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Game of February 13, 2012 at 22:53, 7 players
1. 522 pts dannyboy
2. 167 pts Andy1990
3. 42 pts scrablehed

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aennosv   H2    78    78   novenas
 2. ?dklrty   5E    40   118   tiredly
 3. degiltz   G7    48   166   zed
 4. efhnoop   6C    32   198   hoof
 5. agmnors  10A    78   276   morgans
 6. ceelnst   D8    76   352   neglects
 7. adefiix   A8    69   421   admix
 8. eiloprw   B1    60   481   replow
 9. ?aceegp   J1    64   545   pucelage
10. biiottu   1A    30   575   oribi
11. ehimoty  15D    42   617   smithy
12. aaeittu   1I    30   647   apatite
13. deefirv  14A    39   686   evited
14. aeginou   4H    24   710   veena
15. aikrrsw  14I    33   743   karris
16. eilnotu   L7    68   811   outliner
17. afgiouw  15M    28   839   fig
18. abjoruw   G1    37   876   raj
19. boquuuw  K11    33   909   bowr

Remaining tiles: quuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6478 Filedannyboy    3 16:25  -387  522     1.6478 dannyboy    3 16:25  -387  522 
  2.5706 FileAndy1990    1  7:05  -742  167     2.6607 GLOBEMAN    0  0:37  -887   22 
  3.5885 Filescrablehed  0  2:17  -867   42            Group: novice
  4.5660 Fileargomearns  0  0:40  -885   24     1.5706 Andy1990    1  7:05  -742  167 
  5.6607 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:37  -887   22     2.5885 scrablehed  0  2:17  -867   42 
  6.5753 Filetonikay     0  0:42  -895   14     3.5660 argomearns  0  0:40  -885   24 
  7.5692 FileWEASEL      0  0:20  -903    6     4.5753 tonikay     0  0:42  -895   14 
                                             5.5692 WEASEL      0  0:20  -903    6 

On 1st draw, NOVENAS H2 78 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other moves: NOVENAS H3 72, NOVENAS H4 72, NOVENAS H6 72, NOVENAS H7 72, NOVENAS H8 72
NOVENAS H2 28 dannyboy
VANES H4 24 argomearns

On 2nd draw, T(I)REDLY 5E 40 --- TIRED sapped of strength [adv] --- TIREDLY in a tired manner [adv]
Other moves: Y(A)K G5 31, Y(O)K G5 31, Y(U)K G5 31, K(A)NDY 2F 30, K(A)NDY 6F 30
K(E)Y G7 30 dannyboy

On 3rd draw, ZED G7 48 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other tops: ZIG G7 48
Other moves: ZITE G7 47, ZEL G7 46, ZIT G7 46, L*Z G1 45, REZ G5 45
ZED G7 48 dannyboy

On 4th draw, HOOF 6C 32 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other tops: FOEHN 4K 32
Other moves: P**F 6C 31, DOP I5 28, FOHN 4K 28, NEF 6D 28, OOF 6D 28
HOOF 6C 32 dannyboy

On 5th draw, MORGANS 10A 78 --- MORGAN a unit of distance between genes [n]
Other moves: SONOGRAM 3G 76, MORGANS F8 72, GRANNOMS 2D 69, GRANNOMS 2E 65, SONOGRAM 3E 64
MANGOS 10B 31 dannyboy

On 6th draw, NEGLECTS D8 76 --- NEGLECT to fail to pay attention to [v]
Other moves: SELECT B2 47, CEMENTS A8 36, CLEMENT A7 36, CELESTES 8A 33, CEMENT A8 33
CEMENTS A8 36 dannyboy

On 7th draw, ADMIX A8 69 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: SEXFID 15D 51, DEX I5 48, FAIX E9 46, FAXED 4K 44, FIXED 4K 44
FAX I1 40 dannyboy

On 8th draw, REPLOW B1 60 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v] --- REPLOW to plow again [v]
Other moves: PILOW B2 58, PLOWER B3 43, POWER B4 42, POWRE B4 42, LOWER B4 40
SWIPER 15D 33 dannyboy

On 9th draw, P(U)CELAGE J1 64 --- PUCELAGE virginity [n]
Other moves: CRAPE 1A 36, CRAPE(D) 1A 36, CRAPE(S) 1A 36, CRAP(L)E 1A 36, CREPE 1A 36
CRAPE 1A 36 dannyboy

On 10th draw, ORIBI 1A 30 --- ORIBI an African antelope [n]
Other moves: BRITT 1A 24, BRUIT 1A 24, ORBIT 1A 24, SUBITO 15D 24, OB A1 22
BRUT 1A 21 dannyboy

On 11th draw, SMITHY 15D 42 --- SMITHY the workshop of a smith [n] --- SMITHY to forge metal [v]
Other tops: MOTHY 14B 42
Other moves: ISOHYET 15C 39, HOTTY 14B 38, MOTEY 14B 36, MOTTY 14B 36, ELMY 11C 33
THOSE 15A 24 Andy1990
SHITE 15D 24 scrablehed
SMOTE 15D 21 dannyboy

On 12th draw, APATITE 1I 30 --- APATITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: PATTIE 1J 27, PUTTIE 1J 27, ACTUATE 13C 22, TATIE 14D 22, ACUATE 13C 18
TACIT 13B 14 dannyboy
ACTA 13C 12 Andy1990

On 13th draw, EVITED 14A 39 --- EVITE to avoid [v]
Other tops: RIFTED 14A 39, VERTED 14A 39
Other moves: FERVID 14I 38, FETED 14B 37, FERVID K8 31, FEVER K8 27, FIVER K8 27
FED 2M 26 dannyboy
FIT 14B 12 Andy1990

On 14th draw, VEENA 4H 24 --- VEENA a stringed instrument of India [n]
Other moves: TAEING N1 22, TEAING N1 22, TOEING N1 22, INIA C1 20, SMITHYING 15D 20
AGEN 14I 14 Andy1990
IO C3 14 tonikay

On 15th draw, KARRIS 14I 33 --- KARRI a type of Australian gum tree [n]
Other moves: KAWS 3L 28, PAWKS 3B 28, SAKI 14H 28, SIRKAR 9J 28, SKAW 9J 28
KAWS 3L 28 dannyboy
SKAW 9J 28 Andy1990

On 16th draw, OUTLINER L7 68 --- OUTLINER one that outlines [n]
Other moves: ELUTIONS N7 60, OUTLINES N7 60, COLIN 3J 22, CONTE 3J 22, ENOL 15L 22
OUTLINER L7 18 scrablehed
TON 15M 13 Andy1990
TOE 15M 13 dannyboy

On 17th draw, FIG 15M 28 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FLAW 4A 28, FLOW 4A 28, FOG 15M 28
Other moves: FOU 15M 25, FAW G1 24, FIG M13 24, FLAG 4A 24, FLOG 4A 24
FOG 15M 28 dannyboy
FIG 15M 28 Andy1990

On 18th draw, RAJ G1 37 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JAW 3L 35, JOW 3L 35, JUBA 3L 35, BAWR K11 33, BOWR K11 33
JAW 3L 35 dannyboy
JIB 11K 24 Andy1990

On 19th draw, BOWR K11 33 --- BOWR a muscle [n]
Other moves: BLOW 4A 24, UPBOW 3A 24, QI 11K 22, BOW M5 21, BOW 3L 20
QI 11K 22 GLOBEMAN, dannyboy
QUA J12 12 Andy1990

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