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Game of February 5, 2012 at 12:23, 2 players
1. 130 pts milklady99
2. 70 pts Louis1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afgloq   H8    30    30   waqf
 2. ?hkmopr  12D    41    71   kophs
 3. abdentw  13C    29   100   wade
 4. efnrtux   I4    43   143   frutex
 5. aceimnw  14A    49   192   iceman
 6. aeilosz   5E   118   310   solarize
 7. agorstt   M1    30   340   togas
 8. einorty   E1    61   401   tyrosine
 9. diortuy  15F    34   435   duroy
10. abdinos   1H   158   593   banditos
11. aceglmt  14J    43   636   macle
12. dehnpru  O11    38   674   perdu
13. eginorw  A11    36   710   owrie
14. ainostv   8A    39   749   naives
15. aeghino   1A    39   788   eight
16. aegiltu   D1    25   813   haet
17. begilnu   L4    30   843   beguile
18. eiilnot  11G    21   864   often
19. iijlnrt  J10    26   890   jet

Remaining tiles: iilnrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.3070 Filemilklady99  0 13:42  -760  130     1.6322 Louis1      0  4:59  -820   70 
  2.6322 FileLouis1      0  4:59  -820   70            Group: not rated
                                             1.3070 milklady99  0 13:42  -760  130 

On 1st draw, (W)AQF H8 30 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other tops: (W)AQF H5 30, (W)AQF H6 30, (W)AQF H7 30
Other moves: FLAGO(N) H4 26, OFLAG(S) H3 26, Q(U)AG H5 26, Q(U)AG H6 26, Q(U)AG H7 26

On 2nd draw, KOPH(S) 12D 41 --- KOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: MORPH(S) 12C 39, KHOR(S) 12D 37, PORK(S) 12D 35, MOHR(S) 12D 33, PROM(S) 12D 31

On 3rd draw, WADE 13C 29 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other moves: BADE 13C 27, DEAW 13B 27, DEWAN 13A 26, FAWNED 11H 26, NABE 13C 26

On 4th draw, FRUTEX I4 43 --- FRUTEX a shrub [n]
Other moves: REX I7 37, TEX I7 37, EX I8 35, FRUTEX 11H 32, FENT 14D 30

On 5th draw, ICEMAN 14A 49 --- ICEMAN a man who supplies ice [n]
Other moves: MAWN 14D 46, MAW 14D 45, MEW 14D 45, MACE 14D 40, MAC 14D 39

On 6th draw, SOLARIZE 5E 118 --- SOLARIZE to expose to sunlight [v]
Other moves: L*Z G7 54, SAZ G7 54, SEZ G7 54, SIZEL 15E 53, SLEAZO 15F 51

On 7th draw, TOGAS M1 30 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: GOATS M1 30, GORAS M1 30, GROTS M1 30, TROGS M1 30
Other moves: STATOR 15E 29, STRAG 15E 29, GARS M2 28, GAST M3 28, GATS M2 28

On 8th draw, TYROSINE E1 61 --- TYROSINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: EYOT N1 31, ENTRY 15F 30, IRONY 15F 30, TONEY 15F 30, TOYER 15F 30
STORY E5 8 milklady99

On 9th draw, DUROY 15F 34 --- DUROY a coarse woollen fabric [n]
Other tops: DIRTY 15F 34, DORTY 15F 34
Other moves: DEITY L4 32, DORY 15F 31, DOTY 15F 31, DUTY 15F 31, TUYER L2 31
IT A14 6 milklady99

On 10th draw, BANDITOS 1H 158 --- BANDITO a bandit [n]
Other moves: BEDSONIA L4 82, BIDONS 14J 43, BANDS 14J 41, BASION 14J 41, BIDON 14J 41
STAB 1L 21 milklady99

On 11th draw, MACLE 14J 43 --- MACLE a spot or discoloration in a mineral [n]
Other moves: GAMETIC A9 39, METAL 14J 39, CLAME 8A 36, ALGETIC A9 33, CAMLET 8A 33
MELT 1B 7 milklady99

On 12th draw, PERDU O11 38 --- PERDU a soldier sent on a dangerous mission [n]
Other tops: PENDU O11 38, PRUDE O11 38
Other moves: HEID A12 36, HERDEN 8A 36, HURDEN 8A 36, UNPERCH L9 36, HARP 4L 34
NIP A13 15 milklady99

On 13th draw, OWRIE A11 36 --- OWRIE dingy [adj]
Other tops: ENOW D1 36, WINGER 8A 36
Other moves: ZEROING K5 34, WEIR A12 33, WENGE 8A 33, WINGE 8A 33, GWINE 8A 30
WIG A13 21 milklady99
GRIN A12 21 Louis1

On 14th draw, NAIVES 8A 39 --- NAIVE an unsophisticated person [n]
Other moves: NAIVE 8A 36, SOAVE 8A 36, STAVE 8A 36, STIVE 8A 36, STOVE 8A 36
VAT G7 24 Louis1
VAST 1B 8 milklady99

On 15th draw, EIGHT 1A 39 --- EIGHT a number [n]
Other tops: NIGHT 1A 39
Other moves: GANCH L11 30, HANG 4L 30, HENGE L4 30, NEIGH L4 30, HOAGIE 10J 29
HANG A6 8 milklady99

On 16th draw, HAET D1 25 --- HAET a small amount [n]
Other tops: HAUL D1 25, HAUT D1 25
Other moves: ALGETIC L8 22, TEGUA 2G 22, TEGUA J8 22, TEGULAE L4 22, TELEGA L4 22
ZAG K5 13 Louis1
GLUG C1 12 milklady99

On 17th draw, BEGUILE L4 30 --- BEGUILE to deceive [v]
Other tops: BEGUINE L4 30
Other moves: BEGUIN L4 28, BEIGEL L4 28, BEIGNE L4 28, BEING L4 28, BLUNGE 10J 28
BINGE C7 12 Louis1
GEL 3M 4 milklady99

On 18th draw, OFTEN 11G 21 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other moves: NE 15C 20, TE 15C 20, TELOI 2G 20, TI 15C 20, LINTIE 10A 19
TIC L12 10 milklady99

On 19th draw, JET J10 26 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JILL M11 22, JILL M12 22, JILT M12 22, JILT C7 20, TI 15C 20
JAR B7 10 milklady99

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