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Game of February 12, 2012 at 18:10, 5 players
1. 562 pts mylover81
2. 464 pts tonikay
3. 218 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adiilst   H4    70    70   dialist
 2. eemnott   I6    23    93   monte
 3. deilosu   8H    30   123   insouled
 4. ?cegiot   M6    78   201   eclogite
 5. ?aarttv   K7    70   271   rotavate
 6. ceimors  15K    47   318   scrim
 7. bdegils  11B    81   399   begilds
 8. aefkopr   C6    88   487   forepeak
 9. aeefinr   4E    74   561   fredaine
10. deinnou   F1    63   624   unironed
11. aahortu   N2    45   669   torah
12. eginoqy   1E    51   720   queyn
13. aegiorw   B2    34   754   earwig
14. ehinoow   O1    43   797   howe
15. abelouy   A1    42   839   abye
16. aijouxz  12A    48   887   jiao
17. alnpuuz   3I    44   931   za
18. lnpuuvx  14N    40   971   xu

Remaining tiles: lnpuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7289 Filemylover81   5 13:22  -409  562     1.7289 mylover81   5 13:22  -409  562 
  2.5777 Filetonikay     0 23:16  -507  464            Group: novice
  3.5529 Fileargomearns  0  9:35  -753  218     1.5777 tonikay     0 23:16  -507  464 
  4.5905 Filescrablehed  0  3:52  -873   98     2.5529 argomearns  0  9:35  -753  218 
  5.5200 Filestrykyster  0  6:24  -911   60     3.5905 scrablehed  0  3:52  -873   98 
                                             4.5200 strykyster  0  6:24  -911   60 

On 1st draw, DIALIST H4 70 --- DIALIST a dialer [n]
Other moves: DIALIST H2 68, DIALIST H3 68, DIALIST H6 68, DIALIST H7 68, DIALIST H8 68
DIALIST H4 20 argomearns
DISTIL H4 18 mylover81
DIALS H4 16 tonikay
STAID H8 16 scrablehed
DISA H6 10 strykyster

On 2nd draw, MONTE I6 23 --- MONTE a card game [n]
Other tops: MOTTE I6 23
Other moves: MENTO I3 21, MOTTE G3 21, DEMETON 4H 20, METE G6 20, MOTT I6 20
MENTO I3 21 tonikay
MOTE I3 16 mylover81
MOTEN 10F 15 strykyster

On 3rd draw, INSOULED 8H 30 --- INSOUL to infuse with a soul [v]
Other moves: OLDIES 11C 23, LEUDS J4 22, LOIDS J4 22, SILOED 11I 22, SOILED 11I 22
SLIDE 11I 20 tonikay
DOLES J10 20 mylover81
SLAM 6F 8 strykyster

On 4th draw, ECLOGIT(E) M6 78 --- ECLOGITE a crystalline rock [n]
Other tops: (E)CLOGITE M6 78
Other moves: EC(L)OGITE N1 74, GEOD(E)TIC 4E 72, G(E)ODETIC 4E 72, EC(L)OGITE N8 70, GEO(D)ETIC N7 70
COTE J10 23 mylover81
COTE(S) 11D 20 tonikay
CAME 6G 10 strykyster

On 5th draw, ROTAVAT(E) K7 70 --- ROTAVATE to till by means of a hand-operated machine [v]
Other moves: R(O)TAVAT(E) 13F 60, AVA(S)T 14J 28, VATT(E)R L1 26, AVAT(A)R N1 24, AV(A)TAR N1 24
TAVA(S) 11D 22 tonikay
ADV(E)RT 4G 18 scrablehed
(S)TAR L12 11 mylover81

On 6th draw, SCRIM 15K 47 --- SCRIM a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: COMERS 15F 41, CRIMES 15F 41, CROMES 15F 41, MICROS 15F 41, SCORE 15K 41
SCRIM 15K 47 mylover81
MICROS 15F 41 tonikay
SIC 15K 17 strykyster

On 7th draw, BEGILDS 11B 81 --- BEGILD to gild [v]
Other moves: BEGILD N1 35, BILGED N1 35, GIBED N2 33, BIELD N2 31, BILED N2 31
BILED N2 31 mylover81
GLIDES 11C 25 tonikay

On 8th draw, FOREPEAK C6 88 --- FOREPEAK the forward part of a ship's hold [n]
Other moves: FOREPEAK C8 86, KAF J12 38, KARO 12A 38, KEF J12 38, KERO 12A 38
KEF J12 38 mylover81
FAKE 10C 31 tonikay

On 9th draw, FREDAINE 4E 74 --- FREDAINE a prank [n]
Other moves: FREDAINE O5 63, INFERIAE E6 61, GRIEF D11 36, FAERIE D1 31, FEERIN B2 31
NEF J12 30 mylover81
FIRER 8A 27 tonikay

On 10th draw, UNIRONED F1 63 --- IRON to eliminate wrinkles from clothes by pressing [adj] --- UNIRONED not ironed [adj]
Other moves: GEOID D11 28, INNED N2 27, ONNED N2 27, AUDIO 12C 26, ONDINE B1 25
NID J12 18 mylover81
DORE 8A 18 tonikay

On 11th draw, TORAH N2 45 --- TORAH the body of Jewish law [n]
Other tops: ROUTH N2 45
Other moves: TAUHOU 1A 39, AGHA D10 36, GHAUT D11 36, GHAT D11 32, AAH J12 30
AAH J12 30 tonikay
RAH N4 27 mylover81

On 12th draw, QUEYN 1E 51 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUEY 1E 48, QUINE 1E 42, QUINO 1E 42, QUOIN 1E 42, QUIN 1E 39
QUEYN 1E 51 mylover81
QUINE 1E 42 argomearns
QI O1 35 tonikay

On 13th draw, EARWIG B2 34 --- EARWIG to insinuate against in secret [v]
Other moves: WARRED 8A 33, REGGO D9 32, WARE O1 31, WIRE O1 31, WORE O1 31
WARRED 8A 33 scrablehed
WORE O1 31 mylover81
WARE 8A 24 tonikay
WORE 8A 24 argomearns

On 14th draw, HOWE O1 43 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other moves: GWINE D11 36, HEW J12 36, HEW O1 34, HOW O1 34, NIGH D9 32
HOWE O1 43 mylover81
OWN A1 25 argomearns
WEN O1 22 tonikay

On 15th draw, ABYE A1 42 --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: BAYE A1 40, GLOBY D11 40, ELOGY D8 39, YEBO A1 39, BAY J12 34
BEY J12 34 mylover81
ABLY A7 31 argomearns, scrablehed
BOY A1 31 tonikay

On 16th draw, JIAO 12A 48 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: ZOA 3I 47, ZA 3I 44, ZO 3I 44, AZO A7 40, XU 14N 40
AZO A7 40 mylover81
JAI 3I 39 tonikay
AX A7 31 argomearns

On 17th draw, ZA 3I 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZAP J12 42, JAUP A12 39, LAZ(E) 14H 32, NAZ(E) 14H 32, ALP C1 31
ZA 3I 44 mylover81
LAZ(E) 14H 32 argomearns
ZA J12 24 tonikay

On 18th draw, XU 14N 40 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: LUX 5J 36, PUS J6 28, LUX(E) 14H 26, PLOW 3L 22, PUDU G9 21
XU 14N 40 mylover81
EX N8 18 tonikay
VEX 9B 13 argomearns

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