pandora1._

On 18th draw, GLIM 4A 32 --- GLIM a light or lamp [n]
Other tops: GLOM 4A 32, GLUM 4A 32, LIMO 4B 32
Other moves: GOWL 4A 30, GOLEM C3 29, MILO 4B 28, MO 4D 28, MOIL 4A 28
GLUM 4A 32 pandora1._
WIRE 7L 8 milklady99

On 19th draw, QUID 15L 24 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUOD 15L 24
Other moves: QI C3 22, ZO 13B 22, WOK J9 21, QI C8 19, YOW K4 18
QUID 15L 24 pandora1._

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