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Game of February 8, 2012 at 01:32, 1 player
1. 72 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beglnoo   H4    24    24   belong
 2. eegiory   4H    24    48   bigeye
 3. aelorrs   M3    70   118   releasor
 4. adgioqt   3I    48   166   qat
 5. dhmorsu   N4    42   208   soh
 6. aceiluu   5K    27   235   calo
 7. ?amnruv   5D    31   266   mauves
 8. ?aeortw   D1    84   350   wardmote
 9. aeeirtw   1A    39   389   wetware
10. aeilsuz   G7    52   441   zeals
11. abfklop   8A    33   474   fake
12. bdeintu   B5    65   539   unbaited
13. cdeejnp  A11    38   577   pence
14. dhiimos   H1    57   634   sh
15. djnoort   E8    37   671   dojo
16. iinnotx  H11    41   712   toxin
17. filnouu  13C    34   746   influx
18. dioprty  14G    98   844   pityroid
19. agimnru  12H    78   922   origanum

Remaining tiles: deiiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5943 Fileritavanl    0  3:47  -850   72     1.5943 ritavanl    0  3:47  -850   72 

On 1st draw, BELONG H4 24 --- BELONG to be a member of [v]
Other tops: OBLONG H3 24
Other moves: BELONG H7 22, BOGLE H4 22, BONGO H4 22, BOONG H4 22, OBLONG H7 22

On 2nd draw, BIGEYE 4H 24 --- BIGEYE a marine fish [n]
Other tops: EYRIE I3 24
Other moves: EYE G6 23, OYE I6 23, BEIGY 4H 22, BOGEY 4H 22, OBEYER 4G 22

On 3rd draw, RELEASOR M3 70 --- RELEASOR one who releases [n]

On 4th draw, QAT 3I 48 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: GODETIA 5E 45, GEOIDAL 5G 34, IDOLA 5J 26, GEOID 5G 25, IDOL 5J 24

On 5th draw, SOH N4 42 --- SOH the fifth note of the scale [n]
Other moves: HUMORS L7 38, MOHURS L7 38, RESOD 5G 36, SOM N4 36, OHM N5 35

On 6th draw, CALO 5K 27 --- CALO a Spanish argot used by Chicano youths [n]
Other tops: CLUSIA 8J 27
Other moves: CUE 2J 26, ILEAC L8 23, ASCI 8L 21, AULOI 5K 21, ACULEI L10 20

On 7th draw, MAUVE(S) 5D 31 --- MAUVE a purple colour [n]
Other moves: RAMS(O)N 8J 30, MURVA(S) 11H 28, MANURE(S) 5C 27, MANUR(E) L7 27, MAUV(E)R G7 27

On 8th draw, WAR(D)MOTE D1 84 --- WARDMOTE a meeting of a ward [n]
Other tops: WOR(K)MATE D1 84
Other moves: TEAR(D)OWN 8A 83, TEAMWOR(K) D2 76, (D)AMEWORT D3 76, (P)OMWATER D3 76, O(U)TWEAR L9 73

On 9th draw, WETWARE 1A 39 --- WETWARE the human brain when considered as functionally equivalent to a computer [n]
Other tops: WETWARE 1D 39
Other moves: WAITER I7 29, WAITE I7 28, RESAW 8K 27, RESEW 8K 27, WAIR I7 27

On 10th draw, ZEALS G7 52 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEAL G7 51, ZEAS G7 51, ZEA G7 50, SI H1 48, SIZEL O6 48

On 11th draw, FAKE 8A 33 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [v]
Other moves: PUKA F4 32, BAKE 8A 30, BOKE 8A 30, POKE 8A 30, FOAL 2B 28
SOP 8M 15 ritavanl

On 12th draw, UNBAITED B5 65 --- UNBAITED not baited [adj]
Other moves: DUSTBIN 11E 40, BEDSIT 8J 33, BEDUIN L7 32, BIDENT L7 32, DISTUNE 11E 32
UNITED L10 20 ritavanl

On 13th draw, PENCE A11 38 --- PENCE in the United Kingdom, a new penny [n] --- PENNY a coin of the United Kingdom [n]
Other moves: JEEP L9 37, JEED L9 35, PENED A11 35, JEEP F9 32, DENE F7 31
JEEP L9 37 ritavanl

On 14th draw, SH H1 57 --- SH used to urge silence [interj]
Other moves: MISSHOD 11E 52, SI H1 48, SO H1 48, WETWARES 1A 42, IMSHI H11 41

On 15th draw, DOJO E8 37 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other moves: DOJO L7 30, DOJO L9 29, ODOR I7 29, JAG J2 27, DONOR E8 25

On 16th draw, TOXIN H11 41 --- TOXIN a poisonous substance [n]
Other tops: OX 2A 41
Other moves: SIX 8M 30, SOX 8M 30, TOXIN D11 28, TOXIN L9 28, TUX F4 26

On 17th draw, INFLUX 13C 34 --- INFLUX a flowing in [n]
Other moves: FOAL 2B 28, FINO I12 27, FUSIL 8K 27, OF 2A 25, FIN I12 24

On 18th draw, PITYROID 14G 98 --- PITYROID bran-like [adj]
Other moves: PONTY D11 32, TRIPY 3C 28, PROSIT 8J 27, DOPY I8 26, PORTY L9 26

On 19th draw, ORIGANUM 12H 78 --- ORIGANUM an aromatic herb [n]
Other moves: MUNGA 13J 36, MANG 13J 31, MUNG 13J 31, MAAR 2B 24, MARRING 3A 24

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