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Game sheet of GLOBEMAN (file), Game of February 12, 2012 at 00:34

Word find
Word played
1 DEGGRSU GRUDGES H4 24 -50 24 3/3     74 74 3/3
2 EEHIRSZ SEZ 10H 32 -8 56 2/3 HERRIES 5E 40 114 2/4
3 AIMNNST MINTS 6J 27 -36 83 1/3 MANNITES 9B 63 177 2/4
4 AAAENUY YEA 10B 33   116 2/3       210 2/4
5 AEFLRST FAS 10F 29 -8 145 2/3 FASTERS 10F 37 247 2/4
6 ABDEKLV             BALKED 4A 40 287 2/4
7 ACIINOT BATON A4 21 -42 166 1/3 DIATONIC 7H 63 350 2/4
8 ?AJLOOV BA(N)JO A4 39 -6 205 1/2 JA(M)BOOL A1 45 395 2/4
9 BDINOTZ RIZ K10 24 -54 229 2/2 ZINCO O4 78 473 2/4
10 ?ALRRVW SAW L10 12 -33 241 3/3 JA(M)BOOL(S) A1 45 518 2/5
11 EILNRUW WE 11D 16 -11 257 2/2 WEAR B2 27 545 2/5
12 EEFIOPR FEU 6F 31 -1 288 2/2 FRIZ 4L 32 577 2/5
13 ADENOVW DEW F4 15 -14 303 2/2 WANLE C1 29 606 2/5
14 ABDEIVX SIX L10 20 -22 323 2/2 WAIVED 1C 42 648 2/5
15 GINORUY YO 8L 20 -12 343 1/2 OY 6A 32 680 2/5
16 EGLORTU TOE 3K 15 -8 358 1/2 GLOUT 3J 23 703 2/5
17 ABENTTU BA 8L 16 -60 374 2/2 INTUBATE N7 76 779 2/5
18 EHIPPRX HEX O10 47   421 2/2       826 2/5
19 DEOOORV RODE 15L 30 -15 451 1/2 OVERDO 15J 45 871 2/5
20 CILMPPU CLUMP 14F 33 -1 484 2/2 CLIMAX 12J 34 905 2/5

Total: 484/905 or -421 for 53.48%
Rank: 6204

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