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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of February 12, 2012 at 07:35

Word find
Word played
1 AFGHMNO             FOGMAN H4 32 32  
2 EEINRSV             EVERSION 5B 72 104  
3 CDIORRS             CORRIDAS 8B 62 166  
4 ?AAEIVW             WAVE(R) A1 44 210  
5 ?AAHOPT             HOPTOA(D) C7 36 246  
6 AAGLSTX             TAXA D12 29 275  
7 ADINRTY             (R)EVERSIONARY 5A 34 309  
8 ABEEORT             BOATER 4J 34 343  
9 DELNOSU             NOURSLED O1 131 474  
10 EGIMQRT             REMIT E11 32 506  
11 AEEHNNY             HAEN 6J 40 546  
12 EEFIOPY             ATOPY 15D 30 576  
13 DDEFISW             WEISED D1 28 604  
14 ACEEFIN             FAIENCE 14H 86 690  
15 EEILOQT QI 3C 22 -2 22 2/5 OMIT 7G 24 714 5/6
16 EIJLNUU JET M2 20 -8 42 3/5 JEUNE N10 28 742 5/6
17 BEIOTUZ BIZ 3C 28 -26 70 5/5 ZOBU 13I 54 796 4/6
18 DEILLQT TWILLED 1C 33   103 3/4       829 4/6
19 GGIKLQU GUNK L12 28   131 1/5       857 4/6

Total: 131/857 or -726 for 15.28%
Rank: 8297

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