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Game of February 6, 2012 at 03:38, 1 player
1. 562 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaegntv   H4    80    80   vantage
 2. ehlorst  11E   102   182   holster
 3. aaeiltx   4B    86   268   laxative
 4. ?adhiwy   K5    84   352   whinyard
 5. aaeeknp   3C    47   399   kapa
 6. ?cefirw   5C    54   453   few
 7. ?diiino   9A    62   515   iodising
 8. eimorst  13H    88   603   moister
 9. bdeeelp   3I    87   690   bleeped
10. einrstu   A5    77   767   unitiser
11. eegnrtz   O3    78   845   dzeren
12. jnooqst   L1    38   883   joes
13. lnortuy   1L    42   925   jury
14. aefilou   2F    34   959   filo
15. acdeint   N7    81  1040   dicentra
16. abcgmou   1G    44  1084   gamb
17. cnooruv   J6    33  1117   coon
18. goqruuv   8F    25  1142   qua

Remaining tiles: goruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6515 FileZweep       2 16:34  -580  562     1.6515 Zweep       2 16:34  -580  562 

On 1st draw, VANTAGE H4 80 --- VANTAGE superiority over a competitor [n] --- VANTAGE to benefit [v]
Other moves: VANTAGE H7 76, VANTAGE H2 74, VANTAGE H3 74, VANTAGE H6 74, VANTAGE H8 74
VANTAGE H4 30 Zweep

On 2nd draw, HOLSTER 11E 102 --- HOLSTER a case for a pistol [n] --- HOLSTER to put in a holster (a case for a pistol) [v]
Other moves: HOSTLER 11F 82, HOLSTER I8 73, HOSTLER I8 73, LOATHERS 5F 72, RATHOLES 5G 72
SHOER 11H 28 Zweep

On 3rd draw, LAXATIVE 4B 86 --- LAXATIVE a drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels [n]
Other moves: LATEX 12B 38, TAXA 12D 38, TAXI 12D 38, ILEX 12C 36, AXEL 12I 35
TAXI 12D 38 Zweep

On 4th draw, WHI(N)YARD K5 84 --- WHINYARD a short sword [n]
Other moves: WIDTH(W)AY I8 80, (W)IDTHWAY I8 80, WHINYA(R)D 6E 77, (W)IDTHWAY F1 77, HIDE(A)WAY J8 73
HAY 10D 35 Zweep

On 5th draw, KAPA 3C 47 --- KAPA a coarse cloth [n]
Other tops: PEKAN 3A 47
Other moves: AKENE 3B 45, PEKE 3C 45, APEAK 10B 44, APEEK 10B 44, KEP 3C 43
KEEP J10 39 Zweep

On 6th draw, FEW 5C 54 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: F(E)W 5C 51, W(A)FER 5A 51, WIFE(D) 5A 50, WIFE(S) 5A 50, WIFE(Y) 5A 50
CREW 10C 35 Zweep

On 7th draw, IODI(S)ING 9A 62 --- IODISE to treat with iodine [v]
Other tops: IODI(Z)ING 9A 62
Other moves: D(S)O J3 26, DINO(S) 13G 25, DI(S) J2 25, DO(S) J2 25, D(A)N 6D 25
NOD 10D 20 Zweep

On 8th draw, MOISTER 13H 88 --- MOIST slightly wet [adj]
Other tops: TRISOME 13H 88
Other moves: ROOMIEST B7 82, MOISTER 3I 81, MORTISE 3I 81, EROTISM 13F 79, MORTISE 13F 79
MOISTER 13H 38 Zweep

On 9th draw, BLEEPED 3I 87 --- BLEEP to emit a short high sound [v]
Other moves: BLEEPED 2F 85, BLEEPED 14C 71, PLEBE 8A 61, PLEB 8A 57, BLED 8A 49
PLIED A7 24 Zweep

On 10th draw, UNITISER A5 77 --- UNITISER one who unitises [n]
Other tops: NEURITIS A5 77, UNITISER A7 77
Other moves: UNITERS 14D 71, NEURITES N2 70, RETINUES N2 70, REUNITES N2 70, ROUTINES B8 70
RUDEST O1 24 Zweep

On 11th draw, DZEREN O3 78 --- DZEREN an Asian antelope [n]
Other moves: NERTZ N2 68, E(N)TREZ 8J 45, (N)ERTZ 8K 42, GENIZOT F6 41, ZED O1 39
ZED O1 39 Zweep

On 12th draw, JOES L1 38 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: SIJO G3 35, JOLS J1 32, QAT F2 32, TOONS L7 28, SIJO F8 27
QAT F2 32 Zweep

On 13th draw, JURY 1L 42 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: DUROY 12K 34, JOLT 1L 33, JOUR 1L 33, NYE J9 32, OYE J9 32
JURY 1L 42 Zweep

On 14th draw, FILO 2F 34 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other tops: FLORAE N10 34, LAUF 14G 34, LIEF 14G 34
Other moves: AUF 14H 33, FLARE N10 32, FLORA N10 32, FUERO N10 32, AFOUL L6 28
FAIL 10J 28 Zweep

On 15th draw, DICENTRA N7 81 --- DICENTRA a plant with two broadly pouched outer petals [n]
Other moves: DEDICANT C7 78, ACTIN J5 39, CAIN J6 33, ACT J5 31, CADRE N10 28
AND 14H 21 Zweep

On 16th draw, GAMB 1G 44 --- GAMB a leg [n]
Other moves: BAM 1G 39, CAUM J6 37, GAMBE J7 37, GAM 1G 35, GAMBO 12C 33
BAM 1G 39 Zweep

On 17th draw, COON J6 33 --- COON a raccoon [n]
Other moves: COO J6 27, CROON 14F 25, MOC H13 21, VROU 12C 21, VROU 14F 21
CROON 14F 25 Zweep

On 18th draw, QUA 8F 25 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI D8 21, VROU 12C 21, VROU 14F 21, GOV M6 19, VOR 12D 19
QUA 8F 25 Zweep

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