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Game sheet of Sandra_H (file), Game of February 11, 2012 at 01:14

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEORUV             OU(T)RAVE H7 76 76  
2 BCIOSTT             BISCOTTO 7D 66 142  
3 AEINTTY             TINY 8A 44 186  
4 AGMOTTW             MAGOT 8K 31 217  
5 CEOPRWY             YEW 9C 30 247  
6 AAEENRS             ARRASENE 10F 62 309  
7 ACDILOP             PLACOID 14B 89 398  
8 DEILLPR VEIL 12H 7 -80 7 3/3 PERILLED 13G 87 485 3/3
9 EEIILMS             MEALIE 11F 30 515 3/3
10 ?AEGGNQ GNAT O5 5 -40 12 3/3 Q(U)AG 6B 45 560 3/3
11 ADIKSSZ ZITS O6 13 -31 25 3/3 KAID 15A 44 604 3/3
12 DEHOORW HOOTER O5 9 -25 34 3/3 WHOREDOM K1 34 638 3/3
13 EHIINRS DINES 6K 8 -59 42 3/3 INHERITS I1 67 705 3/3
14 AEEFRSU HEARS 2K 16 -46 58 2/3 FEATURES O5 62 767 3/3
15 BEFNOTX TOE A8 3 -45 61 3/3 WOXEN 1K 48 815 3/3
16 AFINTUV             FAIN 14J 34 849 3/3
17 GJNOTUV HOOT 3I 7 -30 68 3/3 GJU 15M 37 886 3/3
18 BNOTUVZ             BOUN H1 43 929 3/3

Total: 68/929 or -861 for 7.319%
Rank: 1725

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