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Game of February 12, 2012 at 08:21, 4 players
1. 559 pts kellybelly
2. 471 pts Fran1945
3. 187 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bceinow   H4    28    28   wince
 2. ?ehiiux   6E    39    67   chenix
 3. ?eeistu   E4    74   141   eucrites
 4. aimrttv   8A    39   180   trivia
 5. adeinnr   I8    62   242   nardine
 6. aaerrsw  14H    36   278   rewears
 7. addikot  H12    52   330   kart
 8. aegnooy  D10    32   362   oogeny
 9. aaiprst   C3    77   439   apiarist
10. adelotu   N7    61   500   outleads
11. cdelosv   O4    50   550   voces
12. bemnoqz   B6    68   618   zero
13. ehlmmop   D1    40   658   home
14. abdegll   K8    74   732   begalled
15. flmopru  15A    36   768   fumy
16. afgilor  14B    44   812   gonif
17. bdiopuy   1D    45   857   hypoid
18. abijlnq   5G    54   911   niqab
19. ijlnrtu   B1    25   936   jin

Remaining tiles: lrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7470 Filekellybelly  4 17:05  -377  559     1.7470 kellybelly  4 17:05  -377  559 
  2.  -  FileFran1945    1 18:59  -465  471     2.7290 mylover81   1  4:03  -749  187 
  3.7290 Filemylover81   1  4:03  -749  187            Group: novice
  4.5960 Filejimbo       1  3:00  -813  123     1.5960 jimbo       1  3:00  -813  123 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Fran1945    1 18:59  -465  471 

On 1st draw, WINCE H4 28 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other moves: BOWIE H4 26, BOWNE H4 26, BONCE H4 24, BOWIE H8 22, BOWNE H8 22
WINCE H4 28 jimbo, Fran1945

On 2nd draw, (C)HENIX 6E 39 --- CHENIX an ancient Greek measurement [n]
Other tops: (P)HENIX 6E 39
Other moves: HEX I7 38, H(E)X I7 36, HEXIN(G) 6D 31, HE(L)IX I7 31, XENIU(M) 6F 30
HEX I7 38 Fran1945
NIX 6H 26 jimbo

On 3rd draw, EU(C)(R)ITES E4 74 --- EUCRITE a type of meteorite [n]
Other moves: SUETIE(R) 9H 69, (C)UTESIE 9D 69, E(Q)UITES 9B 68, SUETIE(R) 9B 68, EUTEXI(A)S J2 66
(M)ITES 5G 20 kellybelly
SUITE(S) 9H 17 jimbo
ET 5J 13 Fran1945

On 4th draw, TRIVIA 8A 39 --- TRIVIA insignificant matters [n]
Other moves: IMARI 5H 27, MIRV F10 27, AMIR F9 26, MAVIE 4A 26, VAIR D1 26
VITA D1 26 kellybelly
ARM 5J 19 jimbo
MAR D8 19 Fran1945

On 5th draw, NARDINE I8 62 --- NARD a fragrant ointment [adj] --- NARDINE pertaining to nard [adj]
Other moves: INSNARED 11C 59, AVIDER D7 28, AIDER 5G 26, VARIED D8 26, AVENIR D7 25
DINNER F10 22 kellybelly
RENEW 4D 16 Fran1945
ARE 5J 15 jimbo

On 6th draw, REWEARS 14H 36 --- REWEAR to wear again [v]
Other moves: WISER 5G 32, AWARER 5J 27, AREW D1 26, WARE D1 26, WASE D1 26
WISER 5G 32 kellybelly
AWE H13 25 Fran1945

On 7th draw, KART H12 52 --- KART a small motor vehicle [n]
Other tops: KARO H12 52, KORA H12 52
Other moves: DARK H12 40, DIRK H12 40, DORK H12 40, KIDDO D1 40, KAID D1 34
KART H12 52 kellybelly
DARK H12 40 Fran1945

On 8th draw, OOGENY D10 32 --- OOGENY the development of ova [n]
Other moves: GOOEY D1 31, GOONY D1 31, GOEY D1 30, AGONY D1 29, OOGENY 5J 29
YANG D10 23 kellybelly
ANY 5J 21 Fran1945

On 9th draw, APIARIST C3 77 --- APIARIST a person who raises bees [n]
PRAYS 15A 30 Fran1945
PITAS 5G 29 kellybelly

On 10th draw, OUTLEADS N7 61 --- OUTLEAD to surpass in leading [v]
Other moves: TAULD B2 35, ADULT B2 29, AULDER B3 28, DAULT B2 28, DILATE 5G 28
DOTE D1 26 kellybelly
TILED 5G 25 mylover81
ODE 5J 17 Fran1945

On 11th draw, VOCES O4 50 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: VELDS O4 48, COVES O4 47, CLOVES O3 44, VOLES O4 44, CLODS O4 42
VOCES O4 50 mylover81
VELDS O4 48 Fran1945
COVES O4 47 kellybelly

On 12th draw, ZERO B6 68 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: ZONE D1 58, ENZYM 15A 57, ZERO M12 43, ZED 13L 41, BEZ B1 39
ZERO B6 68 kellybelly
ZED 13L 41 mylover81
ZO B3 26 Fran1945

On 13th draw, HOME D1 40 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other tops: PHLOEM M2 40
Other moves: PHENOM 14A 38, EPHOR M10 37, HOMY 15A 36, MOME D1 36, POME D1 36
HOME D1 40 kellybelly
HOM C13 35 mylover81
HOLY 15A 30 Fran1945

On 14th draw, BEGALLED K8 74 --- BEGALL to make sore by rubbing [v]
Other tops: GABELLED K8 74
Other moves: BLAHED 1A 36, BIGAE 5G 32, BILED 5G 31, BAGH 1A 30, BEGLAD M2 30
BLAHED 1A 36 mylover81
BILED 5G 31 kellybelly
HALED 1D 27 Fran1945

On 15th draw, FUMY 15A 36 --- FUMY producing or full of fumes [adj]
Other moves: FUM C13 35, FORUM M3 34, MOPY 15A 33, PUMY 15A 33, UMPH 1A 33
P*M C13 31 kellybelly
PLOY 15A 27 Fran1945

On 16th draw, GONIF 14B 44 --- GONIF a thief [n]
Other tops: GANOF 14B 44
Other moves: FILAR 5G 32, FIGO L9 31, FLORA M11 29, FILA L9 28, FILO L9 28
OAF 5J 21 kellybelly
OF 5J 19 Fran1945

On 17th draw, HYPOID 1D 45 --- HYPOID of a type of bevel gear [adj]
Other moves: YEBO 13C 43, BIPOD 5G 37, HYOID 1D 36, YEP 13C 36, YODH 1A 33
PED 13C 29 kellybelly
BAY 12M 12 Fran1945

On 18th draw, NIQAB 5G 54 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: NIQAB 2H 41, QIBLA L4 39, JARL M12 37, JAR M12 35, JAB B1 31
JARL M12 37 kellybelly
JAR M12 35 Fran1945

On 19th draw, JIN B1 25 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUN B1 25, JUT B1 25
Other moves: JIN L7 18, JOE 7M 18, NET 13C 18, RAJ 12M 18, RET 13C 18
JIN B1 25 kellybelly
JOE 7M 18 jimbo

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