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Game of February 1, 2012 at 02:54, 1 player
1. 103 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceestz   H4    52    52   zebecs
 2. efimnoo   I3    29    81   mofo
 3. acnoprt   7A    66   147   portance
 4. abeilot   C3    72   219   laborite
 5. efgimrt  B10    51   270   fremit
 6. deiklst   J6    90   360   kidlets
 7. ddeilrs  15A   149   509   striddle
 8. ailnnpy   A4    39   548   nappy
 9. abeegnr  14H    84   632   rebegan
10. agijoot  13K    43   675   taj
11. ?eiqswx   8J    63   738   dexies
12. ehilnnt   D4    30   768   hint
13. aeehint   E4    37   805   aneath
14. denorru   O1    83   888   rondures
15. aaeioww  15M    42   930   waw
16. ailoquv   J2    48   978   qua
17. aegiluv   1H    55  1033   glaive
18. gioouuy  A12    28  1061   yugs
19. iiooouv   L1    20  1081   vivo

Remaining tiles: ioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4961 FileBiddy       1  3:52  -978  103     1.4961 Biddy       1  3:52  -978  103 

On 1st draw, ZE(B)ECS H4 52 --- ZEBEC a sailing ship [n]
Other moves: ZE(B)EC H4 50, TZE(T)SE H3 48, ZESTE(D) H4 48, ZESTE(R) H4 48, (T)ZETSE H3 48

On 2nd draw, MOFO I3 29 --- MOFO motherfucker (obscene insult) [n]
Other moves: MONIE I3 28, OMEN I4 26, FONE I3 25, FEM I5 24, MOFO I1 24

On 3rd draw, PORTANCE 7A 66 --- PORTANCE demeanor [n]
Other moves: ATOP G4 36, COAT J2 34, CRATON G2 33, ATOC J4 30, ATOP J4 30

On 4th draw, LABORITE C3 72 --- LABORITE a supporter of labor interests [n]
Other moves: TAILBONE F1 64, BOATIE J2 42, BALTI J2 41, BIOTA J2 41, PATIBLE A7 36

On 5th draw, FREMIT B10 51 --- FREMIT a stranger [n]
Other tops: MOTIF B6 51
Other moves: FERMI B10 49, FREIT B10 45, METIF B10 42, ZOFTIG 4H 38, MERIT B10 36

On 6th draw, KIDLETS J6 90 --- KIDLET a little child [n]
Other moves: SKELPIT A3 54, KELPS A4 48, KILPS A4 48, SKAILED E5 48, STALKED E5 48

On 7th draw, STRIDDLE 15A 149 --- STRIDDLE to straddle [v]
Other moves: TIDDLERS 15B 86, MIDDLERS 13B 78, RIDDLES K1 77, DIEDRALS E2 70, DELI A12 38

On 8th draw, NAPPY A4 39 --- NAPPY kinky [adj]
Other tops: LIPPY A4 39, NIPPY A4 39
Other moves: APPLY A5 36, LIPPY A5 36, NAPPY A5 36, NIPPY A5 36, PALPI A4 36

On 9th draw, REBEGAN 14H 84 --- REBEGIN to begin again [v]
Other moves: REAGENT D1 32, BEARE D1 30, BEGAN G1 28, BEGAR G1 28, BRAG D1 28

On 10th draw, TAJ 13K 43 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JAG 13M 42, JIG 13M 42, JOG 13M 42, JAI 13M 40, JOT 13M 40

On 11th draw, D(E)XIES 8J 63 --- DEXY a tablet of dex [n]
Other tops: DEXI(E)S 8J 63, DIX(I)ES 8J 63, D(I)XIES 8J 63, D(O)XIES 8J 63
Other moves: WEX 15M 54, W(A)X 15M 50, W(E)X 15M 50, W(O)X 15M 50, QIS J2 48

On 12th draw, HINT D4 30 --- HINT to suggest indirectly [v]
Other tops: HELIX L4 30, HENT D4 30
Other moves: HO B6 29, PHO 6A 29, HEIL D1 28, THINE D1 28, EH 7L 27

On 13th draw, ANEATH E4 37 --- ANEATH beneath [adv]
Other moves: PHONE 6A 33, THEIN E1 32, HAIN E2 30, HEAT E2 30, HO B6 30

On 14th draw, RONDURES O1 83 --- RONDURE a circle or sphere [n]
Other moves: ROUNDERS O1 80, UNORDERS O1 80, ROTUNDER 11H 68, ZOONED 4H 32, ZONED 4H 30

On 15th draw, WAW 15M 42 --- WAW a wave [n]
Other tops: WOW 15M 42
Other moves: WAWA 15K 37, WAWE 15K 37, WAW 15K 34, WOW 15K 34, ZOWIE 4H 34

On 16th draw, QUA J2 48 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI J2 35, ALIQUOT 11D 32, MAQUI 13B 32, MAQUI 3I 32, UMIAQ 13A 32
QUA J2 48 Biddy

On 17th draw, GLAIVE 1H 55 --- GLAIVE a sword [n]
Other moves: VULGATE 11E 44, ELUVIA 1E 40, UVEAL 1G 37, VEGA 1G 37, VIGA 1G 37
VAGUE 1I 23 Biddy

On 18th draw, YUGS A12 28 --- YUG an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other moves: G*Y 13G 25, GUY 13G 25, YOGI D10 25, YGO D10 23, YUG D10 23
YOGI D12 16 Biddy

On 19th draw, VIVO L1 20 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other moves: OVOID E11 18, VOID 4L 16, IO 9L 15, OO 7L 15, VAG L12 14
VOID 4L 16 Biddy

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