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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of February 5, 2012 at 08:35

Word find
Word played
1 ACHOSTW SWATCH H3 36   36 1/2 SCOWTH H7   36 1/2
2 ANOORTU NOO I9 14 -69 50 2/2 COURANTO 8H 83 119 2/2
3 AADEILT HAILED 12H 20 -66 70 1/2 DILATATE 11D 86 205 2/2
4 ADEEIKL KALE 12A 32 -59 102 1/3 HEADLIKE 12H 91 296 1/3
5 ?ABIQWY QA(D)I 12A 50   152 2/2       346 1/3
6 ?BDIOPU QUIP A12 45 -21 197 2/3 UPBOIL(E)D F6 66 412 1/3
7 AEIINST QATS A12 39 -28 236 2/3 ISATINE G1 67 479 1/3
8 EFNNORS FORES H1 51 -35 287 3/3 INFERNOS 1G 86 565 1/3
9 AEEGRRV GRAVER E1 23 -13 310 2/3 REVERB 8A 36 601 1/3
10 AEEFRTV FAKER N10 40 -2 350 1/3 FAKEER N10 42 643 1/3
11 AGHLLOV HARL 15L 33 -1 383 1/3 OLLAVS 2B 34 677 1/3
12 CEMOPUY QUEY A12 48   431 2/3       725 1/3
13 EHINRTX EX 2I 55   486 2/2       780 1/3
14 ABHMNTY HARM 15L 39 -6 525 1/3 AMBRY 15K 45 825 1/3
15 GIMNORT MONG 3I 31 -2 556 2/3 ROTING 3I 33 858 1/3
16 CGIMOPS CLOMPS D1 30 -2 586 1/3 SIMORG E4 32 890 1/3
17 CEGIPTW WIPES 4A 28   614 1/3       918 1/3
18 CDHNTUZ EXON J1 11 -32 625 3/3 NUDZH 14G 43 961 1/3

Total: 625/961 or -336 for 65.03%
Rank: 7316

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