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Game of February 2, 2012 at 18:00, 4 players
1. 207 pts raggedy01
2. 169 pts Hasni
3. 46 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deegimv   H8    86    86   demiveg
 2. ?aaflns  11C    70   156   fantails
 3. acegnor   G3    70   226   acrogen
 4. inopsty   4D    32   258   poncy
 5. aadortw   H1    36   294   wady
 6. hinopst  13B    80   374   siphonet
 7. ?dlnstu   6G    62   436   outlands
 8. abeottu   J2    62   498   outbleat
 9. eeforvy   8A    48   546   overfeed
10. bgiinow   L1    32   578   bowning
11. ellmruy  14E    35   613   my
12. aeloruu   M1    22   635   are
13. aikloou   1L    30   665   bauk
14. cdehirt   5B    36   701   chider
15. aeertuz  10B    42   743   zeta
16. aeeirtx  12H    35   778   vitex
17. aeiloqr  14A    26   804   qi
18. aeijosu  15A    45   849   iso
19. eeiijru   B2    32   881   juice
20. aeillor  13K    21   902   rille

Remaining tiles: aaorr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6161 Fileraggedy01   0  9:11  -695  207     1.6161 raggedy01   0  9:11  -695  207 
  2.6052 FileHasni       0  5:09  -733  169     2.6052 Hasni       0  5:09  -733  169 
  3.4636 Fileargomearns  0  4:15  -856   46            Group: not rated
  4.2846 Filerainbow     0  4:32  -872   30     1.4636 argomearns  0  4:15  -856   46 
                                             2.2846 rainbow     0  4:32  -872   30 

On 1st draw, DEMIVEG H8 86 --- DEMIVEG a person who eats no red meat, but eats poultry and fish [n]
Other moves: DEMIVEG H2 84, DEMIVEG H4 82, DEMIVEG H6 82, DEMIVEG H3 80, DEMIVEG H7 80
MEVED H4 28 Hasni
VEGIE H4 26 raggedy01
VIED H8 16 argomearns

On 2nd draw, FAN(T)AILS 11C 70 --- FANTAIL a fan-shaped tail or end [n]
Other tops: (T)AILFANS 11F 70
Other moves: AF(F)INAL 11E 36, A(F)FINAL 11E 36, FA(C)IALS 11E 36, FA(R)INAS 11E 36, F(I)NIALS 11E 36
(U)NSAFE 13C 24 raggedy01
FLAG(O)NS 14E 14 argomearns

On 3rd draw, ACROGEN G3 70 --- ACROGEN a plant growing at the apex only [n]
Other tops: ACROGEN I3 70
Other moves: CORNAGE G2 66, CORNAGE I2 66, ACROGENS J4 65, CORNAGES J4 65, CRANNOGE E7 61
CRANE 12A 31 raggedy01
FACER C11 20 Hasni
GRACE D9 16 argomearns

On 4th draw, PONCY 4D 32 --- PONCY effeminate [adj]
Other tops: SPICY 4D 32
Other moves: COPYIST 4G 30, CYTONS 4G 30, ISOTYPE 13B 30, PAINTY D10 30, POYSING 14B 30
OY F5 28 Hasni

On 5th draw, WADY H1 36 --- WADY the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: DRAW 12A 35, TOWY H1 35, WOAD 12A 35, DOWAR 5C 34, WAR F6 34
NOW F4 29 Hasni
WOR(T) F8 18 raggedy01

On 6th draw, SIPHONET 13B 80 --- SIPHONET an aphid's honeydew tube [n]
Other tops: PHONIEST 13C 80
Other moves: TOWNSHIP 1F 67, SIPHONED 8A 54, GINSHOP 14H 30, POH 5C 30, POSHING 14B 30
SHOP 5B 30 Hasni
SHIP 5B 30 raggedy01

On 7th draw, OUTL(A)NDS 6G 62 --- OUTLAND a foreign land [n]
Other moves: D(I)STUNED 8A 30, ST(O)UNDED 8A 30, T(R)UNDLED 8A 30, (I)NSULTED 8A 27, DUL(E) F6 24
SUD J13 20 Hasni
STUD 3B 17 raggedy01

On 8th draw, OUTBLEAT J2 62 --- OUTBLEAT to surpass in bleating [v]
Other moves: BEGAT 14F 30, BEGOT 14F 30, TABER 5C 28, TABOR 5C 28, BEAUT 5K 27
ABOUT E2 14 Hasni
GAB 14H 14 raggedy01

On 9th draw, OVERFEED 8A 48 --- OVERFEED to feed too much [v]
Other tops: OVEREYED 8A 48
Other moves: FOGEY 14F 45, AVOYER 8J 39, FEYER 5C 38, FOYER 5C 38, OVERDYE M2 36

On 10th draw, BOWNING L1 32 --- BOWNE to prepare [v]
Other moves: OW 14E 31, BOW 5C 30, GNOW 5B 30, W*G 14F 30, BOWNING L3 28
OWING 12J 20 raggedy01

On 11th draw, MY 14E 35 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: MULEY 5A 34, AMPLY D11 32, YLEM 5B 30, YUG 14F 30, UEY M2 29
BURY 1L 27 raggedy01

On 12th draw, ARE M1 22 --- ARE a unit of surface measure [n]
Other tops: AUE M1 22, ORE M1 22
Other moves: ABLER 1K 21, ABORE 1K 21, REO M2 20, ROE M2 20, BAEL 1L 18

On 13th draw, BAUK 1L 30 --- BAUK to refrain from proceeding [v]
Other tops: BALK 1L 30
Other moves: KILO 10B 27, KOLA 10B 27, KOLO 10B 27, LOOK 3B 26, AUK 3C 24

On 14th draw, CHIDER 5B 36 --- CHIDER one that chides [n]
Other moves: HERDIC 12J 35, ICHED 5A 32, VETCH 12H 31, CHID 5B 30, GIRTHED 14H 30
HE C7 9 rainbow

On 15th draw, ZETA 10B 42 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEA 10B 39, ZEE 10B 39, GAZER 14H 37, GAZE 14H 36, TREZ 10A 31
RODE E3 5 rainbow

On 16th draw, VITEX 12H 35 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other moves: EXACT B2 32, AXE 6C 31, XERIC B1 28, AX 6C 26, EX 6C 26
WEXE 3L 14 rainbow

On 17th draw, QI 14A 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 12A 23, LORICA B1 20, LIAR 13K 19, LIER 13K 19, LIRA 13K 19
AL 8J 2 rainbow

On 18th draw, ISO 15A 45 --- ISO film replay facilities [n]
Other moves: IS 15A 42, QI A14 33, SIJO 13K 33, JUICE B2 32, EAS(T) F8 24

On 19th draw, JUICE B2 32 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JEUX L9 18, ERE 6C 17, IRE 6C 17, IURE 13L 17, RUE 13K 17

On 20th draw, RILLE 13K 21 --- RILLE a valley on the moon's surface [n]
Other moves: EAR C1 19, LAR C1 19, LEARE 6A 19, LIAR 13K 19, LIER 13K 19

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