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Game of January 30, 2012 at 02:37, 3 players
1. 278 pts tonikay
2. 258 pts nderera
3. 211 pts jonb5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aalmssz   H6    24    24   zas
 2. ?beijpu   G7    44    68   jubile
 3. ?eilnou  13G    82   150   elusion
 4. agkorss   I4    44   194   grok
 5. aalnrst   J6    39   233   aslant
 6. acdgosu  14B    38   271   guacos
 7. aeimort  11A    68   339   amitrole
 8. aeflrsy   N7    78   417   flayers
 9. deghlop  F10    47   464   hopdog
10. bemorty   O3    62   526   embryo
11. aenoprt   A7    33   559   entrap
12. aeehntw   B1    82   641   wheaten
13. adefiln   4E    78   719   finagled
14. cdeioot   1A    39   758   twice
15. adnoorx  13B    39   797   ax
16. dnoqrtu   F2    36   833   quino
17. ddeeioo   C3    33   866   diode
18. eiiiotv   H1    21   887   vita
19. eiiorvw  12K    28   915   ower

Remaining tiles: iirv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5635 Filetonikay     2 10:17  -637  278     1.6544 nderera     1 13:40  -657  258 
  2.6544 Filenderera     1 13:40  -657  258     2.6022 jonb5       0 10:30  -704  211 
  3.6022 Filejonb5       0 10:30  -704  211            Group: novice
                                             1.5635 tonikay     2 10:17  -637  278 

On 1st draw, ZAS H6 24 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: SAZ H6 24, SAZ H7 24, SAZ H8 24, ZAS H7 24, ZAS H8 24
Other moves: ZA H7 22, ZA H8 22, ASSAM H8 20, MALAS H4 20, MASAS H4 20
ZAS H7 24 tonikay

On 2nd draw, JUBI(L)E G7 44 --- JUBILE a celebration [n]
Other moves: JIBE G7 43, JIBE(D) G7 43, JIBE(R) G7 43, JIBE(S) G7 43, JUBE G7 43
J(A)B I5 31 tonikay

On 3rd draw, ELU(S)ION 13G 82 --- ELUSION the act of eluding [n]
Other tops: ELU(T)ION 13G 82
Other moves: OU(T)LINE 13A 80, UNOILE(D) 13B 80, NU(C)(L)EOLI 11D 74, ELU(S)ION 13D 71, LINO(L)EU(M) 11C 62
NOLE(S) 13C 22 tonikay

On 4th draw, GROK I4 44 --- GROK to understand deeply by intuition [v]
Other moves: SOAK I4 43, OAK I5 42, ROK I5 42, KAROSS 14B 40, OAK F8 40
KOR I5 30 tonikay
GROSS N10 27 nderera, jonb5

On 5th draw, ASLANT J6 39 --- ASLANT on the slant [adv] --- ASLANT slanting [adj]
Other tops: ASTRAL J6 39
Other moves: ASAR J6 35, AS J6 33, ALANTS 14B 32, ALTARS 14B 32, ANTARS 14B 32
ASLANT J6 39 tonikay
SLAT H12 18 nderera

On 6th draw, GUACOS 14B 38 --- GUACO a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: SAGO 14G 31, DOUCS 14C 30, DOCS 14D 29, GADSO 14D 29, GADSO N10 29
COGS L12 16 tonikay
SUD N13 15 nderera

On 7th draw, AMITRO(L)E 11A 68 --- AMITROLE an herbicide [n]
Other moves: MOTIER 14I 33, RIMA 15A 31, RIME 15A 31, ROMA 15A 31, TIME 15A 31
MOTE 15A 29 nderera
MORT 15A 29 tonikay
T*M 15A 22 jonb5

On 8th draw, FLAYERS N7 78 --- FLAYER one that flays [n]
Other moves: FALSER N10 41, FLASER N10 41, RYFE 12A 41, FALSE N10 39, FARSE N10 39
LAYERS 8J 39 jonb5
FAY 13A 31 tonikay

On 9th draw, HOPDOG F10 47 --- HOPDOG the tussock-moth caterpillar [n]
Other moves: OHED O8 43, HOPE 15A 40, HELP 8L 39, HOLP 8L 39, HOPE 14J 37
HELP 8L 39 nderera
OLE O8 22 tonikay

On 10th draw, EMBRYO O3 62 --- EMBRYO an organism in its early stages of development [n]
Other moves: EMBAY A8 48, TOMB 15A 47, TORY 15A 47, BETRAY A7 45, BORM 15A 45
YELM 8L 39 nderera
OYE O8 34 tonikay

On 11th draw, ENTRAP A7 33 --- ENTRAP to ensnare [v]
Other tops: APTEROUS 8A 33, ENRAPT A8 33
Other moves: NOPE 15A 31, ROPE 15A 31, TOPE 15A 31, EMBRYONATE O3 30, OPERANT A7 30

On 12th draw, WHEATEN B1 82 --- WHEATEN a pale yellowish colour [n]
Other moves: EWGHEN 4G 34, HAW M9 32, THERE 12K 32, EMBRYONATE O3 30, WHATEN B2 30

On 13th draw, FINAGLED 4E 78 --- FINAGLE to obtain by trickery [v]
Other moves: AFIELD C2 51, FIELD C3 44, FIEND C3 44, FLIED C3 44, FAILED C3 42
AWED 1A 30 jonb5

On 14th draw, TWICE 1A 39 --- TWICE two times [adv]
Other moves: OOT A1 31, OWED 1A 30, CITE 15A 29, COTE 15A 29, TICED 5B 29
TWICE 1A 39 nderera

On 15th draw, AX 13B 39 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: AXON C3 39
Other moves: AX C3 31, AXON 2E 29, AXION K11 28, ORIXA K11 28, OXID K11 28
OXO L11 20 nderera

On 16th draw, QUINO F2 36 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUINT F2 36, QUIRT F2 36
Other moves: QUID F2 34, QUIN F2 33, QUIT F2 33, ROQUE 3K 33, TOQUE 3K 33
QUID F2 34 jonb5

On 17th draw, DIODE C3 33 --- DIODE a type of electron tube [n]
Other moves: FOODIE E4 26, DEED C3 25, DEID C3 25, DIED C3 25, TODDE A1 24
DIODE L11 16 jonb5
DIED K2 12 nderera

On 18th draw, VITA H1 21 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: VETO N1 20, VITE N1 20, VOTE N1 20, FET E4 18, FIT E4 18
VOTE N1 20 jonb5
VETO N1 20 nderera

On 19th draw, OWER 12K 28 --- OWER over [prep]
Other tops: WERO 12L 28, WIRE 12L 28, WORE 12L 28
Other moves: FEW E4 27, VIREO N1 26, WRITE D8 24, WROTE D8 24, VOW N1 23
VOW N1 23 jonb5

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