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Game of February 5, 2012 at 13:09, 3 players
1. 216 pts jimbo
2. 134 pts mj880
3. 24 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. accflov   H4    28    28   vocal
 2. dellost   5E    32    60   stooled
 3. aadefor   6H    38    98   cafard
 4. adefntw   G7    32   130   fawned
 5. ?beejnp  11E    60   190   jeepney
 6. ?eiiorv   E1    60   250   revision
 7. behioux   F1    52   302   ex
 8. aeennow   H1    39   341   nonvocal
 9. eiprrst   N6    82   423   striper
10. eiootty  H11    37   460   pioye
11. aglmnoy  15B    68   528   amylogen
12. abeetuw   8J    45   573   beware
13. adeiklt  14B    54   627   laked
14. aehioss  13B    41   668   ahs
15. imnqrtu   M3    28   696   quid
16. begioru   2J    39   735   giber
17. hinstuu   L8    38   773   whist
18. amnrtuz   1A    48   821   razure
19. gimnotu   C1    28   849   zing
20. cimottu   8A    27   876   cumin

Remaining tiles: ootttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5943 Filejimbo       0  6:25  -660  216     1.6401 annelhynz   0  1:11  -852   24 
  2.5084 Filemj880       1  4:51  -742  134            Group: novice
  3.6401 Fileannelhynz   0  1:11  -852   24     1.5943 jimbo       0  6:25  -660  216 
                                             2.5084 mj880       1  4:51  -742  134 

On 1st draw, VOCAL H4 28 --- VOCAL a sound produced with the voice [n]
Other tops: FOCAL H4 28
Other moves: FOCAL H8 22, VOCAL H8 22, FOCAL H5 20, FOCAL H6 20, FOCAL H7 20

On 2nd draw, STOOLED 5E 32 --- STOOL to defecate [v]
Other moves: STOLED 9H 21, OLDEST 9D 20, VELDTS 4H 20, DOEST 9E 19, LOSED 9F 19

On 3rd draw, CAFARD 6H 38 --- CAFARD the blues [n]
Other moves: FARAD 6J 37, FARED 6J 37, FEDORA 6J 36, CAFE 6H 35, FADER 6J 35

On 4th draw, FAWNED G7 32 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: FETWA 4A 32
Other moves: DAWT 7G 30, FAWN G7 29, FAW G7 28, FEW G7 28, FAW 7G 27

On 5th draw, JEEPNE(Y) 11E 60 --- JEEPNEY a small Philippine bus [n]
Other moves: DJEBE(L) 12G 46, DJE(M)BE 12G 46, JE(M)BE 4A 44, BENJE(S) N1 40, JE(U)NE 4A 40

On 6th draw, REVISIO(N) E1 60 --- REVISION a revised version [n]
Other moves: VER(S)O L8 37, PERV(E) H11 34, PERV(S) H11 34, PIVO(T) H11 34, P*oV* H11 34

On 7th draw, EX F1 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: BOXER 1A 45, BOXE(N) 8A 42, FAX 7G 39, LAX I5 39, OXHIDE M2 36

On 8th draw, NONVOCAL H1 39 --- NONVOCAL not vocal [adj] --- NONVOCAL one that does not involve the voice [n]
Other moves: POWAN H11 37, AWN 10I 30, ERENOW 1D 30, OWN 10I 30, WANE 10J 29

On 9th draw, STRIPER N6 82 --- STRIPER a food and game fish [n]
Other moves: PRINTERS I8 67, PRISER L8 38, PERST L8 36, PREST L8 36, PRISE L8 36

On 10th draw, PIOYE H11 37 --- PIOYE a home-made firework [n]
Other tops: PETTY H11 37, PIETY H11 37, POTTY H11 37
Other moves: YORE 8L 33, EYOT 10I 31, FATTY 7G 29, OY 10I 28, PETIT H11 28

On 11th draw, AMYLOGEN 15B 68 --- AMYLOGEN the relatively soluble component of starch [n]
Other moves: MARY 8L 36, MONAL M9 35, MONDIAL 12D 35, MALGRE 1A 33, YARN 8L 33
MARY 8L 36 jimbo

On 12th draw, BEWARE 8J 45 --- BEWARE to be on one's guard [v]
Other moves: WARB 8L 39, BEWARE 1A 36, WARE 8L 33, WART 8L 33, WAY 14F 33
WART 8L 33 jimbo

On 13th draw, LAKED 14B 54 --- LAKED subjected to the process of laking [adj]
Other moves: KAY 14F 39, DEKARE 1A 36, KNAIDEL 3G 36, AKED 14C 35, DAK 14B 35
EDIT O12 21 jimbo

On 14th draw, AHS 13B 41 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v]
Other moves: WHOSIS L8 40, WHISS L8 38, WHOSE L8 38, SHEAS L11 34, SHIES L11 34
RE 12N 3 jimbo

On 15th draw, QUID M3 28 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: MIREX 2B 28, MUREX 2B 28
Other moves: QI 9I 25, QI D6 24, QI 4D 22, UM 10I 22, MUN I13 20
QI D6 24 annelhynz

On 16th draw, GIBER 2J 39 --- GIBER one that gibes [n]
Other moves: GOIER 2J 35, OUREBI 2J 35, BEGO 2L 29, BERG 2L 29, BRIG N1 28
BRIG N1 28 jimbo
BEGI(N) 8A 24 mj880

On 17th draw, WHIST L8 38 --- WHIST to hush [v]
Other moves: SHUNT L11 34, SHIN L11 30, SH*T L11 30, SHUN L11 30, SHUT L11 30
SHUNT L11 34 mj880
ISH O1 27 jimbo

On 18th draw, RAZURE 1A 48 --- RAZURE the act of scraping [n]
Other moves: AZUR(N) 8A 42, NERTZ J10 36, ZATI 6B 33, ZETA J10 33, ZEA J10 32
ZETA J10 33 mj880
ZA D7 25 jimbo

On 19th draw, ZING C1 28 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: MO 2B 27, ZIG C1 26, MUNNION I9 25, NOTUM 4J 24, ZIN C1 24
MO 2B 27 jimbo
YOM 14H 16 mj880

On 20th draw, CUMI(N) 8A 27 --- CUMIN seed used for flavouring [n]
Other tops: MUCI(N) 8A 27
Other moves: CRIM N1 23, MOI 10J 22, OM 10I 22, UM 10I 22, CUTI(N) 8A 21
CUMI(N) 8A 27 mj880
AM B1 16 jimbo

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