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Game sheet of mazscot (file), Game of January 31, 2012 at 22:57

Word find
Word played
1 ?DEILLU             ILLUDE(S) H8 68 68  
2 AEGHNTV DEATH 12H 18 -14 18 1/2 VENTAGE 13G 32 100 2/2
3 ?AAEIRW (S)AW N13 21 -41 39 1/2 AWEARIE(D) M7 62 162 1/2
4 AEIKORS WOK 8M 30 -6 69 1/2 EWKS 8L 36 198 1/2
5 AENPSYZ             ZESTY J10 45 243 1/2
6 AAADIRT TAD K9 25 -55 94 1/2 DATARIAS O1 80 323 1/2
7 EHIOSTX HOIST 3K 16 -45 110 1/1 HEX N4 61 384 1/2
8 ACFINTT FAT K9 27 -12 137 1/2 TAFIA K9 39 423 1/2
9 ADIMMOP DIMMER 5J 22 -5 159 1/2 KAM N8 27 450 1/2
10 EIJMORT TIMED 1K 9 -23 168 2/2 OJIME L4 32 482 1/2
11 AEHLNOO JEER 5L 11 -15 179 2/2 HAJ 5J 26 508 1/2
12 CDFLORU FOLD G5 12 -26 191 1/2 FULCRA 2J 38 546 1/2
13 DEILNRV DRIVE 1F 32 -5 223 1/2 DRIVEN 1F 37 583 1/2
14 CEINOSY             ICONES O10 32 615 1/2
15 BEINOOR BORNE 6F 22 -1 245 1/2 BONIE 2B 23 638 1/2
16 EGNORTU GOUT C1 10 -53 255 2/2 BURGONET B2 63 701 1/2
17 DEGNOOW GROWN 4A 22 -26 277 1/2 NOWED A6 48 749 1/2
18 EILOOTY             OYE C6 29 778 1/2
19 GIOQRTU QUILT 9E 16 -14 293 1/2 QUIT 3G 30 808 1/2
20 LOOPRST SLOOP D8 24 -10 317 1/2 POORTS D8 34 842 1/2

Total: 317/842 or -525 for 37.64%
Rank: 5320

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