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Game of February 14, 2012 at 01:09, 2 players
1. 382 pts denbay
2. 177 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acgnoot   H3    76    76   octagon
 2. aeijlsz  10B   102   178   jezails
 3. ?eiortw   5E    90   268   swottier
 4. eeelops  D10    30   298   zeps
 5. ?eioqrv   4A    47   345   quire
 6. befilrt   6J    35   380   freit
 7. aeeglno  13B    72   452   gasolene
 8. aabhmtu  11B    40   492   ahem
 9. aeeorty   O1    42   534   eatery
10. eiloprx   3C    58   592   peroxo
11. adfituw   2E    39   631   twa
12. cdfinor   1G    40   671   fico
13. abdklsu   A4    45   716   quads
14. deeosuy  B10    34   750   jaygee
15. bbikost  14I    50   800   skibob
16. dimnruu  15A    30   830   derm
17. aadhinu  15K    34   864   naiad
18. dhinotu  13K    35   899   doh
19. ilnntuv  15F    24   923   vint
20. gilnnuv   8E    64   987   unloving

Remaining tiles: luu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4048 Filedenbay      1 15:02  -605  382     1.6865 sunshine12  1 10:40  -810  177 
  2.6865 Filesunshine12  1 10:40  -810  177            Group: not rated
                                             1.4048 denbay      1 15:02  -605  382 

On 1st draw, OCTAGON H3 76 --- OCTAGON an eight sided polygon [n]
Other moves: OCTAGON H8 74, OCTAGON H2 72, OCTAGON H4 72, OCTAGON H6 72, OCTAGON H7 72
COON H7 12 denbay

On 2nd draw, JEZAILS 10B 102 --- JEZAIL a heavy Afghan musket [n]
Other moves: JEZAILS G8 87, JAZIES G6 51, JIZ G1 50, SLEAZO 3C 50, LAZES 10D 45
JIGS 7F 14 denbay

On 3rd draw, (S)WOTTIER 5E 90 --- SWOTTY studying excessively [adj]
Other tops: (H)OWITZER D5 90, (S)WOTTIER 5D 90
Other moves: TOWERIE(R) C7 80, TOWE(R)IER C7 80, COW(R)ITER 4H 76, COWRITE(R) 4H 74, COWRITE(S) 4H 74
WRITE 5E 16 denbay

On 4th draw, ZEPS D10 30 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: L*Z*S D8 30
Other moves: JEEPS B10 28, ZEP D10 28, ZEES D10 26, ZELS D10 26, ZOLS D10 26
PORES L3 14 denbay

On 5th draw, Q(U)IRE 4A 47 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ARE E8 34, ROQ(U)E 4K 34, VE(T)OER C9 33, JIVER B10 30, JIVER(S) B10 30
RIVER L1 18 denbay

On 6th draw, FREIT 6J 35 --- FREIT an omen [n]
Other moves: FRET 6J 32, BEFIT 4K 30, JERBIL B10 30, JIRBLE B10 30, LOFTIER 3G 30
JIBER B10 28 denbay

On 7th draw, GASOLENE 13B 72 --- GASOLENE a liquid fuel [n]
Other moves: JANGLE B10 28, GENOA C9 26, ALEE 11B 23, OLEA 11B 23, GALE 3C 20
GLOAT N2 12 denbay

On 8th draw, AHEM 11B 40 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HAMBA 4K 38, HABU 3C 34, HUMA 3C 34, TH(U)MB B2 34, BAHT 3C 33
NAB H13 15 denbay

On 9th draw, EATERY O1 42 --- EATERY a restaurant [n]
Other moves: TOYER O4 39, YARTO O6 36, JAYGEE B10 34, AYRE O5 33, EYER O5 33
TREY L4 14 denbay

On 10th draw, PEROXO 3C 58 --- PEROXO containing the bivalent group of two oxygens [adj]
Other moves: OXER 3B 45, PIX 14A 39, POX 14A 39, OX 3B 37, PIX I1 37
NIX H13 30 denbay

On 11th draw, TWA 2E 39 --- TWA two [n]
Other tops: FAW 2D 39
Other moves: WAIF N1 36, FAW N2 35, FAW 4K 30, WAID N1 30, AW 2E 29
WIRED L3 18 denbay

On 12th draw, FICO 1G 40 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other tops: FIORD 1G 40, FOCI 1G 40, FROND 1G 40
Other moves: FIDO 1G 37, FIND 1G 37, FOID 1G 37, FOND 1G 37, FORD 1G 37
FIRED L3 18 denbay

On 13th draw, QUADS A4 45 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other tops: KNUB H12 45
Other moves: KAB N2 36, BREAKS L4 34, BREAK L4 32, BASK J11 30, BLANKS 9E 30
QUADS A4 45 denbay

On 14th draw, JAYGEE B10 34 --- JAYGEE a military officer [n]
Other moves: EYED N1 33, YEED N1 30, DYE N1 29, YE B6 29, YEDE 2J 29
YE B6 29 sunshine12
YORES L3 16 denbay

On 15th draw, SKIBOB 14I 50 --- SKIBOB a vehicle used for traveling over snow [n] --- SKIBOB to travel in a sleigh-type vehicle over snow [v]
Other moves: KEBOBS 15A 45, KNOB H12 45, KEBOB 15A 42, KNIT H12 39, KNOT H12 39
KNOB H12 45 denbay
KIT N2 30 sunshine12

On 16th draw, DERM 15A 30 --- DERM a layer of the skin [n]
Other tops: REMIND 15A 30
Other moves: DEMUR 15A 27, DENIM 15A 27, MEND 15A 27, NEUM 15A 27, MID 15M 26
DERM 15A 30 sunshine12
MIRED L3 16 denbay

On 17th draw, NAIAD 15K 34 --- NAIAD a water nymph [n]
Other moves: DAH 13K 31, AHA 13L 30, HAD 15M 30, HAUD N1 30, HID 15M 30
HAD 15M 30 sunshine12
HARED L3 18 denbay

On 18th draw, DOH 13K 35 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: THUD N1 33, HIT B6 32, HOI B6 32, HOT B6 32, HOD 13M 31
HIT B6 32 sunshine12
HINT 3L 14 denbay

On 19th draw, VINT 15F 24 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: VIRENT L3 20, LEHUA C9 17, (U)NLIT B4 17, LIVRE L2 16, LINT 15F 15
VIA 2M 12 denbay
NIT 2J 9 sunshine12

On 20th draw, UNLOVING 8E 64 --- LOVING affectionate [adj] --- UNLOVE to cease to love [v]
Other moves: GI B6 17, LEHUA C9 17, LIGURE L1 16, LIVRE L2 16, VIGA 2L 16
GI B6 17 sunshine12
SLING 8A 7 denbay

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