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Game sheet of argomearns (file), Game of January 31, 2012 at 18:20

Word find
Word played
1 AALNPQY PLAN H8 12 -16 12 1/1 PALAY H8 28 28 1/1
2 ?EOSTTU (B)OTTLES 10D 10 -68 22 1/1 OUT(C)ASTE 11D 78 106 1/1
3 EFNPRSU PUREST F6 16 -53 38 1/1 SUPERFAN 9B 69 175 1/1
4 ADIQSTV             QAIDS L8 59 234 1/1
5 ?GILNOO             GLO(N)OIN M3 82 316 1/1
6 BEHORWY             SHOWERY B9 48 364 1/1
7 AEEIORW             REO A13 28 392 1/1
8 AILNNOO             WINNA 12B 24 416 1/1
9 AEFKRTT             FARTLEK 4I 38 454 1/2
10 AEEHIOT             KITHE O4 36 490 1/3
11 BDEIMRT             TIMBRE N9 27 517 2/3
12 ADIORUV             AVOID 3F 23 540 3/3
13 ABDELRW             DWALE 15K 50 590 3/3
14 CDEGIST             CISTED 2A 33 623 3/3
15 ACEILMN             CLINAME(N) 6F 69 692 3/3
16 EGOORUU             ROGUE 1E 24 716 3/3
17 BEGIJNO             JO 14J 28 744 3/3
18 ABGINUZ             SAZ I11 27 771 3/3
19 BEGNUVX             XU 8C 24 795 3/3

Total: 38/795 or -757 for 4.779%
Rank: -

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