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Game of February 11, 2012 at 03:28, 1 player
1. 351 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeeny   H4    24    24   yeaned
 2. aehlnor   I4    30    54   enhalo
 3. adenosw   J2    37    91   wands
 4. aceilpt   J9    69   160   plicate
 5. egirttu  15I    30   190   tergite
 6. bdennoz  11E    72   262   benzoin
 7. egiorsv  13G    84   346   viragoes
 8. deghlor  12A    34   380   holder
 9. acefkrt  B10    44   424   frock
10. ?adeity   A4    91   515   daytime
11. aeiotuv   B2    32   547   ovate
12. adeinos   N6    63   610   adenosis
13. abepruu   O3    50   660   upbear
14. giilrsu   L7    27   687   iglus
15. afiqrtx   A1    35   722   qi
16. fimotux  10D    36   758   tofu
17. aimorux   N1    33   791   mix
18. aijmoru   1K    36   827   umami

Remaining tiles: jorw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6502 FileZweep       3  6:22  -476  351     1.6502 Zweep       3  6:22  -476  351 

On 1st draw, YEANE(D) H4 24 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: ENE(M)Y H8 22, NEE(D)Y H8 22, YA(M)EN H4 22, YEAN(S) H4 22, YEA(R)N H4 22

On 2nd draw, ENHALO I4 30 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: H**L* G3 25, H**L* I5 24, RHONE G5 24, RHONE I5 24, HALER I6 22

On 3rd draw, WANDS J2 37 --- WAND a slender rod [n]
Other tops: WENDS J2 37, WOADS J2 37
Other moves: WEANS J4 36, WANES J2 35, DOWNA G3 34, WEAN J4 32, DAWS J5 31

On 4th draw, PLICATE J9 69 --- PLICATE pleated [adj] --- PLICATE to pleat [v]
Other moves: PELA G3 28, PLAT G5 28, TEPA G3 28, PIETA G2 27, PAC G6 26

On 5th draw, TERGITE 15I 30 --- TERGITE the back of an arthropod [n]
Other tops: GUERITE 15D 30
Other moves: GUERITE 15H 27, TERGITE 15D 27, TURGITE 15D 27, GUTTIER 15E 24, GEIT K8 21

On 6th draw, BENZOIN 11E 72 --- BENZOIN an aromatic gum [n]
Other moves: BENZIN 11F 34, BIZONE 11I 34, COZED 12J 34, COZEN 12J 32, ZINEB 11I 32

On 7th draw, VIRAGOES 13G 84 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: VERSO L8 43, VIROSE L7 39, VIREO 12D 38, GORSE L8 35, GRISE L8 35

On 8th draw, HOLDER 12A 34 --- HOLDER one that holds [n]
Other tops: HOED 12L 34
Other moves: COLDER 12J 33, DOH 10D 32, HELD G3 32, HERD G3 32, DHOL 12L 31
HOED 12L 34 Zweep

On 9th draw, FROCK B10 44 --- FROCK to clothe in a long, loose outer garment [v]
Other moves: CHARK A11 42, CHEKA A11 42, FRATCH A7 42, KETCH A8 42, THACK A11 42
KETCH A8 42 Zweep

On 10th draw, DAYTI(M)E A4 91 --- DAYTIME day [n]
Other moves: TIDE(W)AY C4 70, DIETA(R)Y C4 69, EDA(C)ITY C4 69, DAYTI(M)ES N6 67, DAYTI(M)E C4 66
A(S)IDE 15A 35 Zweep

On 11th draw, OVATE B2 32 --- OVATE egg-shaped [adj] --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: COTEAU 12J 30, COAT 13B 24, COIT 13B 24, VITAE B3 24, AVOSET N10 22
VOTE B1 17 Zweep

On 12th draw, ADENOSIS N6 63 --- ADENOSIS abnormal growth of glandular tissue [n]
Other tops: ADONISES N6 63, ANODISES N6 63
Other moves: ASIDE 15A 39, CANOED 12J 34, CODEIA 12J 34, CODEIN 12J 34, COINED 12J 34
ASIDE 15A 39 Zweep

On 13th draw, UPBEAR O3 50 --- UPBEAR to raise aloft [v]
Other moves: BUREAU O4 46, CABRIE 12J 36, UPBEAR O1 35, BARE O6 33, BEAU O6 33
PEER 8L 27 Zweep

On 14th draw, IGLUS L7 27 --- IGLU an Eskimo's ice dwelling [n]
Other tops: LURGIS L6 27
Other moves: GIRLS L7 26, GRIS L8 26, GULS L8 26, GURLS L7 26, GURS L8 26
US 15A 21 Zweep

On 15th draw, QI A1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: FAX N1 35, FIX N1 35
Other moves: FIXT C7 32, FIXER F8 31, FIXT M3 31, FRAT G5 30, VARIX 3B 30
FAX N1 35 Zweep

On 16th draw, TOFU 10D 36 --- TOFU a soft Oriental cheese made from soybean milk [n]
Other moves: FIX N1 35, FOX N1 35, MIX N1 33, MUX N1 33, FIXT C7 32
FIX N1 35 Zweep

On 17th draw, MIX N1 33 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: AXIOM M2 33, MAX N1 33, MUX N1 33
Other moves: OXIM M3 31, VARIX 3B 30, WUXIA 2J 30, RAX N1 29, RAM G5 28
MIX N1 33 Zweep

On 18th draw, UMAMI 1K 36 --- UMAMI (Japanese) a savoury flavour, the taste of monosodium glutamate [n]
Other moves: MOMI 1L 33, JAM 9C 30, RAM G5 28, AMMO 1L 27, JAR 9C 26
MOMI 1L 33 Zweep

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