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Game of February 1, 2012 at 22:58, 2 players
1. 589 pts dannyboy
2. 183 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aceepr   H2    76    76   replace
 2. aeinqtu   2A    88   164   antiquer
 3. adilmpw   1H    81   245   pilaw
 4. ?bilnov   8G    63   308   beloving
 5. aekstyz   1A    82   390   zest
 6. adinrsv   6B    72   462   virandas
 7. dehirtu   J8    66   528   outhired
 8. aegimry   9A    79   607   imagery
 9. akoostu   8A    55   662   kuta
10. aaegosy   3A    42   704   gey
11. aafiort  15J    42   746   daftar
12. aeilmno   M6    74   820   minneola
13. bdeeglo   B8    36   856   umbeled
14. deiorsu  A11    32   888   deros
15. hijostw   N2    40   928   shoji
16. cfinotw   O1    55   983   coif
17. egnootw  C13    28  1011   wen
18. gnootux   N8    52  1063   gox

Remaining tiles: gnootu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6535 Filedannyboy    3 16:11  -474  589     1.6535 dannyboy    3 16:11  -474  589 
  2.5698 FileAndy1990    1  7:09  -880  183            Group: novice
                                             1.5698 Andy1990    1  7:09  -880  183 

On 1st draw, REP(L)ACE H2 76 --- REPLACE to put back or supply a substitute [v]
Other tops: CAPERE(D) H2 76, CAPERE(D) H4 76, CAPERE(R) H2 76, CAPERE(R) H4 76, CAPE(R)ER H2 76, CAPE(R)ER H4 76, C(H)EAPER H4 76, C(H)EAPER H8 76, E(S)CAPER H2 76, E(S)CAPER H8 76, PEAC(H)ER H4 76, PEARCE(D) H4 76, PEARCE(D) H8 76, PEARCE(S) H4 76, PEARCE(S) H8 76, PERCA(L)E H4 76, PERCA(S)E H4 76, PREACE(D) H4 76, PREACE(D) H8 76, PREACE(S) H4 76, PREACE(S) H8 76, PRE(F)ACE H4 76, PRE(F)ACE H7 76, PRE(R)ACE H4 76, PRE(R)ACE H7 76, P(R)ERACE H4 76, P(R)ERACE H7 76, REP(L)ACE H7 76, RE(S)PACE H7 76
Other moves: CAPERE(D) H3 72, CAPERE(D) H7 72, CAPERE(D) H8 72, CAPERE(R) H3 72, CAPERE(R) H7 72
C(H)EAPER H4 26 dannyboy

On 2nd draw, ANTIQUER 2A 88 --- ANTIQUER one that antiques [n]
Other tops: QUAINTER 2A 88
Other moves: QUANTI(L)E 5B 82, ANTIQUE G8 70, ANTIQUE I8 70, EQUANT 3H 50, EQUATE 3H 50
QUAINT 6F 37 dannyboy

On 3rd draw, PILAW 1H 81 --- PILAW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other moves: PLAID 1H 69, MAP 1F 66, PAWL 1H 66, PALM 1H 63, PAW 1H 63
PAID 1A 48 dannyboy

On 4th draw, BELOVIN(G) 8G 63 --- BELOVE to love [v]
Other tops: BOVINEL(Y) 8C 63
Other moves: BOIL 1A 40, BO(I)L 1A 36, B(A)IL 1A 36, B(O)IL 1A 36, ALBINO(S) A2 33
BOIL 1A 40 dannyboy

On 5th draw, ZEST 1A 82 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other tops: ZEAS 1A 82
Other moves: YESK 1A 78, ZAS 1A 73, ZEA 1A 73, ZA 1A 68, TASK 1A 60
ZEAS 1A 82 dannyboy

On 6th draw, VIRANDAS 6B 72 --- VIRANDA a type of porch [n]
Other moves: VIRANDAS 6E 68, QINDARS E2 34, NADIR 9F 33, QINDAR E2 32, VISA 9F 31

On 7th draw, OUTHIRED J8 66 --- OUTHIRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other moves: DITHER 3D 41, EITHER 3D 39, ITHER 3E 35, UNHIRED M7 32, HIRED 9D 30
HID 9F 28 dannyboy

On 8th draw, IMAGERY 9A 79 --- IMAGERY a mental picture [n]
Other moves: MIDGY 15H 48, DIGAMY 15J 45, GEY 3A 42, MIDYEAR 15H 42, RIDGY 15H 42
IMAGED 15E 30 dannyboy

On 9th draw, KUTA 8A 55 --- KUTA male dog (India) [n]
Other moves: KAT 8A 45, KOA 8A 45, KA 8A 40, KO 8A 40, AUK 8A 37
KAT 8A 45 dannyboy

On 10th draw, GEY 3A 42 --- GEY great [adj] --- GEY very [adv]
Other tops: SEDGY 15H 42
Other moves: DOGEYS 15J 39, SEY 3A 39, D*G**S 15J 30, SEADOG 15G 30, SOYA 5C 30
G*YS 2K 24 dannyboy

On 11th draw, DAFTAR 15J 42 --- DAFTAR a type of Indian office [n]
Other moves: AFRAID 15E 30, OAF K10 29, FAI(L) 5E 27, FARAD 15F 27, FIORD 15F 27
IF K11 25 dannyboy

On 12th draw, MINNEOLA M6 74 --- MINNEOLA a variety of citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: MINNEOLA M5 62, MEAL 10B 34, MEAN 10B 34, MIEN 10B 34, MOAN 10B 34
MEALIN(G) N2 20 dannyboy

On 13th draw, UMBELED B8 36 --- UMBEL a type of flower cluster [adj] --- UMBELED having a flower cluster [adj]
Other moves: DEBE 5C 29, BEDE 5C 28, BODE 5C 28, BODGE N2 28, BLED L10 27
GLOBE N2 26 Andy1990
BODE 2K 23 dannyboy

On 14th draw, DEROS A11 32 --- DERO a derelict (Australian slang) [n]
Other tops: REDOS A11 32
Other moves: ODES 10D 26, EIDOS C11 25, RIDES C11 25, RID(G)ES N5 25, RODES C11 25
SIDE M1 21 Andy1990
DESIRE 14E 9 dannyboy

On 15th draw, SHOJI N2 40 --- SHOJI a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house [n]
Other moves: JO 14N 38, JO 5E 38, ISH I1 37, JOSH L3 35, SIJO M1 33
JO 5E 38 dannyboy, Andy1990

On 16th draw, COIF O1 55 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other moves: INFECT 3E 40, FOCI O4 38, FOIN N10 34, FOIN O1 34, INFLOW 12J 32
FOIN N10 34 dannyboy
FOIN O1 34 Andy1990

On 17th draw, WEN C13 28 --- WEN a benign tumor of the skin [n]
Other tops: WENT 4B 28, WET C13 28
Other moves: WONGA N11 27, GO M3 26, WE C13 26, WEN 4B 26, WET 4B 26
WET C13 28 dannyboy
OWNER O11 12 Andy1990

On 18th draw, (G)OX N8 52 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other tops: XU N10 52
Other moves: OXO 2J 30, OXO I11 28, QUOTA E2 28, NEXT 10L 27, DETOX 11A 26
(G)OX N8 52 dannyboy, Andy1990

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