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Game of February 5, 2012 at 13:57, 4 players
1. 407 pts annelhynz
2. 381 pts tonikay
3. 254 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinrrs   H2    66    66   sierran
 2. aailnos   5G    66   132   orinasal
 3. ?fhtuvw   N2    36   168   thelf
 4. ?ddeers   8A    80   248   spredden
 5. adegilw   O1    41   289   weid
 6. ailmnox   K2    67   356   monaxial
 7. beimnoy   8J    51   407   baymen
 8. aeeeltu   M3    28   435   alae
 9. abeeoty   9I    37   472   belay
10. deeirtt   2B    76   548   tiredest
11. eegiruz  10G    72   620   geez
12. ennoops   1A    28   648   peso
13. gilnttu   A8    80   728   suttling
14. aaginor   C8    70   798   rangiora
15. copqruu   E5    28   826   quod
16. achikvw   F6    30   856   hid
17. acfikrt  15C    54   910   akratic
18. fjooopu  F11    30   940   pooja
19. cfouuvw  G10    33   973   gowf

Remaining tiles: cuuvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6401 Fileannelhynz   2 18:16  -566  407     1.7175 Ansuyah     0  3:02  -853  120 
  2.5695 Filetonikay     1 21:25  -592  381            Group: intermediate
  3.5947 Filejimbo       0  9:45  -719  254     1.6401 annelhynz   2 18:16  -566  407 
  4.7175 FileAnsuyah     0  3:02  -853  120            Group: novice
                                             1.5695 tonikay     1 21:25  -592  381 
                                             2.5947 jimbo       0  9:45  -719  254 

On 1st draw, SIERRAN H2 66 --- SIERRA a mountain range [adj] --- SIERRAN pertaining to sierra [adj]
Other moves: SIERRAN H5 64, SNARIER H5 64, AIRERS H3 14, AIRERS H4 14, AIRERS H7 14
RAISER H4 14 jimbo

On 2nd draw, ORINASAL 5G 66 --- ORINASAL a sound pronounced through both the mouth and nose [n]
Other moves: ORINASAL 6G 62, ALISONS 2B 18, LIAISON 3G 18, SALINAS 2B 18, SALINAS 2H 18
SON I7 10 jimbo

On 3rd draw, TH(E)LF N2 36 --- THELF the elf [n]
Other moves: H(O)WFS L1 34, WHA(R)F M3 34, F(O)WTH G7 31, HOUF G4 30, H(O)WF G7 30
(S)HUT O5 26 jimbo

On 4th draw, S(P)REDDEN 8A 80 --- SPRED to spread [v]
Other moves: S(P)REDDES 2A 76, RESE(E)DED 4B 74, RES(E)EDED 4B 74, R(E)SEEDED 4B 74, S(C)REEDED 4B 74
(A)DDERS O6 25 annelhynz
E(N)DERS O6 23 jimbo

On 5th draw, WEID O1 41 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other tops: WAID O1 41
Other moves: GLADDIE E5 40, GAED O1 35, GAID O1 35, GIED O1 35, WAIL O1 33
WAID O1 41 annelhynz
AWED O6 29 jimbo
WAE O1 25 tonikay

On 6th draw, MONAXIAL K2 67 --- MONAXIAL having one axis [adj]
Other moves: EXAMIN(E)D 4H 55, AXIOM O6 47, AXION O6 41, MONDIAL E5 40, MAX G1 39
MAX G1 39 tonikay
AXON O6 38 annelhynz
MAXI 7G 31 jimbo

On 7th draw, BAYMEN 8J 51 --- BAYMAN a person who fishes on a bay [n]
Other moves: MYOSIN L2 48, EMYS L2 36, MEBOS L1 36, MOBES L1 36, MOYS L2 36
MY J2 30 annelhynz
NOME J5 25 tonikay
NEB J5 22 jimbo

On 8th draw, ALAE M3 28 --- ALA in biology, any flat winglike projection [n]
Other moves: ELUATE 9J 25, EMULATE M7 22, ALA M3 21, LANE J3 21, LUNA J3 21
LEAT 9K 17 annelhynz
NA J5 15 jimbo
TELE 9I 14 tonikay

On 9th draw, BELAY 9I 37 --- BELAY to fasten a rope [v]
Other moves: ALEYE 9J 34, ATONE J2 30, LAY 9K 26, LEY 9K 26, LOY 9K 26
LOY 9K 26 annelhynz
YE 9M 22 jimbo
YALE 9I 20 tonikay

On 10th draw, TIREDEST 2B 76 --- TIRED sapped of strength [adj]
Other moves: (P)ITTERED B8 70, (P)RETTIED B8 70, TIREDEST A2 60, RETINE J1 31, YATTERED L8 28
TRIED 10F 26 annelhynz, tonikay
RETRIED C8 18 jimbo

On 11th draw, GEEZ 10G 72 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: REZ 10H 70, RIZ 10H 70, ZEE G7 44, ZIG 1A 44, GRIZE 4D 41
ZIG 1A 44 jimbo
ZEE G7 44 annelhynz
BEZ J8 34 tonikay

On 12th draw, PESO 1A 28 --- PESO a monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries [n]
Other moves: MYOPES M8 26, PRENOON C7 26, PONE J3 25, PEONS 11E 24, PONES 3A 24
SPOON 11D 19 tonikay
PES 1A 19 annelhynz

On 13th draw, SUTTLING A8 80 --- SUTTLE to trade as a camp hawker [v]
Other moves: TURTLING C6 72, ENGILT H10 27, ENGLUT H10 27, LUTING 11D 25, UNGILT 11D 24
GLUT 11E 15 tonikay
GU L1 9 annelhynz

On 14th draw, RANGIORA C8 70 --- RANGIORA an evergreen New Zealand shrub with large ovate leaves and small greenish-white flowers [n]
Other moves: GRADINO E5 36, ROADING E5 36, MYRINGA M8 26, OARING 11D 25, EARING H10 24
GOR 6F 10 annelhynz
GIN 11F 9 tonikay

On 15th draw, QUOD E5 28 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: ROQUE D4 28
Other moves: CROUPE 4C 24, COUPE 4D 22, COUPER D4 22, PAC 7G 20, YARCO L8 20
QUOD E5 28 annelhynz, tonikay

On 16th draw, HID F6 30 --- HIDE to conceal [v]
Other moves: KA 3C 29, KINA J3 29, VAC 3A 29, YACKA L8 28, CHA 10M 26
VAC 3A 29 Ansuyah
KA 3C 29 tonikay
KA L1 15 annelhynz

On 17th draw, AKRATIC 15C 54 --- AKRATIC going against ones moral values through weakness of will [adj]
Other moves: KAF 3C 42, EIRACK H10 39, KATI 3C 38, KAF 3A 35, FACT 3A 34
KAF 3C 42 tonikay
FACT 3A 34 Ansuyah
IF D11 23 annelhynz

On 18th draw, POOJA F11 30 --- POOJA a Hindu worship practice [n]
Other moves: PUJA F12 29, OF 14E 28, OOF D10 27, UFO D11 27, P**F 11E 26
PUJA F12 29 Ansuyah
OF 14E 28 annelhynz
JA F14 25 tonikay

On 19th draw, GOWF G10 33 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: VOW E10 31, COW E10 29, WOT G13 28, UFO D11 27, OF D11 23
VOW E10 31 tonikay
WOT G13 28 Ansuyah, annelhynz

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